Messages between robinrescues and dragonsbridge

By robinrescues on Dec 2, 2012 at 6:25 PM

Hi Hun, it's always great to hear from you. :) I just tried (re)sending email to your hotmail again and I didn't get an error yet, so hopefully it'll go through this time. If there's another email to reach you at besides your hotmail, let me know. If you're considering changing webmail providers, have you considered trying gMail? ~ Otherwise, I hope things are well with you. *hugs*

By dragonsbridge on Dec 2, 2012 at 5:18 PM

Ohai!! And thanks for the "heads-up" on my account. My homepage went and changed e-mayos on me. They promised to forward my hotmail, but they lied. And I haven't been able to figure a way around it yet. I sent them a scathing letter *shrug* but I suspect I will be changing providers none the less. I will let you know when I get it all figured out. Love&Blessings ~DB.

By robinrescues on Nov 22, 2012 at 7:12 AM

Hi Hun - I've been trying to reply to your email (@ hotmail), but it keeps bouncing back with an error saying "mailbox unavailable". :( I'll keep trying to send to you there, hopefully it will get through eventually. -- I wish you a wonderful holiday full of blessings, and all the best to you and your family. Much love, MelB

By robinrescues on May 13, 2012 at 5:20 PM

Happy Birthday & Happy Mother's Day! I hope your day is wonderful. *psst* check your email, hun {{{hugs}}}

By robinrescues on Dec 25, 2011 at 7:25 AM

Happy Chrismakkuh! *hugs*

By robinrescues on Dec 23, 2011 at 8:52 PM

Just stopping by with a holiday greeting for you, from all our family to yours. ~ Happy Holidays!

By robinrescues on Dec 20, 2011 at 8:15 PM

Hya Hun, I know you're not around Cheezland much anymore, but I'm thinking of you and hoping things are well with you. I miss you. Sending you much love. *hugs*

By dragonsbridge on Oct 22, 2011 at 6:19 PM

Oh MelB, I'm so sorry i'z quiet so long. My umbrelly haz holes in it Aifinkso! I hope those little woobies you're raising are all sweetness and luvs. You most certainly deserve it. Thank you for all the collectibles- yoo know I appreciate them. *hugs 'till next time!*

By robinrescues on Oct 10, 2011 at 7:56 PM

Hya Sweetie, how are things going with you? I hope your p-b-gone umbrella has helped things get better at your end. Here my health has improved so I am almost back to good, but it seems like it's always something coming up. I guess that's life! :P ~ To keep our mind of the bad things, we have taken in two orphaned kittens. Mom was a pregnant drop off, who was hit by a car shortly after giving birth. Two adorable little orange tabbies are her legacy, and we are raising little Purrito and Cattachino in her absence. and they are so amazingly CUTE! The 4 hour feedings are killing me from lack of sleep, but they are worth it. They just turned 3 weeks old yesterday, the same day my Ears turned 17 years old. ~ Oh, and your welcome for the collectible. and here's another one coming your way too ... this Yarrrrrrrris!! should complete your collection. :) ~ Be happy, be loved. Snuggle the fuzzy ones and kiss the midgets. Until next time, *hugs*

By dragonsbridge on Oct 2, 2011 at 8:04 PM

Ohai Deary! thanks for teh cullectamable. i'z still hiding under our umbrelly wif yoo. But if dis Pi*-er rain ever lets up, I'll write yoo a nice long babble...yes? Good. Take care, Snorgle yer woobies, and {{HUGGS!}}~DB.

By robinrescues on Aug 21, 2011 at 10:15 PM

I *LOVE* it! :D

By dragonsbridge on Aug 21, 2011 at 7:50 PM

This is for you Darlin':)

By robinrescues on Aug 21, 2011 at 5:52 PM

Oh Honey {{{hugs u}}} I so totally understand! ~ I don't understand what happened ... right up until about the start of July, things were average to OK, then *blammo* it's just been one non stop problem after another, and it hasn't let up. Just this week, we had $1330 in Rob's car repairs, our microwave blew up (seriously, as in it was actually sparking!), Rob is home from work with food poisoning AND strep throat, ... and two more disasters I'm not posting in public. *groans* ~ Seriously, I think we need some ... I dunno ... special pee-b-gone umbrellas to guard us from this kind of disaster, lol. :P

By dragonsbridge on Aug 19, 2011 at 12:01 PM

Uh-hah, absolutely being peed-upon. {{hugs}}~DB.

