Have you ever seen a sign out in public that caused you to do a double-take and wonder if someone is playing a trick on you? The unique aspect of funny sign errors, when you come across them out in the wild, is that you often will never know what the sign maker's intent was. Perhaps it was an egregious mistake or perhaps they were trying to see if they could get away with a harmless prank. Here's hoping it's the latter because wouldn't we all like to think that humans are more intelligent than this nonsense?
Furthermore, if these sign fails are, in fact, pranks, then we'd like to thank these sign makers for generously putting a smile on our faces whilst we deal with the monotony of everyday life. After all, there is a certain kind of satisfaction that comes with discovering a sign fail. First, you wonder if you read that right. Then, you read it again and realize you totally read that right, and finally, you take a picture and document it for everyone else's enjoyment. We'd like to think of it as a form of philanthropy.
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