Messages between robinrescues and smokyzmom

By robinrescues on Mar 3, 2012 at 3:32 PM

Lee, I'm sorry to hear your health issues are giving you problems. You take it easy and work on getting back to good. I hope all is going well with your feline family, and that things are more peaceful between them now. Hug your kitties, and know we are all thinking of you. *hugs* take care!

By smokyzmom on Mar 1, 2012 at 11:24 AM

Robin, Thanks so much, I'm with you on the 'real life issues' and have been off work on medical for awhile. Don't even have the strength to stay-online very long but had to say thanks to one of my first cheezbuds. Gosh time flies, take ccare, keep healthy and hug the sweet ones.Smokyzmom

By robinrescues on Feb 29, 2012 at 11:52 AM

Happy Birthday Lee! I'm thinking of you today, and wishing you a special birthday full of happy surprises. *hugs*

By robinrescues on Dec 23, 2011 at 9:01 PM

Just stopping by with a holiday greeting for you, from all our family to yours. ~ ~ Happy Holidays!

By robinrescues on Jun 27, 2011 at 10:24 PM

Ohai Lee, Aw thanks, I'm glad you like my avatar of Jay. After he crossed over, I re-made it so the photo was a little more close up, and changed the font too. ~ I'm sorry to hear work has been tough for you. I hope your stress at work is easing up, and that you are feeling better soon. I hope Murray is giving you lots of snuggles, and that Smoky is learning to tolerate his company. Take care!

By robinrescues on Jun 27, 2011 at 10:23 PM

Jay's Memorial: On Thursday June 23rd, my dear friend Jay crossed the Rainbow Bridge. This is a remembrance of his life ... Many years ago, Deb and Linda, two sisters with a love of cats, decided to start Kitty Corner Cat Rescue. One of the first cats they rescued was a feral tortoiseshell they named Liberty, and her newborn litter of kittens that she had in the storm drain of the school where Deb worked. Liberty took good care of her kittens but was to feral to live with people, so she was eventually spayed and returned outside. Her kitten 'Rescue' was adopted by a little girl, who renamed him 'Mayo'. Almost 12 years passed, and Kitty Corner received a call from the now teenage girl, who wished to return him as she "didn't have time for him anymore". In accordance with their open door return policy, he was accepted back unquestioningly. They renamed him Jay. Despite that declawing is against the terms & conditions of the adoption contract, on his retesting and exam it was noted that he had been declawed in his front paws. He was placed in the Sun room, a cat room for senior cats and mellow personalities. He promptly hid under the wicker chair. ~ This is where I met him. At first he was just a huge pair of luminous eyes peering back at me. I would lay on the floor and talk to him, and he peered back at me quietly. After a few weeks he came out from under the chair, and we would sit together. We became good friends, and soon Jay came home with me. Days he would sit on my desk and keep me company, nights he slept on my pillow above my head. Over time, age and illnesses caught up with him. He became less surefooted, so he stopped coming up onto my desk and instead would sit beside it. Through chronic kidney failure, URI's, cataracts, corneal rupture and a nasal/brain tumor we tried to give him the best quality of life we could, until there was no doubt it was time for him to leave us. Jay's euthanasia was quick and peaceful, almost as if he welcomed it. While I have cried to miss the presence of my dear friend in my life, I almost find myself wondering if he stayed here long enough to help me accept and understand that it was his time. We had 3 great years together, and I will always look back on that with love and joy. Jay, remember me with smiles and love - and I will surely do the same for you. Namaste.

