3 Adventure Cats Who Are Living 9 Lives to The Fullest

  • Winter, Spring, summer or fall – Jasper, the adventure cat does it all

    Jasper the adventure cat from Idaho, being walked on a leash
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  • Jasper the adventure cat on a large rock in the river, checking out the flower water around him
  • Jasper in a blooming field of purple and green
  • Jasper the adventure cat focused on something of importance.
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  • Jasper the cat out for a stroll among some yellow foliage.
  • Jasper the adventure cat in the snow of winter
  • 1 Veterinarian, 1 Cat, Countless Adventures

    Little Bug on a yacht with Dr. Kenneth Lambrecht
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  • Dr. Kenneth Lambrecht in a small boat with his cat, Little Bug
  • Little Bug the adventure cat on the edge of a kayak in the water.
  • Dr. Kenneth Lambrecht on Skis and holding his cat Little Bug as the about to go downhill.
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  • Photographer Explorers Rural France with cats

    Teresa Kaufman with Gino and Gato
  • cat in the wilderness
  • cat in a tree saying hello to a passing horse
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  • cat on a fence about to jump off into the wilderness
  • Cats enjoying exploring the wild
  • Black and white of a horse smelling a cat


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