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By rew on Jun 11, 2009 at 7:53 PM

this one I'm pimpin. Help the homeless for free...

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By roltgunner on Jun 11, 2009 at 6:13 AM

I also read quite a bit and remember reading a line in a Stephen King novel that people who listen to 1970s Oldies must think only 50 or 60 songs were produced in the entire decade! My tastes are eclectic but since I was graduated from high school and college in the 1970s, I tend to identify more with the songs and bands of that decade. Disco blew; we had a guy on the FM side who did "Make it or Break It" and would play songs sent to us by record companies. If the audience didn't like it, he'd a big show of breaking the record on the air.

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By roltgunner on Jun 11, 2009 at 6:01 AM

LOL. Our station was AOR, too -- only that stood for "All Over the Road!" We'd play country in the morning, news weather and talk in the afternoon, and what passed for "contemporary" in the evenings. Lots of news, though, and I did mostly news.

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By pootlebry on Jun 11, 2009 at 5:06 AM

Is OK we libs we saif frum eni flooding heer, but u rite, teh past 10 years ore sew dere has bin sum bad floods....peeps is studip tho, dey build noo hauses onna flood plain den dey wunners wai teh water cums. fanks fer teh kitteh advice, ore haus fulla hair tu, but frum wun ov teh dawgs, aifink it add character.....

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By rew on Jun 11, 2009 at 1:18 AM

Well, I mean I understand that Barak doesn't wanna throw the book at the fuckers cause he has a lot he wants accomplished and that would sink his chances, but for them to turn around and publicly argue the side that is indefensible and illegal, I hope to god they do get what's coming to them in the end or it just sets up the next asshole to have their way with the constitution next go around without fear of justice. I meant to ask you, have you ever seen the British Documentary "Why We Fight" Its fuckin astounding and shows proof that Cheney plotted the whole thing for monetary gain long before the invasion. If you haven't seen it lemme know an I'll send you a link where u cn download it.

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By rew on Jun 11, 2009 at 1:10 AM

Well, that's the trouble, ain't it. If you take humanity and apply a scale for intelligence, naturally you're gonna have the total fuckin morons taking a small slice on the bottom, and those who can actually think taking a prolly even smaller slice on the top, an that whole middle range there, a good 80% are IMO the worst kind, the barely functional who fuckin think they're smart, and I'm serious, that's the problem. Just anybody who's in a position to have power over peoples lives come from that scary slice, cause the smart ones wouldn't touch it, so politicians, bureaucrats, the fuckwads at the dmv... if you have half a brain and can actually sus out whats real from regurgitated bullshit then ur at the mercy of those with far inferior intellects. Hell, we all are, it just hurts more when you can see a better way, but its all in the numbers.

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By rew on Jun 11, 2009 at 12:07 AM

LMAO!!! I was going to tell you about how I've looked out my front window and seen cougar and coyotes on many occasions (seeing a cougar strollin down ur street is jus astounding) but just now looking out some fucker was chasing another guy with a knife! Talk about wildlife!

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By rew on Jun 10, 2009 at 11:59 PM

waz about tu ask if yu evvr lived in bigeezee, bifor "W" frew it inna trash. I cudn beeleev as I warched onna tv wun ov da grate cities ov da whol worl washd away an dat fukin stooge jus shrug like some modrn dai Nero fukker. Seemz clear 2 me ud be at leas a liddl heppier der.

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By rew on Jun 10, 2009 at 10:27 PM

Fanks, yeah. Da plaice I cumz frum in Canada is da hell hole like u live in - Canada's wun. Hamilton Ontario. Redneckistan North, factories, mafia an gangs. Crookid politicians. I don git owt much deez daiz, I has PTSD, but you don evvin has to go whale watchin to see em heer. Orca's are quite freekwintly seed abouts, an otterz an sealz. I waz onna very remote nakkid beech on 'the island' few years bak, jus soakin in da sun wif a whole beautiful beech tu mysilf, 6 pak uv suds coolin inna surf, whin I hearz a whale blow. I sit up an dere's two orca's playin bout 20 yards off, breachin an rollin an chasin each uvver. Priddy astoundin, felt liek a shared moment celebratin earth's beauty.