By smokyzmom on Jun 18, 2011 at 7:42 AM

Hai Robin!! I LOVE the new pic, sorry about the goings-on in the health category, I have been so depressed since it seems all I can do at work is wait for my bosses right-hand gal to come back to the clinic before we get any relief from the stress. The "support" person is useless, and actually making things worse, but by next month, hopefully, it will get better. I've been so stressed my health , mostly walking has gone down hill and I had a "spell" last weds and ended up in the ER all day. They checked me for everything but the kitchen sink, epilepsy, seizures, ect...didn't find anything though. Warm hugs to you and yours, miss you when I don't get on in long time. have a great w/e. Lee

By robinrescues on Jun 8, 2011 at 5:25 PM

Hi Lee, I'm glad to hear Murray has stopped marking. I hope things are better now. Robin

By smokyzmom on May 30, 2011 at 7:06 AM

Mel, I am listing all the things I did that you suggested and how they turned out, also I'm doing some of the things you suggested but I didn't get to do earlier,it's hard to remember the timeing too. The spray Feliway my daughter used upstairs and she didn't respond to it well(allergies maybe?) but he didn't spray in those rooms for awile, so maybe...We use an enzyme product called Natures Miricle,he was at the house for about a month or two when he started. He spends most of his time upstairs with her and her cat. It was when she would block off the wall areas he's spray that he started peeing in the middle of the carpet, but the good news is he hasn't peed in the carpet for the last few days, maybe the Feliway lingered...We never take him upstairs when Smoky hisses at him I just tell her "no" and go about our business of play or whatever.. I hope it stays quiet and he has stopped peeing now. Keep your fingers crossed, thanks for all the help, I feel the Feliway helped but I'm unsure what to do since my daughter doesn't like it?? Thanks bunches*hugs too* Lee

By robinrescues on May 29, 2011 at 9:36 PM

Ohai Lee! I haven't heard from you in a bit, and I just wanted you to know that I'd still like to try and help you with the problems between Murray and Smoky, but I'm waiting for you to get back to me with more info. ~ It would help to know if you are using Feliway, and are you using the spray or the diffusers, and if Murray is spraying in the rooms where Feliway is being used. Also, are you cleaning up the urine with an enzymatic cleaner or just general cleaning products? How long was he at your home before he first sprayed? When your daughter kept blocking the areas where he would spray with 'items', is that when he went to sitting down and peeing on the carpet - or was it happening before that? ~ Have a good weekend, and get back to me with more info when you can.

By robinrescues on May 22, 2011 at 1:25 PM

Hi Lee. I'm at an Adopt A Thon right now on a pal's laptop, and I literally have like two minutes, so before I go writing a long post of more suggestions, I need to know what suggestions of mine you have tried already, and what happened when they failed. Things like how Murray and Smoky behaved when you had them together downstairs and let them work it out and didn't interfere, etc. Please describe what happened, it'll help me try to understand them. -- Clarifying: where is Murray living? is he a permanent upstairs cat, or is he allowed downstairs? if so, on what terms can he go downstairs and when do you put him back upstairs? or does he have a cat door and can he come and go as he pleases? ~ More later when I have more time and more info. hang in there.

By smokyzmom on May 22, 2011 at 9:58 AM

Hi Mel, new problem with Bill Murray, I'm hoping you have some suggestions because this can't go on. My daughter tells me he use to "mark his territory" by spritzing a few drops of piddle on the walls a few weeks ago and she would place an item in the way to discourage him, now she says she's finding large areas of wet spots in the carpet 2-3 times a day for the last few days, and she's been cleaning it up. I'm frustrated because the only reason she told me is she wanted a steam cleaner for the carpet but I can't accept the idea of my main floor rug turning into a giant litter box....any suggestions? You know what I'm thinking so I won't say the awful "R" word, he's part of the family, I feel, even if he's become my daughter's cats buddy mostly since I saw him "mark" a spot downstairs in front of us awhile back...and I stopped letting him down stairs, I didn't know what was going on upstairs since she told me yesterday.... Halp me, Any, any suggestions would always be appreciated, Lee

By robinrescues on May 20, 2011 at 7:44 PM

Ohai Lee! Sorry to hear there hasn't been much improvement between your two cats, but it sounds like you've reached a happy medium with their truce. ~ Take some time off and enjoy the LOLz! Have a good weekend. MelB

