AaronHR1981's Favorites

  • If you are porn-surfing on your family's computer, using Firefox, shift-ctrl-P will put into Priv...
  • Eyeing the neighbor's bikini-wearing wife while you're jogging: awesome. Being so distracted you ...
  • Make sure the "lost dog" you're following really is a dog. Sometimes it's a coyote, in which cas...
  • When walking home after a rough day, do not immediately turn to the guy in the car beeping at you...
  • When your friend, even your best friend, asks you what you got for Father's Day, the answer "Grea...
  • When trying to seductively stroke your wifes face in the dark bedroom, make sure you know where h...
  • When having a conversation with a co-worker about the people in your office that you would love t...
  • No matter how good the new bubblegum air freshener smells in the bathroom at work, never walk up ...
  • Never do anything that you dont want to explain to the paramedics. Especially if one of them is y...
  • If your mom asks "What is 'headbanging'", don't show her in the bathroom. The sink is hard and th...


  • Favorites