Messages between superfightpanda and fareon

By fareon on Jan 25, 2012 at 5:28 AM

He did look stupid in that hair :P and it was a bit confusing but that I don't mind, but I still expected more from it i guess because of the cast it did have great production value i guess it was good I'm just picky :D

By superfightpanda on Jan 23, 2012 at 1:14 PM

Ha ha ha...yeah. I saw it yesterday too. It was fantastic. I love that it was a movie that really made me think...I love movies that make me think. It really confused my friends that I went with...I had to muffle noises the whole time because I would constantly want to yell at the screen, especially when Peter Guillam broke up with his boyfriend and when Bill Haydon was shot in the face. I'm like: "NO! YOU CAN'T KILL BILL HAYDON! EVEN IF HE IS THE MOLE!" of my friends sort of winced when she saw the violence, and the other friend covered her face. O, on the other hand, smiled, to be quite honest...the cast was so good...I still can't believe that Benedict Cumberbatch had that was so bad, but him being him, he still looked good ;)

By fareon on Jan 23, 2012 at 3:48 AM

I watched Tinker Tailot Soilder Spy last nigt and I didn't really react to the violence it's so common im movies as long as it's fiction it has to be really bad for me to react. In "based on true stories" it can be diffrent. But I do love a good revenge movie where some one gets what they deserve then I can be like Yah, hit him, hit him HARDER! Now kick him in the balls and run :P

By superfightpanda on Jan 21, 2012 at 9:43 AM

To be quite honest, I was also really sad when Moriarty shot himself. It'd be great if he was alive, too :D He's my favourite psycho :) I should let you know that in TTSS, if this type of thing bothers you, there is some very intense violence. I haven't seen it, but I've read about why it rated R, and that's mostly why. For example, "a woman finds a man dead in a bathtub, covered in blood, with his intestines floating in the water" and there's "a dead man with his throat cut and his left eye cut out". There's also lots of being shot in the face and such, though to be quite honest, I'm that one person watching a movie who goes "WOOO! YEAH! KILL HIM!" when characters are fighting XD I get a lot of weird looks for that...where I am, it came out in December, so I'm hoping that it'll last long enough for me to see it. If not, there's always rental... :D

By fareon on Jan 21, 2012 at 2:48 AM

I'll admit it was a bit sad, but being of the male persuasion i wouldn't admit to crying even if i did ;-) I just hope that Moriarty isn't dead it wouldn't be good for the show and if Sherlock can fake jumping of a building then Moriarty should have no trouble faking shooting himself in the head :P I checked out the Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy it seems interesting i definitely going to see it.

By superfightpanda on Jan 19, 2012 at 1:49 PM

it was fantastic. i can't wait until next series :D i can't believe that they're doing the year and a half wait intentionally this time...Moffat and Gatiss know that they have emotional control over all Sherlockians, including myself. i love how Moriarty was just chilling in the crown jewels when Scotland Yard shows up. i was sad when Moriarty died, he's my favorite tv psycho :D it was so sad when Sherlock called John and said all of those things to John, and John didn't really completely get what was going on until Sherlock jumped. Sherlock actually showed emotion ;_; John just broke down completely when Sherlock jumped - he's normally so composed, but Sherlock, as annoying as he is, was his best friend, and he just lost it because he thought that he was dead T_T his heartfelt speech at Sherlock's grave was sad too...especially when he is crying, and then nods and turns military-style and walks away, and Sherlock just watches him, unable to say anything yet...his face is impassive, but his eyes say be quite honest, i cried a ton from the time Sherlock and Moriarty were on the roof until the end...and then for a while afterwards :P Moffat and Gatiss sure know how to do a cliffhanger. i wonder how John is going to find out that Sherlock is alive...i've acutally done two fan fictions about John finding out that Sherlock is alive, one involving Doctor Who. i used to do some writing, but then i stopped, and i thought that it would be a good way to start again. plus it helps dull down the Reichenbach feelings, which never go away. it will be years from now and Sherlockians will be watching Reichenbach Fall, and they will cry, including me. all sad Reichenbach-related posts on Tumblr also make Sherlockians cry...SO MUCH EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT!!!!! ok me...calm down...have you heard of the movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? i haven't gotten to see it yet, and i'm wondering if it's any looks good, and the cast is amazing. it has Gary Oldman (Sirius Black), Colin Firth (Mr. Darcy), AND Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock). i heard it was really violent, but it seems so good. as someone on Tumblr said: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - the awkward moment when Sirius Black has to come out of retirement and has to convince the Dream Lord, Aberforth Dumbledore, Mr. Darcy, and Sherlock Holmes to help him get a suspected Russian spy that is a prominent in the British government...sorry for the long the way, nice profile picture XD

