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By alisaorrdaisy on Jul 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM

It's not time for my weekly quote, but I got a 'NUDGE' to do this one today:

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By yogijoda on Jul 16, 2012 at 10:39 AM

of course it was. i don't do these things to be good. now i am practicing something new and will have to be moving along. that makes me a 'prentice getalong. jd

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By yogijoda on Jul 16, 2012 at 4:02 AM

hey barb. good reid on my tv viewing. you hotched me. my hands and face are rossie red. mor gan this later. jd

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By Elizabethrose on Jul 9, 2012 at 7:43 AM

I fink I goofeded. My kittehs do help me but not when I needs to takes dem to da vet an no has da monnies cus of big hospital bills. howsomeeber, now I has paied down da bills almost off so is bedder. I can't bwork cuz 1. I has severe bi-polar depression, 2. I has 3 hernehated disks in my back an 2 in my neck so I can't stand for more den 3 hours or it hurts, 3. where I live the no job rate here is nearly 100%. I would have to start my own business an that's a headache. I do paint pet portriats but that is few and far between. I would go to the flea market but 90 degrees at 8 o'clock is not a happy thing cuz it gets over 100 to 119 degrees yesterday. No joke. I'm on 9 different meds that costs about $3000. 4 of them are just to help me sleep. My body doesn't make any melitonian to help me sleep. No, non, not a drop, zilch, what is that? I can not fall asleep at all. I stayed awake for three days once and I was lying on a bed swaeting, unable to stand and having convultions until I could finally get my meds. NEVER want to do that again. So, how are you?

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