Struggling Through Saturday: Amusing Memes From Parents Who Could Do With Some Help

  • 01

    "Also pictured: the junk drawer (no, the rest of my house doesn't normally look like this. "

    Property - I see your junk drawer and raise you a chaos corner Pampers GIM @momwithaboysname #REF! CREATE YOUR OWN
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  • 02

    "As an adult, there are three things I always need more of: fiber, sleep and decorative pillows. "

    World - Husband: You went to HomeGoods again today, didn't you? Me while karate chopping my new pillows: @momwithaboysname bo 444 Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain.
  • 03

    "And who's gonna cut the crust off of your sandwich if I'm six feet under, huh? HUH?!?"

    Forehead - Listening to how nicely my kids are playing together @momwithaboysname Realizing they're pretending to be orphans
  • 04

    "No no I'm older than the internet, not electricity!?"

    Font - ANXIOUSLY No Idea: Daddy Blog @byclintedwards EVER AFTER I told my 8yo that I had a Nintendo when I was kid, and she looked incredibly confused, and when I asked why, she said "but how'd it work?" A couple more questions and I realized she assumed I didn't have electricity as a child... I was born in '82.
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  • 05

    "My kids have been sick since school started in August, and no amount of hand washing has helped.?"

    Forehead - My kid to literally every germ at school momwithaboysname Can I keep you?
  • 06

    "Meeeemories ?"

    Font - the TruthBomb the Mom TruthBomb @mom TruthBomb I like to make memories with my children by doing seasonal crafts with them. They'll be memories of me screaming at them, but memories nonetheless.
  • 07

    "Playing with my kids is proof that time is subjective given that 10 minutes feels like 10 years."

    Human - When you're 3 hours into playing dress up and then realize it's only been 3 minutes @momwitheboysname 200 TOMAS 76.
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  • 08

    "Last time we went on a family walk, I ended up carrying two scooters and pushing a stroller?"

    Gesture - 10 minutes into the family walk SATIRICAL MOMMY
  • 09

    "It only took ten years of marriage *cries tears of joy* ?"

    Cartoon - When my husband poops for 10 minutes instead of the typical 45 @momwithaboysname That's right! He can be taught!
  • 10

    "No no I really am a nice person! "

    Forehead - Me: I'm gonna be super friendly so I get to know other parents! Also me at back-to-school night: @momwithaboysname DOO CONSTABLE WAGNER LARRY BURROWS VIETNA TA S S TE
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  • 11

    "Oh you think October is too early to start talking about Santa?!"

    Photograph - momwithaboysname (6) Remember folks: it's never too early to remind your kids that Santa's watching View likes @momwithaboysname
  • 12

    "But that'll never happen so instead I'll wish for a unicorn that poops money"

    Font - MOMLIKE THA Terri Fry @momlikethat1 I want a house that self cleans, kitchen that IG: @momlikethat_ self cooks, laundry that puts itself away and children that self listen.
  • 13

    "On an another note, kids can sleep in the same sheets for 5 years without needing to change them ?"

    Rectangle - @itssherifield @itssherifield @itssherifield The first time you change the sheets on a bunk bed is when you realize what a terrible invention they are.
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  • 14

    "I'm pumped! ?"

    Font - Jo My 6 year old says, "Mom, I know" @shepensblog when I correct her and it makes me so excited for the teenage years. She PENS Aliette Silva
  • 15

    "Ask me how many times he complained that Taylor's already met Travis' mom."

    Hairstyle - momwithaboysname @momwithaboysname Not my husband thinking he's besties with Taylor Swift since they're both apparently in love with Travis Kelce. View likes
  • 16

    "Wait a minute... is this why my husband's favorite candy is Bit o' Honey??"

    Font - Robert Knop @FatherWith Twins The key to happiness is simple - buy snacks that no one in your family but you like
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  • 17

    "This checks out?"