By dragonsbridge on Aug 15, 2011 at 5:24 PM

Ok.. To resume (somehow) my tenuose train of thought...I had to take that end of character(as if!) break to check out Rob's page update on our site. If you were wondering, the soccer player on the left is Rob's son, the one on the right is mine:) Mine just turned 15 last week, Rob's turn 16 in Oct. Dey almost awl growed up!! Ok, back to where I left off. I woke up very early with visions of teh "wrath of bob" having ripped out my flowers, coupled with the glimpse I caught the other day of the crab-grass that has completely filled in the Whole thing since. I couldn't shake it. So I decided that since that garden is firmly on the west in the shadows, I could go out early and not get all sunburnt. (I have managed to keep my lunar glow so far this year.) So out I went, before anyone was even up. And by the time I was finishing at the back of the house, I caught site of ol' bob trying to sneak to his van without me noticing. I must have still been in a kinda dream-state, cause with one earphone pulled out, heavy-metal blaring in the quiet, mud dripping from my gloves...I let him have it all over again, twice.(he tried to make like he didn't hear me 1st tme) He had been on Rob's back about all kinda nonsence for weeks. He's been REAL quiet, and almost neighborly since that. It pleases me. I don't let go on anyone like that normally, and I can count on my fingers the names of people who actively draw my ire. He hovers between one & two depending on that other woman. I should tell you that her nickname is I always give a little hesitation before I type your name in:) And I agree with you, I am really starting to believe that someone in the universe is actively peeing on us. And I am an avid pessimist, but really, something's gotta give. Maybe pessimist isn't quite what I's a sort of dark sense of humor. A need to make fun of my own problems. It runs in my family. We can be deeply disterbing at funerals. Deeply. Ya-know, Merlin actively hides from me now. When it's time for his meds, he goes into hiding. In the backs of closets, on shelves behind towels. He even closes the doors behind him. I've tried to vary his meds too, but its obvious he's always gonna need them. *sigh* Yep. I'm being peed-upon. I know it. At least I've got you guys..and I'm damned glad for it. Well I hope you've enjoyed our trip into my head. No need to write back...I know you'll get to me:) All my love & blessings to You and Yours' {{HUGS}}~DB.

By dragonsbridge on Aug 15, 2011 at 4:30 PM

Ohai MelB, I'm glad you're willing to wait for me:) Sometimes it takes me awhile to come up with something worth babbling about. And I like saving all that writing up for you. You've always been so understanding of my erratic timing. It's too bad they forked your paperwork, that is a huge part of feeling comfortable with the Dr. His staff! At least with Med bills you can pay a little on them over time. And my back aches just thinking about that! The day I spent at the Ren-Faire...the further we walked, the lower to the ground I got...staff and all. Top it off it was blistering hot, humid, sunny (but lots of shade) except when the metal on my sandals started burning into my feet! My Fent, patch slid off, I started that bothersom monthly festival of horror a full week early (and only minimally prepared) trying to mind my dignity (or the shreds that were left of it) in a mini-skirt. Wow. Luckily my assigned guardian actually worships me (I kid you not) and ran off to get whatever I needed and did her best to make my comfortable. And my supremely understanding Hubbie had , days prior, gotten a horrific sunburn kayaking, and the sweat actually blistered up through his not-yet-ready to peel skin, and, well, he called uncle first and wanted to leave. So I didn't feel guilty like I was wrecking his photo-shoot:) When we got back to the hotel, I stacked up pillows and bent myself backwards over them (after warning my roommates that I would be screaming in pain, but pay it no mind.) I think I got another inch shorter that day>:) As much as I'd love to be able to tell you I've gotten anywhere on Jay's picture...alas I cannot. It's in the same corner of my heart that the canvas on my easle rests. It took me seven years to get over losing my house & health, to rebuild my studio, and just as I got comfortable with everything and picked up my brushes..."she" destroyed it. And although Rob has moved his own things to give me space in his studio...the spell was shattered. He's offered to put everything back the way I had it, but that side of the upstairs is naht air-conditioned. And I am sweating in places I'd rather not be reminded of just one room over from the air. Maybe I'll have to start liking winter. It's not like I go outside or anything;) I did go out last week. Early one morning I woke up with the vision of....Stand by for part two -K?

