Messages between willyboy and nativeca66

By nativeca66 on Jul 27, 2014 at 12:50 PM

Happytayle burfday willyboy

By nativeca66 on Apr 14, 2010 at 10:57 AM

Fanky for the schmoo WB. Ai decided ai iz gunna bii bad, coz dats wen ai iz beddur. ;-)

By nativeca66 on Nov 21, 2009 at 9:59 AM

Ohai wun moar time. Cali iz tawp kitteh. Nawt real mommah ai doan finkso.

By nativeca66 on Nov 21, 2009 at 9:55 AM

Ohai again WB. Yes, 5 Eagles sed sumfing berry nawty. Ai nawt want tew repeat it, but it related tew a stereotype ob a certain religious peeps.

By nativeca66 on Nov 21, 2009 at 9:52 AM

Dats uh gud idea WB. It nawt hab uh window, but ai culd install wun aifinkso. I didn fink ai wuz gunna hab uh cat howse *snerk* awn teh property. Udderwise, ai wooda gawtwun wif uh window already innit.

By nativeca66 on Nov 20, 2009 at 12:01 AM

Ohai WB. Yesh yesh. I didn hab problem wif varmints at furst, but nao teh Rockies showed up. The 'Yotes and possims stay away coz shed iz next tew neightbor yard wif big goggies, but the rakoonz jes flip dem teh bird and say, "Wuts mein iz mein, and dis iz mein. So, nao ai bring kibblolz in bowls in teh morning and gushifuds at nite. Teh heater iz foar daddeh, nawt ferule bebbehs, butt wen ai iz owt there, they warm dems butts 'fore dey snorglol in the furniture blankeez. Ai did put the blankeez awn tawp ob awl the shelves yisterday wen ai bizit dem in teh morning, and dey wuz awl snorglold up theres. Cali awlreddy told meh 'bout teh door. Shii freeks owt iffn ai try to close it, eben wen shii iz owtside. Shii howls, "NO daddeh!" Shii caretaker ob the boyz. Shii sed, "PHHHT PHHHT" wen Rockie came 'rownd tonight. Ai had tew tell her, "NO!"

By nativeca66 on Sep 28, 2009 at 8:32 PM

Ohai WB. I saw yew wuz lukin' foar meh awn the Sack Races lol. Ai've been locked owtta ICHC foar sum reezin. The Burger awr lukin' intew it, butt(!) ai cawnt post nuffin' wifowt bein' moderaytid. In fact, ai cood nawt eben lawg in until uh liddlol while ago. Doan know hao lawng it will last, butt(!) here ai yam foar nao. *waves*