    Font - If you tell a parent to go to their happy place don't be surprised when they go back to bed. @One Funny Mummy
  • 18

    "Confession: I'm in the thick of the newborn phase and just like with my other kids, I think this bebe is the cutest lil baby pigeon I ever did see."

    Mouth - What people think their newborn will look like @momwithaboysname Their newborn coming out looking like Nemo's ugly cousin
  • 19

    "Who needs sleep anyways, right? ...right??"

    Sharing - My toddler, every night at two hour intervals. @thehiddensnacksmama Get back in here and love me!
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  • 20

    "I was so young and naive before kids?"

    Font - Mommy Needs A Life @mom_needsalife Me before kids: I'm going to be such a laid back parent Me now: If I find one more light left on I will remove every lightbulb in this house and we will spend the rest of our days in darkness
  • 21

    "We had a good run. (Everyone please tell your spouse that it doesn't count as 'me time' if you're folding their underwear)."

    Forehead - When my husband says that folding laundry counts as taking time for myself @momwithaboysname HE WILL BE MISSED. NOT BY ME SO MUCH. BUT HE WILL BE MISSED.
  • 22

    "Thanks TODD! That's so helpful?"

    Muscle - Me Anxious, pmsed, stressed out overwhelmed, touched out 69⁰- 58 67 66¹ 63- 62- 60-6 59-- 58"- @momming_glory 640 53 52 486 T45" A My husband 45 - Just try to relax
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  • 23

    "Aaaaand suddenly I feel old enough to register for an AARP membership?"

    Font - FATHER ISH No Idea: Daddy Blog @byclintedwards I went on a youth backpacking trip. I asked one of the teens what music he was listening too, he said "Some classic rock." I assumed he meant Led Zeppelin or something, but then he listed off Blink 182 and Coldplay, and suddenly it felt like I came to America on the mayflower.
  • 24

    "Mom brain is real y'all! ?"

    Font - AS 26 AS DS 2 People > Today 10:30 AM ALIC Is Daniel available to play with Reese? I'm not home but try Brad Omg mombrain moment I'm at hockey WITH DANIEL MOB TRUTHS
  • 25

    "No sudden movements?"

    Font - snarkymommy78 @SNARKYMOMMY78 If you manage to get your kids to eat something you make, don't mention how happy you are that they're eating it. Don't even acknowledge the eating. In fact don't even look at them while they're eating. Learn from my mistakes. MOMMY 2d ...
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  • 26

    "Come back hoooome"

    Clothing - C PRODUC Other moms in their cute fall outfits SOLE @momwithaboysname Me looking like I put Sheryl Crow's picture away
  • 27

    "I'm sorry...what?!"

    Forehead - Me: why are there bandaids on your bed? 4 yr old: it's for my dolls' eyes so they don't watch me sleep @avocadomamal
  • 28

    "Things are definitely bouncing (my belly pooch, my boobies etc) but there's not much of me that's bouncing BACK?"

    Brown - My body 'bouncing back' after childbirth @momwithaboysname
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  • 29

    "He's not wrong though...?"

    Font - THRE momwithaboysname ADS TH If you're wondering how often I bake, my son just called a rolling pin a 'play doh flattener'. View likes THR (6)
  • 30

    "Leave space for the Lord!?"

    Comfort - "We need a bigger bed if the kids are going to be sleeping in it." - Parents Everywhere Children sleeping in the bigger bed: @BE_KIND_OF_WITTY POSS @be kind © witty
  • 31

    "Can't wait to parent the teenage version of myself. So fun!?"

    Rectangle - I told my mom how exhausted I am with my wild child. She put her hand on my shoulder, Looked me square in the eyes, said "Good Luck raising you", and then she Laughed and laughed. @AntsyButterfly
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  • 32

    "Oh heyyyyyy?"

    Nature - Everytime I'm on a video call My kid: <MOM/> @thedevelopermom
  • 33

    "As a NJ girl, I especially relate to the first (and the last three obv)?"

