Messages between seethrusoul and trollingtomcat

By trollingtomcat on Jan 12, 2011 at 10:07 AM

Yesh! Mai boi Bumpy cat luvs deh carrier....until it moobes. LOL! If yew need anyfing else just let me know! Snorglols adn Cheezlubs -

By seethrusoul on Jan 11, 2011 at 5:35 PM

ohai TTC! fang Q fur teh imbiziblol gitar! ai wuz juss, offloadin... um... gibbing awai! yesh, gibbing awai, owt uv teh guudniss uv mai hart, sum of mai eggstry cullektiblols, nd ur nayme cayme up! ;-D injoi teh carrier (juss lyke mai kittehz du, till it startz tu moove!)

By trollingtomcat on Jan 11, 2011 at 8:45 AM

Ohai seesthru!!! Fankees for deh collectiblol. Ai sended yu an invisiblol sumfing. Ai can send yu one every day, so if yu want anuvver, just let me know. Cheezlubs !