By fareon on Jan 19, 2012 at 4:40 AM

I see =) so have you watched season 2 of Sherlock yet the last episode was very good perhaps the best so far, I won't say any more than that so I don't spoil it for you :P

By superfightpanda on Jan 18, 2012 at 11:49 AM

no. it just looks like there's a weeping angel.

By fareon on Jan 18, 2012 at 1:24 AM

Ok, now I'm thoroughly confused, are you saying that weeping angels turn up in Sherlock?

By superfightpanda on Jan 17, 2012 at 12:08 PM

they showed up in a david tennant episode, so they're relatively new...sherlockians (including myself) also thought that there was a weeping angel behind John when he was at Sherlock's grave...

By fareon on Jan 17, 2012 at 2:19 AM

Ok, but what I don't get, well ther are alot of things I don't get but let's not get in to that :P, is if they are new monsters how do you know what is accurate for them? Or am I just missing something as usual =)

By superfightpanda on Jan 16, 2012 at 8:18 AM

the weeping angels are more recent monsters. i think they made their 1st appearance in "Blink", which is the best episode with the angels in it. after that episode, the other angels appearances haven't been so accurate with their character...

By fareon on Jan 16, 2012 at 2:52 AM

Teh angel episodes are very good, I think "The Weeping Angels" are actually new villians meaning they didn't appear in the erlier Doctor Who? That mostly why I would watch teh older episodes because there is so much back story that I'd like to know =)

By superfightpanda on Jan 15, 2012 at 4:26 PM

some, but they're not as good as the most recent ones. i was pretty disappointed in the 11th doctor episode "the rise of the angels", or whatever it's called...the angels don't steal vocal cords, they transport you back in time and then you live to death! it was actually pretty good besides the angels being not so accurate...i love matt smith :)

By fareon on Jan 13, 2012 at 1:37 AM

So have you watched any of the older Doctor Who that aired form 1960 something to 1990 something? I was considering satring a few years ago but it's like 700 episodes :P

By superfightpanda on Jan 12, 2012 at 12:45 PM

i've done a doctor who marathon before, but never a sherlock marathon...

By fareon on Jan 12, 2012 at 6:49 AM

I guess that's sort of the point they're they are very much the same but at opposite ends of the spectrum. Yeah, that was a really good episode =) Maybe I should have myself a little sherlock marathon and watch them all again :P

By superfightpanda on Jan 11, 2012 at 12:25 PM

he's a total psycho, but he is so cool :) same with sherlock. they're both arrogant jerks and geniuses - i want to punch them and hug them both :) i love when sherlock says "people died" (which is weird that he would seem to care) and moriarty replied "that's what people DO.". it's also great when sherlock asked "what if i kill you now" and moriarty replied "you can cherish the look of surprise on my face" and he makes a surprised face XD

By fareon on Jan 11, 2012 at 4:43 AM

Great, I didn't actually know there would be a second season I just happend to stumble on tot the first episode of the second season the day after it had been aired :D Somtimes coincidence works in my favor but not often enough ;-) Well, Moriarty has to be awesome since he's Sherlocks only "worthy" apponent.

