Messages between robinrescues and svseashells

By svseashells on Jan 12, 2012 at 2:48 AM

Here's the Cat Facts I've been working on. & :) Barb

By svseashells on Jan 12, 2012 at 2:28 AM

Oh, so glad some of the kittehs are getting forever homes. Just wish they could all get good homes - and spay/neuter was mandatory for all pets to cut down on unwanted pets. Of course, I know a few people I'd like to see neutered too (snerks). I certainly hope this new year brings you lots of happiness. The past year wasn't kind to you in many ways. Fingers crossed for many more adoptions. Barb

By svseashells on Jan 1, 2012 at 6:54 PM

Happy New Year!

By svseashells on Dec 27, 2011 at 1:56 AM

Hi MelB, Thanks, I'm glad you liked the cheez-card. Such a cute kitteh. Luv the comment you left on one of my lolz :-). I'd have lots of noisy parties if Officer Abs would come knocking at my door! Too bad most cops don't look like that, more like abs of donut dough. Hoping Santa Paws comes around again after the Christmas excitement and gives lots of kittehs and goggies their forever homes. Sure glad our animal shelter is no kill and spays/neuters all pets before adopting them out. I hope you are feeling much better now and 2012 will be wonderful for you and hubby. You both deserve it! Barb

By svseashells on Dec 24, 2011 at 12:11 AM

aww, dats bootiful. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too.

By svseashells on Nov 24, 2011 at 12:50 AM

Thank you, sent you one in return. Happy Thanksgiving to you and hubby!

By svseashells on Nov 10, 2011 at 12:46 AM

Hi Robin, thanks for the Yaris collectible. As soon as I have an extra you need, I'll send it your way. ;)

By svseashells on Aug 25, 2011 at 5:33 PM

Hi Robin, hope you are feeling a bit better each day. I don't know where in NY you are, so wanted to say stay safe and good luck if you are in Irene's path. Sounds like she's going to be a nasty one. No need to reply, I know being on the computer is difficult for you.

By svseashells on Aug 9, 2011 at 2:34 AM

Hi Mel, so glad to hear you are on the mend. You have had to deal with so much lately, I hope things will settle down soon. I had the dye injection for an MRI and that is a horrible pain. They couldn't get the dye in the right part of my shoulder, so kept trying until they got it right. I was in tears by the time they finished. My results were as helpful as yours, couldn't see a darn thing. Ended up with rotator cuff surgery anyway. Good thing, it was a mess inside. Keep those kittehs close so they can purr away the pain. Take care of yourself.

By svseashells on Jul 26, 2011 at 2:34 AM

Hi Robin, just checking in to see how you are doing and to say hi. Getting much better I hope.

By svseashells on Jul 21, 2011 at 3:44 AM

Oh, no, I am sorry you have been sick. Hopefully you will be feeling better soon and back to cheezburger enjoying the lolz. No hurry getting back to me, just take care of yourself. Sending warm fuzzy thought to get you better.

By svseashells on Jul 15, 2011 at 2:02 AM

Thanks for the hipster cat. All my sets are completed once again thanks to my wonderful friends. With summer finally here, I am not spending much time on ICHC. Just here long enough to earn my collectibles and answer a few messages each day. When the weather turns nasty, I will be around more. Happy weekend

By svseashells on Jul 7, 2011 at 2:23 AM

Happy Birthday Robin!!! Enjoy your day.

By svseashells on Jul 6, 2011 at 2:20 AM

Hi Mel, so why did you need a CT scan? Hopefully nothing serious. I had one of those and the dye shots I got were definitely painful - all zillion of them, they couldn't find the right spot. Ended up being a waste of time, still couldn't find the tear in my shoulder, so just had the surgery done on my shoulder. Yes, I had a nice weekend. Went to visit family for a few days, but it was nice to get home again. Each day the pain of losing Jay will lessen just a teeny, tiny bit. Remember the good times and snuggle with the other kittehs ( and Rob too!). Lots of hugs, svs

By svseashells on Jun 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM

I know you miss Jay so much. Keep close to your heart all the wonderful memories and get lots of furry luvz from your other kittehs. Number One in the caregiver's manual - Take care of yourself or you won't be able to take care of others. Taking time for yourself to heal will allow you to help many more kittehs in the future. Yes, there are some right now who need help, but there will never be a shortage of babes in need. You will help all you can when the time is right, just not now. Thank you for sharing Jay's story and the beginnings of Kitty Corner Cat Rescue. Thank you for the animal bomb.

By svseashells on Jun 24, 2011 at 2:46 AM

{{{Robin}}} Thinking of you. I am so sorry about Jay....

By svseashells on Jun 22, 2011 at 2:10 AM

I am so sorry. I was hoping Jay would have more time here before going over Rainbow Bridge. You have such a good heart and will be with him right to the end holding his paw. My heart breaks for you, Rob, and Jay. You gave Jay so much in his short time with you. Be proud of that. Please take the time to heal before considering another pet in need. You have given so much of yourself, but you need some time before taking on another challenge. Take care and my thoughts are with you.

