
How to Make Sushi Rice

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    Types of Sushi Rice

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    Rice comes in any number of types. For sushi specifically, you are looking for medium, or better yet short grain rice. Sushi Rice is obviously the best option, but isn't always available. In these cases, you can substitute with a similar size rice and the result will be quite similar. 

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    Prepping The Rice and ingredients.

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    It is always best before you start cooking rice, to check for any pieces that should not be, so sifting through it on a surface that will make it difficult for small elements that are not rice to remain hidden. 

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    Step 1 - Weigh and Rinse

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    Whichever amount of rice you are looking for, make sure you have an equal amount of water ready. 300mg (1 cup = ~100g) of rice should be accompanied by 300mL of cold water, and so on.

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    Step 1.5 Tip #1

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    If you don't want to sit and sift through rice for a while, you can always put it in a fine strainer, and run water over it, making sure to agitate the rice so that it is completely rinsed by the end.

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    Step 1.5 Tip #2

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    In order to increase the flavor naturally of the rice, add a piece of dried konbu (seaweed) to your pot of rice as it cooks. Once the rice has finished cooking, simply remove the piece of seaweed before continuing to prepare the rice. 

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    Step 2 - Cooking with a Rice Cooker

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    Add two cooker cups (the cup provided with your device), Add water up the two cup line and put the device on high, and wait for it to finish. That's it!

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    Step 2.5 - Cooking With A Pot On a Burner / Hot Plate

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    If you don't have a specialized rice cooker, this is not the end of the road! You can just as easily cook the rice in a pot. 

    Set the heat on high and wait for the water to reach a boil. Then on low heat, allow the rice to cook for 15 minutes. Once the rice finishes cooking, allow it to steam for an additional 10 minutes

    By this point, the rice should be firm in shape, and each grain glossy. If it doesn't look like this exactly, it's perfectly fine, but that is what you are aiming for.

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    Step 3 - Prepping For The Finished Rice

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    While you are waiting for your rice cooker/ pot to finish, prep the remaining ingredients so you are ready to go. Add the measured rice vinegar into a bowl, followed by the 2 tablespoons each of salt and sugar. In order to help the sugar dissolve, you can warm it up in the microwave all mixed up in the bowl for ~30 seconds

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    Step 4 - Final Flavoring And Prep

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    Add your cooked rice into either your wooden sushi rice container, or if you didn't splurge for this occasion, a large Pyrex dish will do just fine, it is just very important to have a large surface to move the rice around.

    Use a wooden paddle and fold the rice on itself, while fanning it to cool it off. As this is going on, into the container mix your previously prepared or bottled vinegar mixture, and for every 1.5 cups of rice, add 1/4 cup of pre-seasoned rice vinegar to the device. 

    You can also use basic rice vinegar, and for every 1 cup of rice, add 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar to every 1/4 cup of rice vinegar.

    Slowly pour the mixture over the rice while folding it over, taking care not to crush the rice as you do so.

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    Step 5 - Final Prep and Serving

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    Allow your rice to cool until it is around room temperature, and you have finished mixing in all of the rice vinegar mixture into the rice. Once it has cooled, you can start using it for making sushi or whatever else your heart desires. Just be sure to let it cool down! Making sushi with deceptively hot rice is not a pleasant experience. 


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