Messages between willyboy and OtherMother

By OtherMother on Jul 1, 2010 at 3:24 AM

Datz Okay-doaky...fankz fur deh birfdae wishz! Ai ken heer deh muzak inna mai hed--Ai are deh loooong tyme choir membra. It meenz so much to heer from cheezpeep frenz onna birfdae! Smooz & genntal hedbonk, Willyboy

By willyboy on Jun 29, 2010 at 2:01 PM

Oh durn...musiclol fingees nawt wurk inn messij baux! dey kweschin markz wer posed tu bee moosik syimblols...beri stranj az dey showd up kurectly wen ai typd dem inn.... :-(

By willyboy on Jun 29, 2010 at 1:58 PM

Ohai OM! ? Hippo burdieez tu yu!! ? ? Hippo burdieez tu yu!! ? ? Hippo burdieez tu OtherMother!! ? ? an mini smores!!! ?

By OtherMother on May 14, 2010 at 6:30 PM

Ohai! Ai seez yu waz leefin' a message fur mi. Ai'm home now and back to werk agin. Fankz fur deh hi-how-R-U's. I'll be commenting agin--more fun than lurking!! Smuuz & hapy weakend! OM

By willyboy on Dec 31, 2009 at 1:58 PM

Ohai mai cheezfren….ai hoaps yu hazz an happi noo yeer an bestist wisches fro yu an yurs inn too fowsind an tin. Lubs, purrs an schmooes frum Williboi, SuzyQ, Bessie, Goofy, Minnie an dere hoomin da krazykatlady…….. :-D

By OtherMother on Sep 13, 2009 at 4:59 PM

Ohai! Thx muchly for the #. Ai hab ben feeling so cut off from cheezland & als mae frenz! Smooz {{WB}}

By willyboy on Sep 3, 2009 at 11:57 AM

ooh noes OM - wee cheezpeeps iz sendin yu an oscar are gud thots. lolspeak off - please let me know if i can help in any way - i will be off work friday thru monday and don't have internet at home. my # is 246-8902

By OtherMother on Sep 2, 2009 at 7:09 PM miss als mae pals at cheezland! Oscar is ill with cancer. I have a big sad in mae hart as ai jus found out inna call from vet. Sigh. Ai will bbl. Smooze!

By willyboy on Sep 1, 2009 at 10:44 AM

OM, What happened? I read somewhere you had water damage but not what/why. Did you have a water pipe break? Great that it's being repaired fairly quickly - hopefully your insurance covers everything. How is Oscar doing?

By OtherMother on Aug 28, 2009 at 9:06 PM

Ohai, Willyboy!! Ai ben tarribil busyified wif als deh detalez ob fixin mae soggy floorz. I miss eberywon in Cheezland butt(!) der's nawt enuf tyme inna dae 2 do hapy commentz tyme wif lolz. Hope yu hab a bery gud weekend..eben if itz startin wif drippy and cool. Toomarrow mae 1st room iz gonna bee painted...yay!! =^!^=

By OtherMother on Aug 11, 2009 at 5:55 PM

Ho! Ai heer yu!! Mii Oscar-cat & ai wen to deh V-E-T yesterdae & ai gotz to gib Oscar antibiotic tab ebery 12 hrs. *finkz ai will wait'n hab sum hep wif pill&Oscar* Tingz ok til Hubcat openz door--zing--outside runrunrunz Oscar!! 14 hrs ladder itz naow tudae, I putz onna mae snow buutz cuz itz sew pleh wet & go 2 hunt sick Oscar...he cum runin' up "Ai hongry!!!1!" Zipz rite in hous. Ai gibz him deh pill. Cont. mae dae hapy he gonna be midafternuun ai check...dair he bee sleepin sweetly Rite Next TO His PILL!! Arrugh..dis tyme I know itz inside him (He nawt liik mii muchly eber) & 24 hrs later...meds maybe helping him, I hope! Waz deh zoocheezmeet awn Caturdae? Ai wud hab ben buzy den az ai & 6 offer palz wen 2 early showin ob Julie & Julia...Waz bery fun & full'o'win!!! Iffin yu gitz chance to see diz funny & sweet.

By willyboy on Aug 11, 2009 at 3:52 PM

ohdeer - ai wil nevah tink uv Des Lumps inda saem weigh agin! hadda bee yur fren whin ai saw yer abitar - lubs da Calvin & Hobbes noe - ai diden goe tu da zoomeet. it wur sew gluemie & cawld dat moarnin dat ai slept in lait. At leest itz stawpt raynin - pleh, blech, pew - due nawt want gluemee cawld wether inna awgust! eben da ebil Williboi nawt wanna goe owt yezturdai oar dis moarnin.

By OtherMother on Aug 11, 2009 at 3:10 PM

Tank-ye fur acceptifing mae frenrequest! Yu lib jus uppa street from mii--I lib inna Des Lumpz, iffin yu git mae drift. *snickerz* I hab couple 'a kittehz dat fambly gave homez 2 den deer men waz allergic! Did yu goe to deh Zoo cheezmeet? Lub yur kommintz!