Welcome back internet queens and kings, parents of all galaxies. The moment one becomes a parent, their entire world changes overnight. They go from their quixotic innocence, their selfish life to having to hold the responsibility for another's. To make the commitment to your partner, and share the moment of your child's birth, it's a path that molds one forever. Being a father is fun and exciting; it's an adventure that teaches you more about yourself than you expected to learn.
You get to run, jump, and play with your child. You get to teach them to ride a bike, to say thank you, and the order of the planets. It's not like mom's job, and dad will never be seen in the same way. Being a dad comes with it's pros; you may be seen as the 'cool' parent, or the 'chill' parent. Now enjoy these fatherhood memes for funny fathers.
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