By svseashells on Jun 16, 2011 at 3:18 AM

Hi Robin, I am glad Jay is improving and hope he has many more good days. Yup, all that discharge can be really nasty, but better to get rid of it and not store it up. Jay survived this latest surgery, so it shows how much a fighter he is. He looks like such a big boy in your picture, so less than 4 pounds means he is skin must be hanging off of him. Poor baby. Give him whatever yummies he will eat and keep him happy. I understand the up and down emotions and am here for you when you need to talk. Having been through so much myself, I know how important support from friends can be. Even if it is just a kind word and a willing ear. A friends cat was just diagnosed with diabetes, so I am offering support to her too. Hearing of all the pet health issues just reminds me I am no where near ready to try again, but I sure can help when needed. Well, Happy Birthday to Belle. (((Jay & Robin)))

By svseashells on Jun 15, 2011 at 1:47 AM

Hi Mel, thanks for the collectible. Keeping Jay in my thoughts and sending healing light beams.

By svseashells on Jun 13, 2011 at 2:12 AM

Oh no, Mel, I am so sorry Jay is not doing well. I've got my fingers crossed and sending Jay good thoughts that the new meds will clear up the infection fast and that the infection is what is causing the tumor. Give him hugs and head scratches from me. I do feel your pain. Feel free to talk to me anytime. And let me know how Jay is progressing.

By svseashells on Jun 7, 2011 at 12:55 AM

Since Jay has made some progress, will the vet wait a while before deciding on surgery? Maybe he is just slow healing and needs a little extra time. At least he is moving around much better than before. If it does turn out that he loses his eye, he will get around just fine. My Bully was blind and he still walked around my house, my parents' house, and even went outside in a fenced in yard with no problem. The only catch to the outside was there was a pond and we had to watch to make sure he didn't go for an unexpected splash. That would have hurt his self-confidence in getting around. Weather here is strange too. It was in the 80's over the weekend, then cooled off today. There was even a tornado warning today in the next county. That was scary since it got so horribly windy here too. Fortunately, it blew itself out without any damage. Keeping Jay in my thoughts.

By svseashells on Jun 6, 2011 at 1:16 AM

Hi Mel, just wanted to send a quick note to find out how Jay is doing? I've been thinking about him and sending him good thoughts to help heal his eye. Let me know when you get a moment.

By svseashells on May 31, 2011 at 2:05 AM

Yes, of course I will keep Jay in my thoughts. So sad, he has enough to deal with and now an eye problem. I do hope the meds will clear it up so he doesn't have to have surgery. At 15 and kidney problems, it is dangerous. My Bully had asthma and needed special anesthesia because of his damaged lungs. He was out for 2 days after surgery one time, so had to change the type of anesthesia. Weather was cold this weekend, but looks like it might start to improve. More storms on the way, but it will be rain instead of snow. So unusual this time of year - 20 degrees below normal. Hopefully June will bring warmer weather and July/August will be normal (80-90). I am looking forward to lots of outdoor fun. Thanks for the collectible, I passed it along. I've got friends who still need lots of the retired collectibles, especially the older ones. I see you have lots of extras, so if you are wanting to give them away, I could find homes for them. I've got a couple other friends who are helping others also, so if I can't find a home for the extras, they can. I am not actively looking for people to help anymore, but some of them are still finding me and I'm glad to help. Enjoy your week and good luck with Jay. (((Jay)))

By svseashells on May 27, 2011 at 2:02 AM

HOT! Wow, you and katticles are really making me wish I lived back east where you have nice weather. Not in tornado country though, those poor people. I saw a cheezer post a pic of a goggie he found along with a website to help locate missing pets and show found pets to help match them up. So very sad there. Brought tears to my eyes reading the site. Finally had to leave, it was to upsetting. It would be great if ICHC would do a special area where people could post pics of lost and found for those who went through that tragedy. If 3 million people can post 4 million pictures and 11 million lolz, I bet we could help reunite a few pets and parents. We are still getting snow believe it or not. Even HLN Weather was amazed at the forecast. So many kittehs, so many diets. Mealtime is very busy and confusing in your house. Your idea of PurrEver Ranch sounds wonderful. Have your ever checked out Best Friends Sanctuary in Utah? They give a home to the older/ill/unadoptable pets, but still adopt out as many as they can. Not just goggies and kittehs, but all animals. It's my favorite donation place when I've got the extra money. Some people take vacations and spend their time volunteering there. They will even trade with other animal shelters. Enjoy your long weekend and I hope it doesn't get too hot for you.