By robinrescues on Aug 14, 2011 at 8:38 PM

Ohai DB, :sighs: It's so nice to read your messages and hear how things are going with you and yours. and it's nice to feel reassured I can read and not feel obligated to reply quickly. You've always been understanding about that, and I appreciate it. *hugs* ~ I had actually started writing a message to you last weekend, telling you that things were getting a little better here. Unfortunately, it didn't last. ~ The good news is I went to the Shelter Medicine Conference at Cornell on Sunday the 8th, and it was very good. The chairs in the lecture hall were padded enough to make an hour long lecture bearable, but sitting in them from 8 AM to 5 PM killed my poor back! I came back from the conference happy, although by evening my back was anything BUT happy with me. Still, I expected that & it was worth it, I learned a lot there. Their behaviorist is always the best lecture, but the feline AIDS and feline leukemia testing updates were also very informative. ~ I'd been hoping to have some time this week to catch up on a few replies, then the whole week went to hell. Now for the bad news. I got the bill for my most recent illness - without any insurance payment. It turns out we may get stuck paying the full amount because some paperwork wasn't filed on time/correctly. I've been pretty panicked and stressed about that. :( So it's been hard to motivate myself to write when all my news is depressing. On top of all that I'm still sick, and now I'll need to find a new doctor as I *really* don't feel comfortable going back to the old one after this mess. I didn't have strong feelings about him one way or the other, he was OK as doctors go - but if his office staff is going to handle paperwork that poorly, I can't deal with it. *sighs* I wish I had a more cheerful update for you, but that's the news at this end. It sounds like you haven't had a lot of good things at your end either, Where did all our good luck go? We must be in for a rain of gold or something if we make it through this mess, huh? ~ Anyway, I'm tiring faster then I'd hoped, so I'll stop now and get this posted. Love and blessings to you and yours *and losta hugs too!* I miss u.

By dragonsbridge on Aug 1, 2011 at 7:18 PM

Ohai Mel!! Are yoo ready to babel? Well, all you have to do is read and enjoy. No need to worry about a lengthy reply:) I'm currently heavily self- medicated for a supra-migrain wif some "women's issues" mixed in just to torment me. Lucky I save up meds for just such a rare occasion. The plus side being...I have alot to write about all of a sudden. So I thought you should benefit from that. I hope I remain entertaining. And how are you doing this week? I know how hard it is to let go of the reins when you just can't muster the strength to do housework and such. But they taught me to ask myself if I don't get the laundry folded today, will it make the world stop turning? And so on. You have a super thoughtful guy in Rob, so try not to fret too much if everything gets a little behind. It's far worse to worry over it than to let it go. You might like to know my youngest still doesn't go anywhere without Jay. Last week he took a trip to Green Bay With Gramma strapped snug in a baby seat with her favorite blankie tucked around him so he'd feel safe. And he still gets kissed goodnight and tucked in. (and she reads to him, and draws him pictures). I am being 100% honest when I say that before this particular plushie(?) -that's nine years, she never did this. With anything! But he has gotten her through some tough times...That "other woman" leaving, but continuing to insist she should still be "mom" (NO!) The Wrath of Bob (numerous times). Friends moving away for the summer...all those childhood things. It's all pretty sweet though. I still havent been able to face my garden since it's destruction. I'm having the same issue with my paints. Rob's got everything set-up for me in the office where it's air-conditioned, but I go in there and stare at it...and it's not the right space, or energy or something. It's like the painting I had started when my room was...emptied, lost some kind of magik. I can still see in my mind what I want to do, but when I get in there It's all wrong. Hopefully, come fall, we'll move things back- reconsecrate the room somehow. This year is also one that all the bulbs need to come up and be separated, fertilized and replanted. Then I can dig up the purple ones bob mows down each year and move them, as well as the early ones in the front yard (they come up before you have to mow so there's the look of wild flowers in spring..he mows them too. Well I'm at my char. lmt. so I bid Thee adue...Love & Blessings~DB.

By robinrescues on Jul 24, 2011 at 11:22 AM

:nods: so much has happened in such a short time, that I just feel really overwhelmed by it all. stop the world please, I need a break! and I'm still feeling so tired all the time, it's just awful. I'm afraid to look at my 'to do' list, even with Rob helping with the housework I feel like I'll never catch up on everything. :( ~ You're welcome for the beach ball, and I'm glad to see you got your LOLrus :) ~ Blessings to you and your family *hugs*

By dragonsbridge on Jul 20, 2011 at 7:17 PM

Oh Deary! I've missed our chats too, but I've not been very active either. i'm miles behind with my messages too. I'm so sorry to hear you feel so cwappy! Honestly, I hope teh universe lets up on us. I'll let Charmer know yoo miss her too. Thanks for the beachball, I think they're going to bring the lolrus stuff back around at some point. I've got plenty of tacos- but thankyou. ICHC sites still crash me, so I'm hit or miss with them, but doin' ok overall...lotta Cheezfrenz been helping me out. This is a good place, aifinkso. Great big {{HUGS}} to you & all yoo love. We'll feel better and talk more. Yes. miss you too

