
Itz Acshully Kwite Breezy Bein' Green

While her hubcat Coach Bellbottoms an' her much loved son Stewie habs volunteered to bring foods out to teh tables, Alberta Bellbottoms helps Chef Punkin in teh kitchen to prepare a bery tasty Fanksgiving Day Feast!

What I lack in height, I make up for in kitchen counter climbing ability.

Plus, I thought I was going to be the celebrity taster

Once again, Fluffy's shenanigans have landed him in hot water.

Bears Just Want Tasty Burgers And Brats


Some Things Don't Make Sense

Frying Cat Food ? ew!

just getting a glass of milk to wash away the taste. i think that last goldfish was a bit off.

this is awfull! we have to help him, he really wants to impress his new girlfriend. you go find the nip, i'll catch a mouse for his casserole.

Kitteh Logik

Watch the thumbs!

Kitteh Auditions for Macbeth

It Duzzint Seem to Like Meh

quick! turn on the oven and dip the gerbils in the beaten egg, i'll roll them through the flour.

K' now add a liddle bit of salt,stir and den put in my fud bowl.

It's Always Something With You!

She doesn't know i put catnip in!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cookies!! Well, hey! This means I don't have to go to the Dark Side!

Soup is good food?

I'm cold.

Basement Cat Ain't No Short Order Cook

My Mistake

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

hey! we wus gonna eet dat! afor u roowind it!

We grilled the suspect for 2 hours

Ai wuzn' gunna steal any! Awnest! Can ai has 1 fur mai awnesty?

After several attempts Paul finally accepted that baking wasn't his thing