I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

20 Smallest Criminally Cute Kittens Using Their Powers Of Meownipulation To Sneak Right Into Our Hearts (July 20, 2024)

  • 1

    "New inmate voicing displeasure at having been sent straight to solitary"

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    "Kitten or Bear Cub?"

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    "Does anyone remember Ian..."

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    "Does anyone remember Ian, who wiggled his ears while he ate from a bottle? He has been adopted! He survived being abandoned by his mom and losing his littermates, being tube fed, and living in an incubator for 3 weeks."

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    "Foster Princess ft Boyfriend who doesn't like cats"

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    "Found under our Neighbor’s Car. My daughter named him Greg"

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    "We have had him for about five days. He could barely open his eyes or walk so we think he was tossed in the neighborhood. I'm so grateful our neighbor found him before using her car… We will be keeping him"

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    "26 days old :)"

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    "Found her soaking wet abandoned in the street, she ate and slept for a day. Feisty tired kitty."

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    "My husband wants to name him Luffy but my daughter wants to name him Princess Peach- we can call him Peaches for short. What is better?"

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    "8 criminals captured by local police"

    Try prywaty
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    "After a long hour drive home (where he cried the entire time), wolfing down half a can of wet kitten food, Dave is home! And tired!"

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    "got caught eating out the lasagna pan… typical"

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    "Chips weighed herself and found out that she doesn’t"

    SET CVS Health
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    "I go out to get a tattoo and these were waiting for me at home"

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    "My cat had kittens!"

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    "Dave. He comes home tonight to do crimes, I can't wait"

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    "visiting the kitten nursery within the shelter I work at is the serotonin boost I needed for today.. along with BEANS"

    one CLOCKS (t) primesw, sl 2899)
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    "My aunt found this little baby in her backyard"

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    "Biscuit is a size 6 women’s shoe"

    XXT 30X16X10.5CM
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  • 20

    "Before the was a big potato, she was a tiny potato | Hard to believe she’s 16 now!"

    Cheezburger Image 10375661312


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