By smokyzmom on May 20, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Hai MelB!! It's been so long, 3rd post and i'm about to pass out, but I wanted to tell you how much it means to me to get posts like the one you left me, they just make my heart swell up, it makes me wonder why I don'tlog on every day, it makes me feel so happy, thank you, thank you, so very much. Please have a wonderful w/e too, I'm gonna try and do SOMETHING this w/e, I haven't done anything in so long as I've been so wiped out. Smokeys still the same and Bill Murray just avoids her, but he has my daughters cat as a buddy upstairs, so he's not too neglected.. *Hugz right back at 'cha* Lee

By robinrescues on May 20, 2011 at 9:51 AM

Ohai Lee! I'm just popping in to say hi, and let you know you are in my thoughts. I hope all is well with you, and that Murray and Smoky have worked out a truce so you can be happy with them both in your life. *hugz* Take care, dear friend. MelB

By robinrescues on May 8, 2011 at 4:06 PM

Ohai Lee! I found an article by the ASPCA on 'Cat-to-Cat Introductions', and I wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it can give you some ideas on how better to get Smoky and Murray to a truce ~ ~ I hope you are having a good Mother's Day! Take care, Robin

By robinrescues on May 7, 2011 at 8:09 PM

Happy Mother's Day Lee! I hope Murray and Smoky have made some progress toward resolving the kitty issues and that your home is a bit more peaceful now. Have a great day! *hugs* Robin

By robinrescues on Apr 27, 2011 at 10:05 PM

PS: Try to remember that you DO still have a snuggle kitty. Murray wants very much to be your snuggle kitty. Smoky doesn't want to be a snuggle kitty, but doesn't want you to have one either. Work on getting past her jealousy, & good luck!

By robinrescues on Apr 27, 2011 at 10:01 PM

Ohai Lee! It sounds like work has been keeping your stressed out - erm, I mean busy ;) I hope that once the move is completed things will settle down a bit and give your more time and attention to turn the projects you manage, so that your ulcers are feeling better. ~ About Murray ... It sounds like Murray was trying really hard to get along with Smoky, and she just was having none of it. Has Smoky ever been scolded for her bad manners to Murray? or does Murray get removed from her presence when she gets hissy? If every time Smoky throws a hissy fit and your remove Murray, then you're training Smoky to hiss & growl when she wants to get her way. (namely, to make Murray be gone) ~ The fact that you took Murray downstairs to spend time alone with him without Smoky showed Murray you do care about him and like him, and Murray seems to feel the same way about you. It seems to me like Murray would probably prefer to have the freedom to go between the upstairs and downstairs as he pleases. He's got a playmate upstairs and you downstairs. When you brought Murray downstairs and Smoky started growling and hissing again, it sounds like Murray's patience finally snapped. Murray spraying the wall was his way of saying to Smoky "Look Lady, I've tried being nice to you over and over again, but now I'm done. You need to realize that I'm here to stay. Like me or not, ignore me or not, but you better get used to me." The fact that Murray peed in front of you tells me that Murray feels that you want him downstairs with you, and Murray probably assumed you would approve of what he was telling Smoky. Unfortunately, humans don't always appreciate the way male cats communicate about territorial issues (*pee-u!*) ~

By robinrescues on Apr 27, 2011 at 10:01 PM

PART 2: As for what I would do about it, I might handle this differently then you may feel comfortable with. If there has never been a physical fight between Murray and Smoky, and there's just glaring and hissing between them, I would consider just letting Murray stay in the basement with you and Smoky until he wants to leave. If Smoky is just hissing, I personally would let the two of them work it out between each other. It's been my experience in introducing cats into a established household that there will be hissing and posturing, but if you break it up then chances are likely that unless you separate the cats every time you leave that what happens when you finally do go away the resulting dominance challenge will be worse. Now, if the two of them are actually physically fighting (and I don't mean a few swats or a rollover tussle, I mean a drawing blood kind of fight) I would consider feeding Smoky only on a towel covered in Murray's scent. She really needs to get used to him (and his smell) being part of "her domain". (which actually was what he was trying to tell her when he sprayed) After awhile I would work toward supervised feeding together, then a gradual re-introduction. ~ Google online for introducing cats to each other. Read the cat behaviorist books I recommended earlier. and if you have a vet school near you, you can also see if they have animal behaviorists available for consult. ~ Best of luck and let me know how it turns out. *hugz* Robin

