Animal Comedy Newsletter

Cutest Black Lab Doggo Pup Prefers Household Items to Actual Dog Toys


There's one thing when a dog is absolutely uncontrollable excited about a silly little dog toy and loves it with all their heart. And then there's another thing, when a dog is obsessed with something that is not at all meant to be a dog toy. Both equally adorable, one sillier than the other. 

For example, this adorable black Labrador puppy going viral on TikTok right now. He simply is sitting there with a sponge in his mouth, ever so gently, and he is looking EPICALLY cute. 


Her name is Gala, and we mean, just LOOk at her! She has those puppy dog eyes down to a tee. Did she invent puppy dog eyes? If she were to look our way with those eyes and a sponge in her mouth, we would think so. Her little jowls over it, as if she's savoring every moment of it. 

Gala's mom assures viewers that it is a new sponge, clean of any soaps or bacteria, so it is safe for her pup to enjoy. Even still, she makes sure to chaperone her pup while she has sponge time to make sure she doesn't rip it apart and try to eat any. So far, however, it seems she simply just likes to carry it in her moth. (Which, her mom adds, seems to be a classic lab trait.) 

What other household items is Gala's favorite? We have yet to find out, but we hope her mom shares more about it! 

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