By svseashells on May 17, 2011 at 1:59 AM

Our weekend was very nice - high 60's and sunshine. Then it cooled off to the 30-40's and snowed. Too warm for it to stick around though. We will have cold, snowy weather through most of the week. Even wore my winter coat today. Got my fingers crossed that Mom Nature will improve her mood and let us warm us and see some blue sky. Glad you had some time to get outside and work in the yard. Do you have a veggie garden or just a flower garden? I gave my boys prescription dry, but they still got Friskies gushy food. It definitely looks better in chunks rather than that ground up stuff in prescription diet. They only got a teaspoon am and pm, so it couldn't have hurt too bad. I wouldn't mind working in a place like Best Friends that takes care of older, ill, and unadoptable pets, but taking them home would be too hard. After the vet bills I paid over the years, I know how expensive it is. I could have financed a small country. Our local animal shelter (no-kill-yeahl!!!) is great and they do manage to adopt out some of the problem kids, though mostly dogs. They have a foster program, so you can help with the sick ones or just take a pet home for a short time. As I said before, I really admire you for what you do giving your guys a loving home knowing they have problems. When I win the lottery (snerk), I have big plans for our shelter and would be able to spend a lot of time with pets in need.

By svseashells on May 11, 2011 at 1:19 AM

It is warming up some, but still needs to warm up about 30 degrees before I call it warm weather (40-50 during the day, 20-30 at night right now) It even tried snowing today. Ick. Mom Nature just won't give up. Yeah, the only ones Bully beat up were his brothers and sisters when he still had his litter mates. He was a meany then. Not so tough around others though. I forgot hyperthyroidism and cancer in the long list of ills. We were very fortunate that the tumors could be removed leaving no cancer cells behind. My boys were just borderline kidney failure for years, even 3 months before. When it got bad, it happened fast. There was no question that it was their time when it struck, so I know I did the right thing. Still didn't make it any easier to make the decision to let them go. Except for my first kitty when I was about 10, my 4-legged babes have always adopted me. Someday, someone in need of a home will find me. I really admire you for taking on sick babies and giving them a happy life even though for a shorter time. Most people wouldn't bother. Just give your boys lots of hugz, scratches, and veggie nomz (protein is bad for kidneys) and they will be very happy. You and your hubby are dedicated pet people helping them find forever homes and adopting those who need you. Something to be proud of.

By svseashells on Apr 28, 2011 at 3:22 AM

I'm glad Belle is now settling in and getting along with the others better. Abused pets take a long time to learn to trust once they find a good home. Rainy, snowy, windy, and gloomy here. One storm after another is coming through. I have my doubts if we will have a warm summer this year which is really disappointing since winter lasts to long here in the mountains. Yes, those are my babies in my avatar. Thumper (left) and Bully (right) were my purrballs for 17 1/2 years which is really amazing considering the overwhelming health problems they had. Between them they had asthma, high blood pressure leading to blindness, a rare blood parasite, diabetes, arthritis due to an injury as a kitty, COPD, some kitty fights in Thumper's younger years, and other illnesses / diseases too. Thumps was feral when I found him at about 2 months old, but he tamed down after a while although he was never a cuddle baby until his senior years. Thumps was the fighter, but Bully was a teddy bear, a lover (minus hairballs). He got beat up a lot because he didn't fight well (mostly wet himself, but don't tell anyone that secret). They brought a lot of joy and happiness to my life and I miss them as much now as I did when I lost them Sept 2009 within 25 hours of each other. Both had kidney failure. I think they were so close, they just wanted to be together. They were even cremated together. Bully's asthma med's and Thumper's out of control diabetes after many years of being regulated damaged their kidneys. Diabetes really isn't difficult to treat, so it really upsets me when I hear of pet parents giving up after the diagnosis. We had 10 years of controlled blood sugar before it got out of control. It only takes a couple of minutes morning and night to test and inject insulin. I know you know what it is like, the pain of losing them, looking for them in their nap spots, hearing meows when no one is there. I even felt them walking across the bed many times after they were gone. They must have been checking on me. So sad and heartbreaking. It was too much to deal with losing them at the same time and I'm just not willing to go through that again, at least not for a very long time. Mom lost her poodle over 10 years ago and is just now thinking about getting another. Our 4 legged kids are so much a part of our family and are missed just as much. Maybe one day I will be a kitty Mom again, I know there are so many in the shelters that need forever homes.

By svseashells on Apr 24, 2011 at 11:35 PM

Hi MelB, Wow, didn't realize it had been so long since we wrote last. I get so carried away with looking at lolz now, I don't talk too much. How are your new babies Pepperoni and Belle doing? Hope you had a wonderful Easter and you are having wonderful weather. Here it is a day or two warm and a week of cold - even had 2" snow last week. June will be much better here.

By svseashells on Mar 29, 2011 at 12:40 AM

How wonderful, two new furballs in the house. Taking on a 15 year old in kidney failure definitely takes a strong and very kind heart. Enjoy your new babies. Don't think I will ever get to the point of wanting more kittehs, but at least get my furball fix from my brother's dog whenever I visit.

By svseashells on Mar 3, 2011 at 12:09 AM

I thought about buying the karot, but only have the original 20 coins from when I joined. Really don't have the money to spend on play stuff right now. Too bad we can't gift our coins. I could give them away so Mom could buy the karot herself. I will just keep looking. Thanks