Animal Comedy Newsletter

Brave Rancher Saves a Herd of Cows From Certain Doom in Hurricane Ian Floodwaters


As many are aware, Hurricane Ian has devastated much of the Southern end of Florida. This category 4 storm has shaken not only the coastlines, but the inland areas as well, leaving irrevocable flooding, water damage, and desolation in its wake. Many residents of the Sunshine State are refusing to evacuate for many reason: they assume they can wait it out, they have animals to care for, and they're just downright stubborn


For those in the second category, things get a little complicated, especially with livestock. 


Many ranchers or farm adjacent folks can attest to the fact that moving a large number of bovine creatures is an incredibly irksome task in normal conditions. Now factor in nearly apocalyptic rains, flood waters, and life threatening urgency and every rancher and cowboy has themselves a problem. All it takes is one false move to lose track of a whole group of cattle, and with rising waters and dangerous undercurrents, that's just a pickle. 


One Florida man took matters into his own hand when things got tough on his farm during the storm. Flood waters rose to nearly shoulder height in some parts of his land, but he wouldn't leave his cattle out in such dangerous conditions. He hopped up on his horse and did what all cowboys do: he got it done. 



This man jumped up on to his horse and tried to chase the cows into shallower waters. Being cows, they were obviously terrified and became unpredictable, sloshing in every direction and creating confusion with every shaky step. 



One the cows got to shallower waters and nearly came to dry land, the real challenge began of getting them back to the barn. Fortunately the rancher had a couple pointer dogs to corral the hefffers onto a sturdier path to dry land. If the cows weren't startled enough, this certainly put them into high gear. 


With the help of a few neighbors, more cowboys of course, the rancher brought the straggler cows back to safety. These beef steaks will live to graze another day once the floor waters recede and new grass has grown in place of the muddied debris and scrap metals. Fortunately for several animals in Hurricane Ian's path, there are many brave ranchers and civilians that are willing to risk their life and limb to save them. May every stranded animal be as lucky as these cows.



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