In the vast cosmos fandoms, few are as dedicated and enthusiastic as us Trekkies; devoted followers of the iconic science fiction franchise, we can only hope for the world to resemble Star Trek. But alas, the real world is much more ill-informed, and to be frank, boring. Trekkies have formed a community bound together by a shared passion for exploration, diversity, and the optimistic future that Star Trek represents.
We can effortlessly recite memorable quotes, identify countless characters from multiple series, and engage in heated debates about the minutiae of the series. From Captain Kirk's daring exploits aboard the USS Enterprise to Captain Picard's diplomatic prowess on the USS Enterprise-D, we've immersed ourselves in the rich tapestry of Star Trek's expansive universe.
We have a vision of the world! At this rate, we're not sure if we're a bit delusional or if there is hope. So… for now, we must settle for memes. Below you'll find an assortment of hilarious Star Trek memes for fellow Trekkies boarding the Enterprise. For more, you can check out another collection of funny, relatable Star Trek memes here.