Woman Goes Viral for Her Mouse Infestation After Befriending the Mice and Keeping Them as Beloved Pets


Imagine waking up to a bathtub full of wild mice. They seem to be crawling in from your pipes and you have no idea what to do. You call the exterminator, but these little rodents are just too clever. You start to try and take things into your own hand, but hurting them hurts your heart. So you opt for expensive humane traps. 

Finally, you start catching them, but what are you supposed to do now? If you let them free outside, they'll just find their way back in like they did before… Plus, they're pretty cute. TikToker Julie Kobylarz decided that this was fate. Instead of continuing to fight the mice over whose home this really is, she decided to share the home and become their mother


Now, the mice are domesticated. They hang with her on her shoulder, scurry up onto her hands, even cuddle right up next to her neck. She's provided them with a pet enclosure, lots for enrichment activities, and all the food and treats they could want! Honestly, I hope these mice can see they hit the jackpot with this choice of infestation. Kobylarz says in one of her videos:

"My bathtub has been invaded. Imagine getting up to use the restroom in the middle of the night and seeing this [tub full of wild mice]. I don't know what they are, but they're kind of cute. So I'm gonna try to form an alliance. These furry little scurriers seemed scared of me at first. Then one broke away from the pack and climbed on my shoe. I think this might be a play for dominance. I kept a calm posture to assert that I was friendly, yet in charge. However, the critter continued to climb. Is he trying to square up or be friends? Maybe he just thinks I'm a tree. Hard to say, really. As he made his way up my torso, I started to get worried. What are his intentions? He then climbed on my neck and I felt every little paw. Before he could make a move, I took him into my hand. He looked at me with his big ears and bulgy eyes, and we made an alliance. I offered this stoic animal temporary housing and food. This is a prideful creature. He refused at first, but I talked him into it. Very polite."

She has since gone viral with her and her lil micey family's story and is using her notoriety to help other wild animal charities. What would you do if you befriended a family of wild mice?

Watch full video on how it happened:

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