    Font - I'm a pretty easygoing person until -someone cuts me off in traffic -I'm trapped in the slowest checkout line -my high school friends try to sell me crap -the shopping cart has a wonky wheel -the baby has a blow out on the wall -the kids demand a toy at the store -we have inconsiderate house guests -there's a line at the bank and you're late for school pick up -someone loads my dishwasher wrong -I get a bad haircut -my in-laws visit -snow days -everything -taxes -life @modernmomprobs
  • 34

    "Whooo disturbs (my kid's) slumberrrrr?"

    Wood - How I greet the UPS driver when he rings the doorbell during nap time @momwithaboysname
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  • 35

    "I'm in a perpetual state of exhaustion"

    Font - Satirical Mommy @SatiricalMommy Being pregnant made me a side sleeper Being a mom made me never sleep again SATIRICAL MOMMY
  • 36

    "Yes, I know that being away from your family and sleeping in a new place is hard, and I'm not trying to take away from that."

    Font - і ту momwithaboysname ADS THR (8) Parents, if you're the one who travels for work, do a few small chores before you go. Fold the laundry. Load the dishwasher. Give your kids a bath. Pack their lunches for school. You do not need to tackle a whole bunch of monumental tasks, just do enough so that your spouse feels supported before you leave and while you're gone. View likes
  • 37
    Font - ART HEART kindminds_smarthearts @kindminds_ Baby wipes are to moms what duct tape is to dads.
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  • 38

    "The past few weeks have aged me (and no, not like a fine wine)?"

    Font - THRE 1 reply. View likes DS TH momwithaboysname The week before school starts is the longest 85 years of the summer. S THR (6)
  • 39

    "Judgement free's the way to be! ?"

  • 40

    "In my defense, it's hard to differentiate between want and need when I walk into Homegoods"

    Hair - Me: I'm only going to spend money on things I need. My credit card bill: @momwithaboysname Grubhub Target Homegoods Amazon
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  • 41

    "Looks like I let my kids do my makeup too?"

    Forehead - Did you know... STONECOLDDADDY In order to play the role of an insane and mentally depressed person in the movie "Joker", Joaquin Phoenix spent summer break.with his children.
  • 42

    "Oh no you need to cancel?! I'm devastated! I am bereft! How will I ever recover?! ?"

    Font - THP momwithaboysname Me in my 20's: FOMO (fear of missing out) Me in my 30's: LOMO (love of missing out) View likes THR DS T (6)
  • 43

    "One thing they don't mention about open concept floor plans is that the entire first floor becomes an extension of your kitchen table. ?"

    Human - My kid casually bringing her dinner into the living room after I tell her to sit down at the kitchen table Cynical Parent What is your spaghetti policy here?
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  • 44

    "It's called self care DUH?"

    Comfort - Evite: "JOIN US to celebrate...!" Me: "I'm busy that day." @redyellowgreendance
  • 45

    "I'm gonna need more than that. How about a facelift and a good coma? Now that sounds positively rejuvenating!?"

    Forehead - Hairstylist: A few long layers and some face framing highlights will give you that youthful glow! Me: emomwithaboysname
  • 46

    "It's fine. Everything's fine. ?"

    Footwear - Them: How's life with another kid? Me: I'm just trying to keep it all together. Me, keeping it together: @snarkandlemons
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  • 47
    Font - SNARK LEMONS snarkandlemons @snarkandlemons I hiccuped and pulled something in my back. This fragility is new. esnarkandlemons
  • 48
    Font - snarkandlemons SNARK LEMONS @snarkandlemons ... You are a total badass. ~The pep talk I give myself as I pour my benefiber into my morning coffee esnarkandlemons
  • 49
    Font - SNARK LEMONS snarkandlemons @snarkandlemons I'm sorry for what my toddler told you I said #snarkandlemons about you.


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