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By exhoicat on Sep 26, 2013 at 12:00 PM

I am so terribly sorry that I didn't see your message till now. I rarely visit Cheezburger anymore; I don't like all the changes they've made to the site, and I especially don't like the large obvious connections to F**kbook. I think that's the most useless place on the net. But then I'm an old grouch, and don't feel the need to post my opinions all over the net. In the meantime, I have been revisiting Valdemar (and Karse, Hardorn, Rethwellan, etc)...I want a Firecat! I do still have my little 14-year-old Pumpkin; he is still learning how to live in an ordinary house instead of a cattery. Interesting times, occasionally. Chhers, and thanks for remembering me! Felaine

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