By robinrescues on Jul 20, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Ohai DB, Oh how I've missed out chats! I'm sorry I am so behind in answering my messages. I just got home from the hospital yesterday and I am feeling like cwap. I've been thinking of you, and missing my cheezfriends. I will catch up on messages as I am able. ~ I saw you need a Beach Ball, so I'm sending one over. Sorry I don't have an extra LOLrus to gift you. The only pal I know with extras of that one is braistorms, if you're pals with him you might try asking him for one. I know he collects Tacos, and I can give you an extra Taco to trade for it if you need it. :) ~ Could you please do me a favor and let NCcharmer know I'm not ignoring her, I'll write when I can and I miss her too? Thax hun. ~ Hope all is well with you and your family, hooman and furree alike. *hugz* miss u

By robinrescues on Jul 20, 2011 at 3:10 PM

Ohai DB, Oh how I've missed out chats! I'm sorry I am so behind in answering my messages. I just got home from the hospital yesterday and I am feeling like cwap. I've been thinking of you, and missing my cheezfriends. I will catch up on messages as I am able. ~ I saw you need a Beach Ball, so I'm sending one over. Sorry I don't have an extra LOLrus to gift you. The only pal I know with extras of that one is braistorms, if you're pals with him you might try asking him for one. I know he collects Tacos, and I can give you an extra Taco to trade for it if you need it. :) ~ Could you please do me a favor and let NCcharmer know I'm not ignoring her, I'll write when I can and I miss her too? Thax hun. ~ Hope all is well with you and your family, hooman and furree alike. *hugz* miss u

By dragonsbridge on Jul 11, 2011 at 11:45 AM

And somehow I also managed to stay fairly colorless (x-ception for tattoos). But my woobies are angry. very angry. They barely ate or drank while we were gone. I'll have to arrange for a sitter next time:). Forgot to tell you, Midget #2 fell off a horse thurs. and borked her rt arm just below the shoulder. Rob took her to her appt. wiff teh bone dr (not back yet) so we'll find out just how borked it is today:( But she's been handling it well so far, and little-sis is a fairly willing slave. // I'm so glad your birfday flower bloomed for you- that gave me a big happee. But I don't think the site uploaded's not in your pics. But I can see it in my mind, and if you knew how I paint, then you would know how beautiful it is in my mind:) I had a rather unexpected blooming here when we got home-I had to run back out with my camera and capture them! I presume you know what "hen and chicks" are? I have two colonies in my rock garden, and they sent up multiple stalks about 7in tall, capped with a bunch of flowers- like dessert cactus. Kewl, I've never seen one bloom before, and they're a popular garden thing here. Well I be takin a break for now. Love & Blessings~DB.

By dragonsbridge on Jul 11, 2011 at 11:28 AM

G'mornin MelB!! This weekend was incredible! This was my first vay-kay in 5yrs. I don't know if I mentioned it to you, but we want to the Bristol Ren-Faire's opening weekend. I missed that place sooo much. That, is my absolute happiest place, ever. I have, and will be paying for that for many days, as will Rob. Since I had Hippiejag with to look after me, Rob was free to roam around with his camera, talk to the people he knows and hang around with the knights and other actors. (we've been going a long time...well, not me. I got it started, then got too sick and lost my confidence.) Anyway, the sun cooked us. Rob was already burned from kayaking a few days before. So standing out to cover the jousts, He started to boil-houndreds of blisters. He and Hippy kept in contact with their phone-texting.We were mostly keeping to the shade of the giant old trees all around(it's at least a hundred acres), and there were alot of benches so I could rest when I needed to. I was starting to think I was going to need to leave, and I didn't want to. I didn't want to be the one that cut Rob's chances for photos either, but he cried uncle first. We got a text that said he needed out of the sun, so we picked a spot to meet and went to our motel. He is sooo burned, he has to stay inside for like a week now-like it or not. And he does naht. He's going down two more times this summer, so not getting alot of pics isn't so bad. (They're one of our biggest clients). Next Fri, midget#2 has an appt. at Milw. Children's Hosp, so the midgets will all go then. I don't think I'll be recovered by then. Maybe the last trip will be the magik number:) I'm hopin' my bff from hs and her family (hubby, 2 midgets) will be able to go to that one too. It's the most fun to bring someone new there. To watch a fairly jaded adult break into an uncontrolable grin, and then giggle every time someone dressed up goes priceless. It doubles my own enjoyment. I guess that day makes up for alot of the negativity that seems to be following me... Regarding the sun, I should mention that I havent been in it in years. I am also one of those luminous redheads (moontanned). So me in the sun is like putting a fork in the microwave. Yet somehow, although I felt like I was highly flammable, I didn't get burned at all(knock wood)!! (end pt 1)

