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By GrammyOgg on Mar 20, 2009 at 4:40 PM

I see a BIG censor lol on your profile page...what's up with the goodies?! I firmly believe Stephen King's adage that if they don't want to see it, GO look! It may not be your cup of tea, but at least give the artist the courtesy of looking. If you don't like it, don't look a second time...

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By GrammyOgg on Mar 20, 2009 at 12:00 PM

I send replies to the link provided...I also keep lolz that ICHC think are too much for the boards. I'm an anti-censor person. Any "over the top"-type lolz made, look in my lolz. If they won't download, send me an e-mail. If I was online, they may be in my 'secret file'. I'll gladly e-mail 'em if you prove you're over 18. Have a lovely day...Happy Spring!!!!

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By GrammyOgg on Mar 20, 2009 at 8:53 AM

Apparently your lol for Diana was flagged...please send me the lol in my e-mail. I'd like to see what the censors thought was too much for ICHC...PLUS - I loved her, too.

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By Gail-F on Mar 14, 2009 at 12:15 PM

Now that I've 'survived' a number of Prairie winters, complaining all the way, I've come to appreciate that the sun always shines after a winter storm. As a matter of fact, on the way out of Saskatoon today, I saw a Sundog - the first one in weeks. The ones that are so large they seem to touch the earth are breathtakingly beautiful! (PS: Your teacher sounds like she took a page out of Cruella deVille's book of evil!)

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By Devon10 on Mar 11, 2009 at 9:12 AM


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By librarykitteh on Mar 4, 2009 at 11:52 AM

Oh the Eaton centre, that was so amazing to us cos we didn't have shopping malls in the UK back then, u never know we could have walked right passed each other, lol. My relatives lived near the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway and the Don Valley golf course, just south of Wilson Ave and west of Yonge Street. It was my Dad's auntie who emmigrated to Canada when she was just 16 years old! Glad to help with the book search, hope you find it :)

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By librarykitteh on Mar 4, 2009 at 6:31 AM

Ohai, don't worry about the lolspeak, I'm biligual ;) Glad to have you as my new friend, I had relatives who lived in Toronto and I visited way back in the 80's...did all the tourist stuff, CN Tower, Niagara Falls etc. I have a friend who is visiting Toronto right now, what's the weather like? Yes, I've heard of the book by Geoffrey Trease, haven't read it tho and ur right about me being just on the edge of Northumberland :)

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By librarykitteh on Mar 3, 2009 at 12:12 PM

Ohai nu cheezfrend. Thanx fur akseptin teh paw ov frendshipness. Itz bery nice to meetchu :)

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By AngelAndz on Jan 25, 2009 at 10:38 PM

Tiger cubs being born ^_^ Andie

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By AngelAndz on Jan 25, 2009 at 9:42 PM

Please check out these lolz and vote and comment what you think, pls ^_^ The first five lolz are some recent ones I created and the other two are by my friend afb5 :] Thanks Hugz Andie

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By Isengrim on Jan 14, 2009 at 9:56 AM

Well, I guess it's still better than the Flintstones, which people would even point to to "prove" that humans and dinosaurs co-existed (both me and Stephen Jay Gould shared that experience, but at least mine didn't involve a bet. He lost, because he agreed to allow his opponent's father settle it, and that's what the man provided as "evidence". Mentioned in "Bully for Brontosaurus", iirc.) Ha. caught it this time!

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By Isengrim on Jan 14, 2009 at 9:55 AM

Grr! I guess I didn't check. OK .. the rest of it was something like: I find it odd, on the other hand, that we seem to expect to be able to communicate with alien species when we can't even do that with other species on this planet, barring limited success with dolphins, apes and parrots (and even then, they're not really given the tools to really express themselves, except maybe the apes.) But I like being part of the Bekeley project anyway. Always wanted to be part of SETI when it was first started as a government-funded project, and now I am! :) (Anyone can be, just go to their website). Never heard of that silent movie version of Lost World, I don't think, but it's interesting! Reminds me a little bit of those silly old Turok:Son of Stone comics, where ALL the dinosaurs seemed to be maneaters. I'd wind up with the things in those three-pack bags you used to get, where you didn't know what was in the middle :/ Dogpaddling all the way back to London. sheesh. Well, I guess it

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By Isengrim on Jan 13, 2009 at 8:05 PM