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By Romeow on Jun 10, 2009 at 10:35 AM

Awwww...taking away mah 420 friends sounds like sumfing Coultergeist wud do! :lol:

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By rew on Jun 9, 2009 at 10:48 PM

You do live in the eye of the hurricane! Context is everything, I know. Easy for me to talk calm when I live in paradise, with the ocean on one side and mountains on the other, where gay marriage was passed without a peep, and didn't even ruffle the moral fabric let alone bring society tumbling down, where the spca refuse to kill and being different is a badge of honor.

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By rew on Jun 9, 2009 at 8:43 PM

I always got ears for you sweetie, an "HELL YEAH!" tear another strip offa dem for us. Somebody's gotta have the balls.

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By rew on Jun 9, 2009 at 7:53 PM

I think there's tons of hope. I think yew r a nachural magnit fur dem, cauz yew don pull inny punches. Yew stanz rite up an sai "Okay fucko'z!" so yer gunna draw fire. But truss me, da gud r dere, dey jus les vocal. Shoutin iz awl da stoopidz have, cauze dey shur as shit don have right or reason, so shout dey do, an loud too! When that dum fuck Jeraldo firs cam on da TV I used ta complain dat he skewed reality by focusing sooo much on whatz fuct, an dis is kina da saim fing, since dey r da mos vocal, it seems liek der's mor uv em. But awl yew has to do is luk at da content onna internet to see how the numbers rilly break down. Iff der waz sooo miny uv dem it wud be reprezentid in da same numbers onna internet content. An remember, der'z a hyooooge number ov dem what's coverin up der own troo inner selves by pointing the same owt in uvvers, liek Swaggart, Haggard an Larry Craig.

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By roltgunner on Jun 9, 2009 at 2:21 PM

I know what you mean about the songs bouncing around in your head. I went to Disneyland recently and "It's a Small World After All" goes bounding round my mind at the drop of a hat! Zevon fan since the mid-1970s and sorry to see his passing. I used to be in radio in rural communities and on a campus station. Have a pleasant rest of the week!

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By lummox on Jun 9, 2009 at 1:03 PM

I at least check their recent favorites and lolz they made. Gives you an idea of who they are really. Your picks and creations are so close to my sense of humor, it's down right scary, btw. :D

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By rew on Jun 9, 2009 at 12:45 PM

Oh hell yes sweetheart! The myspace thing is only for the pre-existing connections. Good way to connect with very visible celebs who can help with exposure and the nature of the way people link to each other really raises exposure in search engines. I don't think you need to be a member to comment on the blog, mebbe u cn test that fur me, but I think of it as a communal voice for ICHC peeps hoo care, so if you have anything you want to say or add there I will happily post it for you. You can send it to I'm trying to strike a balance that really stirs people up and shocks them without scaring them off. If I can make them cry I'll consider it effective. So there's more like the Kermit post to come, and I'd be sooo happy to use any of your experiences to that end.

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By lummox on Jun 9, 2009 at 7:25 AM

Hey! I may be a perve, but... um... I've got nothing. :D Ty for the congrats btw. :) I hate when people hijack the comment with inane comments. Like the LOLCat I had on the 3rd. Most of the comments are some kind of in-joke only a few people commenting back and forth would get. If they want to do that, they should get a blog or something of their own. Oh well. Have fun and congrats again. (hee hee pointy boobs.)

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By roltgunner on Jun 8, 2009 at 9:11 PM

No, you're right. I'm a Zevon fan and have been for many years. It's a pretty obscure reference so you must be one, too!

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By catlovre2008 on Jun 7, 2009 at 6:33 PM

Hi! FP on 6/5, Celebs, Anti-douchebag. Check again.

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By lummox on Jun 7, 2009 at 6:18 AM

Woo hoo! Pointy boobs are always a good FP! :D Rock on cheezy friend!

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