By smokyzmom on Apr 26, 2011 at 7:30 PM

Hai Robin, thanks for the good thoughts, I definitely need them now, haven't even been online for weeks, work is really picked up and it's turned into a circus because my boss lost his right hand girl to maternity leave, we're changing physical locations in the hospital and there was no plan to take care of the, long story short, my ulcers are acting up and I'm struggling to get familiar with all 4 new projects we started, at once. I'm getting confused on which one needs what, they're all very similar...but I really like my boss, he's really nice, and although he drives me bonkers by his lax attitude, he really only has two priorities, first, to get experimental treatments to end-stage pts who have no other options, and second, to keep them safe while he's treating them, anything else, he thinks is just annoying(arrrgh).......anyways....I have a question about Bil Murray, Smoky is still being a witch, hissing at him when he comes downstairs, growling when he gets too close and has the actual gall to LOOK at her, but the other day he came downstairs and he hissed at him as usual, and he walked up to the wall and peed on it!!In front of everyone, didn't even try to hide it!! So now he can't come downstairs unless he's supervised, which is hard because he doesn't like to sit with us in my bedroom, he has to go outside and wander the basement and see whats up....What should I do about it? I luuuuuuv my big handsome boy, he's great,except for that, and at this point I'm feeling like getting rid of my little witch, Smoky(I'd never really get rid of her, just frustrated that she's so anti-social) My daughters cat has made friends with Bill Murray, they play together upstairs, so thats good, but I did get him so I could have a snuggle kitty, but I don't now...any suggestions? Thanks, Happy Easter, spring, ect...all the things I've missed since work started getting crazy. Hugs, Lee

By robinrescues on Apr 26, 2011 at 5:53 PM

Ohai Lee, I know you've been really busy but I'm just stopping by to let you know you're in my thoughts and I hope all is going well with you. Have a great week, *hugs* Robin

By robinrescues on Apr 24, 2011 at 9:50 AM

Ohai Lee! I'm just stopping by to say hi. I hope that all is well with you. Here things are going along, and Belle and Pepper are becoming more at home. I hope that Murray has made some progress winning over Smokey. I wish you a Happy Easter. Take care, MelB

By robinrescues on Mar 28, 2011 at 6:48 PM

Ohai Lee! Murray is a handsome boy! He looks a bit like my Collin, though Collin has less white. It's good to hear he has managed to win over your daughter's cat, hopefully he will make some progress with Smoky. Glad to hear you got some cuddle time with your lovey-man. Stay warm and take care, Robin

By smokyzmom on Mar 28, 2011 at 12:05 AM

Oh Mel, the way you handle feeding time at your house, you could handle my projects standing on your ear!! Wow, it's a real labor of love....yes, thats my big furry boy in my new pictres, a real luv-bug. He landers around the house, up and down, he's got free reighn, looking for a hand to pet him. He;s getting along with my daughters cat, mostly, but still no go from Smokey. *Sigh* I can only hope and keep my fingers crossed because my daughter took Smoky upstairs, which was a bundle of hissing growling spitting cat in her robe, and I got to spend a good two hours with Bill Murray curled up on my lap purring up a storm while I petted him. It was bliss, and why I got him. I'll keep trying. It's cold here too, hope it warms up...brrr. *Hugs* Lee

