Driver's License Photo

Spit It Out Or Else!


OW! Capshun poked me in eye!

Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?

As he listened to the sounds of the grandchildren arriving, Hobart prayed that the lock on the bathroom door would hold.


Someone left my cake out in the rain and I don't think I can take it, 'cause it took so long to make it, and I'll never have that recipe again...

Due to the struggling economy, Sparky went to work at Home Depot, making soaker hoses.

you is so cute....

Kan u heer me nao????

ecauth I theth tho, thath iy

Eagles may soar . . . . . . but weasels don't get sucked into jets!



i iz makin u a Tanksgivin kard

Nobody Move Iz lost a contakt

No! It was like whoosh! Right through my legs!

Iffin I help to trims teh twee Santa brings a giff for mi I been guds teh whole yeer long I ain't dun hardly nuffin wrong Dere was dat well shucks I'll use teh coal as a hocki pucks

Send me to da laydee wif mai complementz

gitz back i haz a fierce

I play well with others... Others, not You.

Bom Skwad Kitteh Sez: Oh Snap!......Run!

Bring mi Solo And the wookie

i not smilin. i poopin.

We're on a mission from DOG.....

Ohai! Welcum homes. Did u hab a gud day? I had a gud day. I cawted a bug and I ated him. Den I played wif a snake dat wus on my butt den I founded some snoflakes for u in teh baffroom and....

I iz fairyale u guessez which one

Hover Cat is redi fur bed

dis better... dan kat nipz!


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