Dog Owners Dish On Whose Snoring They Tolerate More: Their Dogs' Or Their Significant Others'

  • 01
    Head - Posted by u/LambSacrificer 14 days ago Anyone else adore the sound of their dog snoring at night but not the snoring of their significant other? J
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    Font - When my dog snores at night I find it relaxing and adorable. But when my girlfriend snores it is not as adorable 152 Comments ●●●
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    Handwriting - Diezelbeans161 14 days ago Dog snoring: wife takes 10 minute video and shares with me in the morning. Me snoring: wife elbows me in the ribs.
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    Font - kvarik 14 days ago Danny, longhaired chihuahua Once my wife woke me up in the middle of the night saying "hey stop snoring, I couldn't sleep", and then came a massive snore from under the blanket where my dog slept. We had a good laugh on it. What I'm trying to say: yeah me and my wife adore my chihuahua snores even sometimes she does it louder than my
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    Font - imaginaryAudience 14 days ago That's so funny, I'm the exact same way. My dogs snores are incredibly soothing to me and I love hearing her snore. My husband on the other hand sounds like a freight train and I put in ear plugs as soon as he comes to bed haha.
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    Font - Skorpyos 14 days ago name: Boxer Kind of. Except when both my dog and my SO snore at the same time and alternate. They're Both so damn loud. I can't sleep like that.
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    Font - The TomBerenger Effect 10 days ago My ex became my roommate after we broke up and we lived together for yrs afterwards because we didn't want to split up the 4 dogs. My god, even when he was across the house and down a level, I could hear his snores in my room with the door shut and tv on. He's married now. I don't know how she survives it without laying in bed each night staring at the ceiling, thinking : “one more, just one more and I'm gonna smother you!"
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    Font - khosrove 14 days ago Yes, love my dog snoring so much, it's such a sweet sound. My dal doesn't snore and sleeps like a normal dog, however my lab gets into very comfy looking positions and looks so incredibly cute and snores too. Like she has 4 kids to feed and has returned from a 12hr shift at the end of a rough week. Can't be comfy without a pillow too.
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    Handwriting - RavishingRedRN 14 days ago My dog snores like an Angel sprinkled with high pitched whimpers. My boyfriend snores like a chainsaw with a side of lawnmower.
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    Font - SeparateBook1 · 14 days ago I somehow don't mind my husband extremely loud snoring, but I find my dog's sweet gentle snoring ADORABLE. So does everyone else, except for, coincidentally, my husband...hmmm...


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