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Dog Sleeping Positions And What They Mean

  • 1. "The croissant"


    Okay, we admit this is a name we came up with. But it's fitting for the position—curled up tightly, with nose and tail tucked into the body—many pups who curl up to sleep look like a dog version of this flaky pastry!

    This is perhaps the most common sleeping position for dogs, and for good reason: it conserves heat, feels protective, and is extremely comfortable.

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  • Wolves, dogs’ wild ancestors, slept and continue to sleep in this position, as scrunching up like a croissant keeps them warm on chilly nights.


    In addition, wrapping up their bodies in this way protects their internal organs, so that they're safer if they are attacked in the middle of the night.

    Your domesticated pooch doesn't need to worry about freezing temperatures or nocturnal predators, however, the same instincts carry over: if your dog is a bit cold or apprehensive about their surroundings, it's likely that you'll see them modeling the croissant.

  • Take Hypoallergenic dogs, for example...


    Hypoallergenic dogs, such as poodles, bichon frises, and Yorkshire terriers, shed very minimally, which means they need regular grooming, trimming, and clipping. If your hypoallergenic pup who normally sleeps stretched out is snoozing after a haircut, they might be chilly after having just lost a bunch of fur!

  • You might have seen your dog circling or digging at their bed before curling themselves up. This behavior is also a carryover from their wolf ancestors but has no real practical use for domestic life.

    It's for the same reason you sometimes see them kicking at the grass after they urinate: dogs have scent glands on their paw pads, and they rub them on the ground to mark their territory.

    So digging around or pawing at the ground before laying down is your dog trying to say: "This is my space!"

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  • Turning around in circles in the area before finally laying down is also inherited from their ancestors’ survival instincts.

    First of all, wild dogs and wolves didn't have the ready-made comfort of luxury dog beds. They had to create their own "beds" by trampling down the grass or snow on the ground.

    Additionally, many think that turning at least 360 degrees served as a final scan of the surrounding area for predators.

    Although your pup doesn't have to worry about finding a safe place to sleep in your home and no longer does this ritual out of self-preservation, their instincts remain: digging and circling their beds, and then curling up like an oversized croissant!

  • 2. The superman


    Belly down, paws out to the sides, the superman is another classic sleeping position.

    It's common to see young dogs and especially puppies take on the superman as their sleeping position of choice, as it's the easiest position to get up from. This translates to a streamlined transition between naptime and playtime!

    Sometimes if a puppy has had an especially strenuous bout of play, they will fall asleep almost while still standing up, and don't have time to get into a more comfortable position!

  • If you see your older dog sleeping in the superman, it may simply be what’s most comfortable for them. However, it could also mean that they’re not fully at ease in their surroundings.


    Like with the croissant, dogs who sleep in the superman are also protecting their vital organs by laying directly on them. Additionally, it's easy to pop up to all fours from this position, meaning that your dog might want to be ready to flee or to defend itself in the blink of an eye.

    Adult dogs who sleep in the superman may be more timid or independent. It's also possible to see dogs take this position when they are placed in a new environment, such as moving to a new house or an overnight trip to visit friends or family.

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  • Your dog may only sleep in the superman when you initially bring them home. There’s nothing wrong with this, but you can help make sure they feel comfortable by providing a calm, quiet environment at bedtime.

    Over time, as they start to realize your house is safe, you may see them start to sleep in other positions.

    Another reason your dog might be sleeping in the superman is that they are bored. Many dogs will doze when there's nothing interesting going on, or in between bouts of play, and this is a common position for these kinds of disco naps.

    These short snoozes are typically made of lighter sleep. Your dog's eyes may be shut, but they'll be up in a second as soon as they hear or sense something more interesting beginning to happen.

  • 3. The Running man

    In this position, your dog will be asleep on her side, with all four legs stretched out. We call it the running man because this is the position where you will see the most dramatic twitching, flopping, and running!

  • Experts aren’t sure exactly what it is that dogs dream about, but they do believe dogs enter the same REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep that humans do when they dream. T

    The signs of this sleep stage are most evident in the running man position, because their legs are not tucked in or restrained.

    Just as humans are sometimes known to talk in their sleep, dogs may also softly woof, growl, or whimper while in this deep stage of sleep.

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  • If the running man is your dog’s favorite sleeping position, it’s a good sign for your bond—since they are exposing their vital organs, it means that they trust you, and are comfortable in their surroundings.

  • The croissant, the superman, and the running man are three of the most common sleeping positions you’ll find dogs napping in.

    But as you've learned, they all may give you some insight into your dog—whether they feel a little nervous in a new environment, or need you to turn the air conditioning up.

    What is your dog's favorite sleeping position? Let us know in the comments section below!


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