Messages between wonderwall984 and caycehouseofcats

By caycehouseofcats on Dec 10, 2011 at 5:26 PM

By caycehouseofcats on Dec 9, 2011 at 5:24 PM Happy Holidays! Our 2011 Christmas card is up at Please check it out! (Warning - tissues may be required...)

By caycehouseofcats on Oct 26, 2011 at 1:20 PM

A couple of new videos are up. The first, “After 6 Weeks”, is a follow-up on the feral colony in downtown Columbia - The second is of “The Gang of Six” – - one week older and not slowing down a single bit. These are also posted on my web site:

By caycehouseofcats on Oct 14, 2011 at 12:08 PM

New video up!

By caycehouseofcats on Sep 2, 2011 at 1:47 PM

After over a year of work, we have finally caught the last of our feral cat colony. I caught the little “kitten factory” we call Mama Kitty last Sunday. She was spayed last Monday. She was pregnant again with 5 more on the way. We returned her to the colony this past Sunday. We then caught the only survivor of a litter of five, named her ‘Grey’, and had her spayed. We’ll return her to the colony this coming weekend. So – that’s it! The entire cat colony has been adopted, neutered and re-located, or neutered and returned. There will be four remaining in the colony – Big ‘O’, Pippi, Mama Kitty, and Grey – and we will continue to maintain them up there for the rest of their lives. All told, we processed 22 cats. Not a large colony – but it would have certainly been much larger (and a lot more candidates for fox food) had we not started this project.