By robinrescues on Jul 10, 2011 at 10:34 AM

Ohai DB, how are you? I hope that your weekend is going well. ~ I just uploaded a pic of my birthday flower so you could see it. I don't know how to link to it directly, but it's the first pic in my photos ~ ~ The flower itself is actually almost yellow at the base of the flower bloom and the tips of where the lily curls are a pale pink. It's really pretty! In the photo it just looks all white though :( It looks kinda wobbly being held up by the stick, but I still love it. :)

By dragonsbridge on Jul 7, 2011 at 8:55 PM

Sometimes bulbs will send up more than one flower, or maybe it's a leaf? I think it bloomed just for you:)) You deserve alot of happee...I danse wif you!!! Just talked wif Rob, he said definately yer bulbs will come up next year, maybe a few will get confoosed and come up in teh fall. And if yoo wants to make them really happee feed them worm castings and bat guano:)) I'm soo glad you sound like you had a pretty good day. I hope now they all just keep getting better. Luv & Blessings~DB.

By robinrescues on Jul 7, 2011 at 8:27 PM

Aw, thank you so much hun *hugz* It was a very nice birthday. ~ and I have great news to share .... I HAVE A CALLA LILY! Just one, but it's there! remember I told you I had one little shoot coming up? I woke up this morning to find that it had bloomed! it's now starting to look like a real calla lily. it was a little weak though, so Rob went out and tied it up with a stick to help support it. and there is another tiny shoot coming up beside it ... but the puzzling thing is, that's not where the other bulb was planted. Still, I'm so happy I'll just run with it and smile. My flowers ... erm, flower ... finally came up! *happy dance*

By dragonsbridge on Jul 7, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Happee, happee birfday to yoo, to yoo! Happee happee birfday TO yoo, to YOO!! I hope anyway dat we chase teh sads away for alittle while, aifinkso! Biggee-HUGS~DB

By dragonsbridge on Jul 5, 2011 at 8:47 PM

Ok MelB, I got'em! I even figured out where they went when I saved them:), which is a first. You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff that I've downloaded and promptly lost. Wait, maybe you would*lol*! Just give me a little while for something to speak to me, and I'll see what we can do. He IS gorgeous by the way. Please don't take what your bulbs did personally. Most of them will do that...and I found that out on my own, standing over empty-looking planters wondering where I went wrong. Only to have a butt-load of stuff come up the next year that I wasn't expecting 'cause I had given up on them. Right now they are in yer soils, soaking up yer nutrients an' such, sendin out roots fer teh next year:) Moss roses and violas are pretty little continuos blooming happee plants, in all sorts of colors, that can and sometimes do reseed themselves for the next year and come back. But they are considered cheap annuals:) Columbines will do that too. So try to remember what the leaves look like for next spring's first weedings...yoo might have a suprise. All of mine were sacraficed during the "wrath of bob". (I love that term!!) Speaking of which, my nettles arrived today Muahahahahaha! Now I shall sow the seeds of justice! Patiently. If you get to working in your garden, I think it will go a long way towards healing your heart. You can use working with the life-giving soil to imbue the spirits of Jay and Tigger, and anyone else. Thinking of them while you're gardening can produce magikal effects. Not to mention it just feels good. I sorta wish we lived closer, so I could come over and give you a real hug...and maybe take a better look at the garden. *thought* This fall you could dig up a couple of bulbs to check on them- make sure they haven't shriveled up, you could even do that now for curiositie's sake. It might make you feel better to know for sure. Well Hon, there's a permanent place for you in my heart. I wish you all the happiness. Love & Blessings~DB.

By robinrescues on Jul 5, 2011 at 5:45 PM

Ohai DB, I sent you an email with a zip file of Jay's photos. Please let me know when you get it, and if it unzips for you OK. ~ I do hope that you are right about my flowers. That maybe I just planted too late and they won't come up this year. The one calla lilly looks like it's really trying, but everything else I planted hasn't shown any signs of life. :( I will look into the moss roses and violas. I also think I'm going to need something to fill the barrel planter that was supposed to house the lily of the valley flowers that never came up either. *sighs* ~ Here it's not easy, but I'm getting through it day by day. I miss my little guy, but it's becoming more of a sad smile and less torrential tears. and with friends like you, I can always find some happiness. *hugs* I hope your holiday weekend was a good one. Take care.