
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station Is Breaking the Mold By Becoming A Zero Emissions Facility

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    Using What They Got


    The station has some incredible renewable technology, including a water recycling treatment system that minimizes the amount of water wasted, by recycling water used for showers, toilets and the washing machine. Any excess water is purified externally before before being stored for later use.

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    The station is built to maximize its energy efficiency, not only with green energy, but also using the station's environment to the max. During the months of 24-hour sunshine, the solar panels are the major source of energy, while during the complete black of the winter months and high winds, the wind turbines come into play and are used to power the station. 

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    The station is location only 200 kilometers from the far east coast of Antarctica, the station is perfectly placed to study a number of various unique aspects of the Arctic environment. With harsh temperatures ranging from -50 to -5 degrees Celsius, but like previously stated, the strong winter winds are a boon for the station, allowing it to continue operations. 

    The major challenge for the teams is the clearing of the snow accumulation for the winter, in preparation for the summer season, during which most of the research is done.

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    The building was designed to maximize space, efficiency, and temperature regulation. The station's layered shell allowed for a perfect integration of the various spaces within, and helped to minimize the amount of energy required to run and maintain the station. 

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    Snow - SESA

    The Princess Elisabeth station was not built in a night, more like over the course of a number of seasons and 5 years. From topographical surveys, to building the structure itself, the process was a long one. Despite several disputes over the control and ownership of the station, everything has been resolved, and it is full steam ahead (maybe some day) for the station. 

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    Construction of the Station


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