The latest from shwoo

shwoo Hooray! shwoo's LOL was featured on the homepage of Oddly Specific

The Obvious! It Burns!

The Obvious! It Burns!

Go check it out and tell shwoo congrats!

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Gotcha, You Little Red Bugger

When playing with your cat, only use laser pointers in small intervals of time. If you use it for too long, your cat will find out where the laser dot is coming from and will come flying, claws unsheathed, right at your hand. #LFMF
shwoo shwoo favorited a lol


shwoo shwoo favorited a lol

Cyoot Kitteh of teh Day: Blargh, the Skwid Fing Gotted Meh... Iz Ded, LOL!

Cyoot Kitteh of teh Day: Blargh, the Skwid Fing Gotted Meh... Iz Ded, LOL!
shwoo shwoo made a new lol


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Problem Solved!

Problem Solved!
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Learn From Scrubbing Away's Fail

Never startle your cat just as it is about to throw up. You will be left with a long, zig-zag trail of partially digested food where it ran through the hall vomiting. #LFMF
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TL;DR: Bear Warning WIN

TL;DR: Bear Warning WIN
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On a Mission WIN

On a Mission WIN
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Nibbled to death by Goebbels

Nibbled to death by Goebbels
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Megan's Little Moment of Win

During a faux argument on the subway, I told my boyfriend that he was probably a cylon and I would throw him out the airlock, referencing the subway doors. A man standing near us leaned over and said "Adama would never let that happen." We got off at the next stop laughing. Sharing our joke with a total stranger MMD.
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Ratmom's Little Moment of Win

Today, I had my pet rats out playing while my boyfriend was on my computer. One of my girls stole some chaptstick from the desk and ran with it. My boyfriend went after her. She then proceeded to drop the chapstick behind the desk. While he bent down to get it, I heard him mumble that it was all a ploy so she could steal his coffee. When he stood back up, there was my rat, slurping down his coffee as quickly as she could. We determined that she was an evil genius and IMourD
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Mandi's Little Moment of Win

I was standing in line to buy some supplies at the craft store when a group of four college-aged boys came up behind me, all holding balls of yarn and knitting needles. I asked what they were doing, and they said that one of the boy's grandmother was going to teach them to knit hats that night. Four cute boys knitting with granny totally MMD!
shwoo shwoo favorited a lol


shwoo shwoo favorited a lol

monorail hamster prototype model

monorail hamster prototype model


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1 of 1 messages
By mandyangela on Oct 8, 2009 at 12:07 AM
“hai dere mai nu cheezfrend!! gud to knoez u!!”