By robinrescues on Mar 27, 2011 at 4:48 PM

Ohai Lee! It's cold here too, we got snow again. *shivers* and now that's it's been warm but got cold again, I seem to feel more chilled even in the house. I guess spring's still waiting to come to us. ~ Murray sounds like such a sweetie, is that him in your avatar photo? Has he become friends with your daughter's cat yet? Any progress between him and Smokey? ~ Yes, feeding time at our house is a bit crazy because of the prescription diets and medications. It takes about a half-hour to 45 minutes, twice a day. First Jay and Pepper need to go in the master bedroom, then Ears goes in the bathroom, then Collin goes in the laundry room. Tomato, Holly and Belle eat in the kitchen. Jay and Pepper get k/d wet and dry prescription kidney food, and Jay alternates his wet food with Fancy Feast Classic as he's so fussy and so hard to get eating. Jay also gets pred transdermal in his ear every morning, and liquid kidney medication added to his food. Pepper is good about eating only from his bowl and not Jay's, though it wouldn't hurt him if he ate some of Jay's kidney medication. Pepper can come out into the main area when he's done (usually 10-15 minutes), but Jay stays in picks over his food for an hour or two. Ears gets pred and methimazole (hyperthyroid) pills in his e/n gastro-intestinal prescription food. Ears inhales his food in seconds, which is good because we don't have to worry about pilling him. However, Ears has to stay in the bathroom until everyone in the main area is done eating or he would try to eat all the food there. Ears also gets a B12 shot one a week on Fridays. Collin is eating Friskies canned, like the 3 in the kitchen, except he is now being fed separate from them in an attempt to keep him from eating their food and gaining more weight. Collin comes out when the kitchen food is 80% eaten. Tomato, Holly and Belle eat Friskies canned. So that's feeding time at our house :D it's pretty crazy at times.

By robinrescues on Mar 27, 2011 at 4:48 PM

PART 2: You're welcome for the scratched sofa, glad I could share something back with you. ~ :nods: I also wish there was more we could do to send our friends here something special, like on their birthdays or holidays. Livejournal had a "virtual gift" system, that was nice because you could gift things like paid memberships to your pals. Here there's just collectibles to share - which are nice too, but to really gift you need to have an extra of something they don't already have so it gets limiting to try and surprise your friends. and some friends don't collect them at all, or they collect only ICHC collectibles and don't want the memebase collectibles so it's harder to try and surprise your pals with something they really want. *sighs* I wish there was an easier way to just "gift" things to your friends here, things they would really like. ~ Keep warm, and sprinkle some catnip around for your furry pals. Take care! *hugz* MelB

By smokyzmom on Mar 26, 2011 at 1:06 AM

Hai MelB, thanks for all the wonderful advice, things have picked up at work Friday, so much so that I'm exhausted after only one day! But happy though, that I'm getting my projects going. Bill Murray is just such a doll, he comes downstairs every morning(after meowing my daughter to open the basement door for him, to say "Good Morning everyone! It's ME, Bill Murray!!!!! and we all make a big fuss over him, (like he doesn't do this every morning!) and pet him and praise him and generally snuggle him to pieces, which he loves. Thanks so much for the scratched sofa, Its my first one of the new set. I haven't been online in a few days. I'll watch the growling from Smoky thanks for that tip, but Murray stays away from her and doesn't even try to make friends any more, he just gives her a wide berth. It got so cold here the last few days, bbbrrrrr, come on spring!! *Warm fuzzies* Lee

By robinrescues on Mar 23, 2011 at 12:09 PM

Ohai Lee! Glaring is normal. Hissing is defensive, not aggressive - so I wouldn't worry about that, It's a normal part of the adjustment period. Growling can lean toward being aggressive though, so I would watch their interactions together if there is actual growling. I wouldn't worry too much if Murray's intent on making friends. Belle's plan seems to be that she just headbutted every kitty here until they stopped swatting her and started headbutting back, so she's doing better then I had hoped she would at making friends. Holly still isn't accepting of her, but I think that will take time. Good luck and keep me posted! ~ Robin

By smokyzmom on Mar 23, 2011 at 4:22 AM

MelB, Thanks so much for the tips, I'll try them. At this point, Smokey treats Bill Murray just like my daughters cat, glare at him quietly if hes in the room but growls and hisses if he gets too close. He seems intent on winning her over, so I hope he drops that idea, fast!! Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'll try them and tell you how it goes. Lee