Couples Reveal The Utterly Gross Things They Do Together In Private

  • 01

    "My boyfriend and I love Sour Patch Kids, but I’m a real wuss when it comes to the sour part. He puts the candy in his mouth and sucks off all the sour stuff, and then I will eat the sweet part."

  • 02

    "My boyfriend is super hairy, and every month or so he gets me to take close-up pictures of his butt-hole to see how hairy it is."

    Plaid - #FamilyTime
  • 03

    "Sometimes I’ll show my fiancé the massive amount of blood that pools in the toilet during my period."

    Facial expression - why, why would you do that? reservationatdorsia.tumblr.c
  • 04

    "I LOVE popping my boyfriend's pimples, but he hardly gets them anywhere other than his butt. We’ve gotten to the point where he just pulls down his pants and lets me go to town."

    Arm - LFCTV LFC BETVICT I've got nothing to say on this
  • 05

    "My husband has picked something out of my teeth and eaten it before."

  • 06

    "I have veneers on my teeth, so I’m not supposed to take bites out of whole apples. Sometimes if we're out and don't have a knife, my husband will take a bite, spit it out in his hand, and give it to me so I can have some."

  • 07

    "I pee in every shower I’m ever in, so if we’re sharing a shower, that means he's getting peed on too."

    Music artist - :: ok : :: ::
  • 08

    "We both share one razor for our faces... and everywhere else on our bodies."

  • 09

    "My husband and I weigh ourselves before and after we poop to compare who had the biggest poop and claim victory. I don’t know what victory does, but we just walk around feeling really good about our big turds."

  • 10

    "When my boyfriend and I have to burp, we run to the other person's face and belch as loudly as we can, like it's a contest."

  • 11

    "We do this thing called 'fart bombing.' If you fart, you have to grab a handful of air and throw it in the other person's face. It’s disgusting, and it started as a joke, but now it’s war."

  • 12

    "We always send each other pictures of our poop. We don't have a fetish. It's just sort of become an inside joke."

  • 13

    "Whenever we’re cuddling and my husband is shirtless, I’ll stroke his armpit hair and ask him if he wants me to braid it."

  • 14

    "I have been known to pick crumbs out of my partner's beard and eat them."

  • 15

    "We share the same toothbrush."



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