Today we have the pleasure of featuring a truly heartwarming story about a man with a troubled past, who completely changed his life and became other-directed thanks to his birb, whom he regards as a son. Everything he says melts our hearts. When he said, 'This is my son..' and seeing the bird knows that love from him and clearly shows how he nudged on his owner, it is priceless! With all the bad, negative news these days, it's so refreshing and encouraging to see a story of triumph like this. Mr. Stotts, you're an absolute gem of inspiration and you have our respect and admiration.
"Rodney Stotts is one of the few Black falconers in the country. Falconry is an ancient sport in which people hunt with a trained bird of prey. Stotts has had Mr. Hoots, a Eurasian Eagle Owl, for 20 years and says the bird is very much a part of his family, but his appreciation for falconry goes deeper than just a love of animals. He says it saved him from a life of crime." Via Inside Edition.