By superfightpanda on Jan 10, 2012 at 12:42 PM

also, yay for nerds and geeks and loonies! :D

By superfightpanda on Jan 10, 2012 at 12:41 PM

indeed it is ;) people blew "the scandal in belgravia" way out of proportion. did you know that there will probably be a third season of Sherlock? i saw that Martin Freeman confirmed the possibility of a third season. i saw the trailer for "the reichenbach fall" and it looked like Sherlock died, but if there's a third season he must be alive. before i heard about the third season, i was really sad about Sherlock's possible death. it's so easy to get caught up in that show...did you know that John's blog actually exists and so does Sherlock's site? i love in the beginning of "the scandal in belgravia" when Moriarty's cell phone goes off :D Moriarty is so awesome.

By fareon on Jan 10, 2012 at 3:36 AM

No, I'm a nerd and a geek and maybe just a little bit anti-social ;-) and that's just the way I like it :P I watched "the hounds of baskerville" last night it wasn't as good as "the scandal in belgravia" but still worth watching. Nudity is fun, I don't see the problem :P

By superfightpanda on Jan 9, 2012 at 12:50 PM

nothing wrong with being a nerd...which episode are you going to watch? "the scandal in belgravia" or "the hounds of baskerville"? i watched "the scandal in belgravia" yesterday, and i am yet to watch "the hounds of baskerville". it was really good. i heard that many people had a problem with it because they found it to be inappropriate - it had a naked Irene Adler and a naked Sherlock, but neither were shown that much...i personally thought that it wasn't as big a deal as everyone made it out to be.

By fareon on Jan 9, 2012 at 5:03 AM

Yeah, I knew about the cancer and the alcoholism saw a documentary about him a while back. It seemed that the other Pythons were none to happy about the drinking in perticular. Ohh i just rembemered after reding my post to you I have new Sherlock episode to watch when I get home, Sweet! =) And I don't think you are a nerd a geek on the other hand you just might be and you should be proud of it :P

By superfightpanda on Jan 7, 2012 at 11:55 AM

Graham Chapman is my favorite python :) as i said in my profile info, he was the greatest loony to ever live. he managed to give up drinking (he was an alcoholic at one point), but he then died of throat cancer on October 4th, 1989 at the age of 48. he was so young :( i think his husband, David Sherlock, may still be alive...the second episode of Sherlock is tomorrow? hmm...i thought that there being only 3 episodes in a season that they would space them out...i'm partway through The Great Game right now. it's a really good episode. i unfortunately do not get Sherlock on tv. BBC America doesn't show it. they do show Doctor Who, though, and i have Monty Python on DVD :) i am, as some people say, "religiously" devoted to Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Monty Python XD i am a Whovian, a Sherlockian, and a Pythonian (made that last one up) :) i am a nerd, and i am proud of it :)

By fareon on Jan 7, 2012 at 1:53 AM

So Graham Chapman the leading man of the Python crew, good choice :) Doctor Who and Sherlock are some of my favourites as well, you know that the second season of Sherlock started recently I asume, second episode is tomorrow.

By superfightpanda on Jan 6, 2012 at 12:24 PM

he does look interesting, but like i said, i do find him to be extremely attractive ;) yes, i really love the shows Doctor Who and Sherlock - i am a total Whovian and Sherlockian. i know a ton about both shows... :P the actor who plays Sherlock Holmes is named Benedict Cumberbatch, and he is also very interesting looking, and, like Matt Smith, he is very handsome ;) i make references to both shows, but hardly anyone ever gets them... :P i also really enjoy Monty Python and the Flying Circus, and i make references to that, but again, no one ever gets them... :P

By fareon on Jan 6, 2012 at 4:24 AM

Matt Smith that's his name =) I always thought he looks a bit weird but it works for the doctor seeing that he plays an alien :P So do you like the show? And belated seasons greetings to you too.

By superfightpanda on Jan 4, 2012 at 12:25 PM

oh yes, and happy previous holidays and new year :)

By superfightpanda on Jan 4, 2012 at 12:23 PM

ha ha ha that's ok :) the actors that i make my picture are actors that i enjoy in movies and shows. and i do find them to be attractive ;D in this case, it is matt smith and he is indeed the Doctor. he is my pic both because he is the Doctor and he is good looking <3