The latest from -Karma-

-Karma- -Karma- favorited a lol

Delbert waited with the patience of a skilled hunter. He knew the bird would return to his yard. And when it did, he would be the one doing the mocking.

Delbert waited with the patience of a skilled hunter. He knew the bird would return to his yard. And when it did, he would be the one doing the mocking.
-Karma- -Karma- and fbastage are now Cheezburger friends
-Karma- -Karma- and Cili are now Cheezburger friends
-Karma- -Karma- favorited a lol

iz long story. jus pull, pleez.

iz long story. jus pull, pleez.
-Karma- -Karma- and maeve14 are now Cheezburger friends
-Karma- -Karma- and Shark_Boy8 are now Cheezburger friends
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

B's Crazy Mom and Dad said

Mom: "The dog NEEDS a life preserver! Look, he's little! Our other dogs have big feet, they can paddle well, but he has teeny little legs." Dad: "Tiny legs, bah! Midgets can swim!" Me: "Okay, that's it. I'm quoting you on the internet." Dad: "What, is there a 'Dumb Shit My Dad Says' site?"
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Really mum?

Mums boyfriend: I'm going to shoot off in a minute (meaning go home) mum: That's not a very appropriate thing to say in front of my kids. [She then laughed for about 10 minutes)
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Emilia's Crazy Mom Said

Talking about different genres of people, like hipster, punk, emo, gangster, prep... Mom: He likes the Jersey Shore. What would he be then? Me: Dumb. Mom: No, but REALLY. Me: ...huh. That's kind of the opposite of hipster. Mom: ....dumpster?
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Rosie's crazy mom said

ME: I've always been into car customization. MOM: Oh like that show ride my pimp? ME: ...?
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Soy-Lent Green's crazy dad said

(During Lent) Dad: Should we go to that vegetarian place for dinner? Mom: No, I'm not in the mood for vegetarian, I just want no meat.
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Darthlager's crazy dad said

Driving with dad passing a cemetary: Dad: you know how many people are dead in there? Me: I dunno, a couple hundred? Dad: all of them. Me: .... *facepalm*
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Shark_Boy8's crazy grandpa said

(Me and Grandpa watching informercial on tv) TV: Learn Cindy Crawford's Secret! Grandpa: I knew it! She is a man!
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Kelsey's crazy dad

*While driving, my mom looks out the window and sees cows grazing* Mom: Are those beef cows? Dad: No, they're pork cows
-Karma- -Karma- favorited something

Jackelope's crazy grandma said

Grandma: You're so skinny! Me (a 26 y/o male): Oh... Grandma: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you skinny. You're not skinny, you just have no muscle.


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4 of 4 messages
By LittleBluePill on Apr 8, 2011 at 9:55 AM
“herroooo thats for accepting my add, i was feeling very alone with no fr... [more]

By Striks on Jan 31, 2011 at 11:29 AM
“Hi! Can I PLEASE have your "lifting weights" collectible? It's SO cool!”

By steffie76 on Jul 3, 2010 at 12:27 AM

By Aria1225 on Mar 8, 2010 at 10:30 AM
“Thx 4 letting me b ur friend b sure to check out mai lolz AND ur my 100th f... [more]