I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Memes For Doggos With High Self-Esteem

  • 1
    Dog - My little girl who is 15 years old wanted to go to the park today, she's a bit to0 old so I carried her down there, when we got there this is how she sat enjoying the sunshine

    Ugh, that is the best thing you could have done for this senior doggo, and we want to personally say thank you. She just looks so content and heckin' happy. We hope that she is still living a good life and is as happy as she can be. Wow, what a wholesome start to this ridiculous meme collection. 

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  • 2
    Dog - I haven't found what they broke yet

    One can appreciate the cat full-on hiding behind the dog. "I'm not here, and since you can't see me, you don't know that I'm the real perpetrator of this crime." It might be disappointment too though, more along the lines of "omg you dragged me into your doggo madness again, you better take responsibility for this one."

  • 3
    Cloud - This good boy is called Pilot. He keeps everyone safe at Vancouver airport by keeping the runway bird-free.
  • 4
    Computer - Double tap to show respect for this officer's dedication to his job @tank.sinatra November 20I8 Smelled drugs. Told mom. Got toy. CE K-9 End of Report. MADE WITH MOMUS
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  • 5
    Dog - The groomer cut every part of my husky except for his head. I can't stop laughing
  • 6
    Car - "where do you see yourself in 20 years?"
  • 7
    Photograph - My entire day to day life summed up in two pictures
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  • 8
    Dog - My friend's dog ate a pot brownie yesterday TCS Alcor
  • 9
    Polar bear - At the time of washing he looks like a polar bear
  • 10
    Footwear - Cute doggo you have there, lady
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  • 11
    Dog - 8 year old me waiting for my sandwich and Doritos after getting out of the pool
  • 12
    Dog - Me: *Accidentally steps on a squeaky toy My dog:
  • 13
    Dog - Me: *finally gets in bed to get some rest* The neighbor's dog: "testing one two, woof woof"
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  • 14
    Wood - Me reading the group chat I haven't responded to in six months @cabbagecatmemes
  • 15
    Photograph - KING ... @jackfrost8 Me: l'll get a dog to watch the house. The dog:
  • 16
    Dog - what if i was cool oh wait i am
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  • 17
    Dog - "You think this is funny, Carol? Identity theft is not a joke." Nettombie
  • 18
    Dog - my experiment to create a half suitcase half dog hybrid failed again
  • 19
    Nose - NAILED IT
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  • 20
    Dog - Me: says name of a girl twice Му My mom:

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