Oh, maybe you're thinking Gorgo? That one, Gorgo was the child, even though he was HUGE. They caught him, put him in a zoo, and them mom came rampaging throught London (it's a British movie) to find him; they both return to the sea together. Love that movie, wouldn't mind a (decent!) remake of it. Ah, as for the bottles, OK. I'm not a beer drinker myself, but I remember the classic "stubby" going out in 1984. Beer bottles went the American way with the long neck. So those bottles are at least 25 years old; we found them underneath our hedge when we moved in and started cleaning the crap out from underneath! I was mildly surprised no one noticed these. .. And yeah, I hated Godzilla vs King Kong because the stupid gorilla won. Pshaw. No way would the gorilla win against Godzilla's nuclear awesomness! :) And as for other worlds, while I'm participating in Seti@Home (my computer analyzes radio signals from Aricebo on behalf of Berkeley in search of artifical radio signals) I fi

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By Isengrim on Jan 12, 2009 at 9:21 PM

Oh, say, speaking of things uniquely Canadian - if you're old enough (and I'm assuming you are) - see anything unusual about this picture?

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By Isengrim on Jan 12, 2009 at 7:12 PM

he best thing to come out of this rethinking is that it wasn't because of any failure on their part that they died out; it wasn't because mammals were "better". They were as varied, well-adapted, and successful as any animal we know today .. and the same thing can happen to us, one way or another, no matter how great we think we are. Doing a search recently, I'm quite shocked at how many genera have been added to the dinosaur list since way back when I was a kid, when there seemed to be only a dozen or so covered in those books, and presented as "well that was about it for time", making one think that the world before the Cenozoic was a nearly empty place.

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By Isengrim on Jan 12, 2009 at 7:12 PM

Really> I haven't seen the "original" Godzilla since I was a kid; hardly gets run on TV any more (And by "original", I mean the American remake of the Japanese Original, featuring, um. Raymond Burr, wasn't it? I know I've never seen the Original.) Say, did you get kicked around for liking dinosaurs, too? Remember the crappy books they used to have in the school libraries? Ever stopped to wonder that if dinosaurs were "reptiles" and had to lay their eggs on land, and "Brontosaurus" was too heavy to ever leave the water, how the hell did it ever reproduce? That if they were as pathetic as presented at the time, how did they last so long? I was so grateful when Bakker came out with his "Dinosaur Heresies" in the 80s, because it was obvious he'd asked the same questions I did, and went out and answered them. Or at least set everyone on the road to discovering they weren't a bunch of pathetic evolutionary abortions after all. The best thing to come out of this rethinking is that it

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By Isengrim on Jan 11, 2009 at 3:09 PM

Heh. Well, you kinda got to go with what you know, right? I'm not a Stooges fan, either, but it does sum up how I feel about our politcos. Do you happen to recognize this Stooge? Brr. Babysitting for a KKKer? Sounds creepy, kinda Children of the Damned creepy ... I guess you missed yesterday's site-wide snowblol fight? You'll see that kind of thing everywhere now. :) So Godzilla really is a she? :) That statue is the main landmark in Drumheller, AB, two horus west of where I'm at - the Royal Tyrrell is there (and it's HUGE, esp. considering the size of the town, but that's where the biggest dinosaur beds are.) I took that pic last year because a really bad blizzard was starting (got caught driving home in it, couldn't see anything - the first picture I took only seconds before that there was no snow on the thing at all) and I just thought it amusing to see a dinosaur caught in a snowstorm. :)

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By valharms on Jan 11, 2009 at 9:14 AM

hai nu cheezfren. Fanks foar teh fren ekseptin. Iz up in Orillia...we iz frozin:-)

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By Isengrim on Jan 7, 2009 at 10:01 AM

Oh, wow, a consul. Cool! Diplomatic immunity and stuff. :) Canmore, eh? Nice place, overall (though after going there a few times, I now "get" the "Mike from Canmore" joke ... though people there don't seem to like being reminded of it ..) And, no, I have no idea what lolz will hit or not. In fact, this place is really first time I've been able to get some kind of feedback on my humour. Though I do some stuff that might only be understandable to fellow Canadians:

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By Isengrim on Jan 6, 2009 at 5:43 PM

Ah. Were your parents in the military or something? My uncle was, so my cousins moved all over the place. They all live in Ottawa now. .. I've come to appreciate the cities as nice places to visit, where you can have things like KFC, and buy stuff (though you can get that in places only somewhat bigger than this - Kindersley has all that stuff, and it's not that big.) .. Yeah, the weather's been pretty harsh this winter. Whereabouts in Alberta are you headed to?

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