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By rew on Jun 6, 2009 at 11:29 PM

Hi ASC! Hope ur doin weil. We, (mamagwyn & I plus frenz) is startin a project to try an drum up support and visiblility for SPCA and other animal services/aid. Jus put up a MySpace page to run it frum. =)

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By HeathenX on Jun 6, 2009 at 4:52 PM

Hey sorry it took so long to reply to your message...I just now saw that you left them haha. That picture just oozes sugary sweet evil haha.

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By pootlebry on Jun 2, 2009 at 10:42 AM

blimey yer cats is big !!bowt teh saim weight assa mai's glad we neber hab tu gib our kitteh teh baff, she kwite small, but she can has a temper.....ifs teh ferrets git teh fleas, we gib dem a baff in special shampoo, dey lubs it, speshalee wens it cum time tu towel dem dry, is prolly teh mos fun u can has wiv a ferret.

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By rew on Jun 1, 2009 at 1:09 PM

It must be a statistical fact that there is no greater cause of 'wrongful' loss of human life than a false sense of "moral superiority."

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By pootlebry on Jun 1, 2009 at 11:27 AM

Nah, ai prefer teh smell ov ferrets tu kids enidai, ores hab bin spayed anna nootered, ai likes teh smell ov dem, but ai alreddee admitt tu bein the crazee ferret laydee... dey libs owtside, anna cum in wens teh kitteh elsewhar. we onlee hab teh wun kitteh, but we has 2 dawgs , usda hab 5 fergitts hao meny kitteh u hab.....

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By olgirl on Jun 1, 2009 at 9:59 AM

Trouble is, if you blow him up you blow up your minions too. And besides, we need to save some BRAAAAAIIIIIIIIINS for Zombie Cat.

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By rew on Jun 1, 2009 at 9:42 AM

The problem with these fuck wads is that they are too stupid to reason and too scared to open their eyes. Didja see that brainless moron "Pastor" Becky Fischer in Jesus Camp praying to god that her technology functions correctly??? Its just too boggling to comprehend! The great sky spirit is not so much a loving life-giver who teaches respect as a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card which entitles the holder to feel superior no matter how shitty they behave, and that's a powerful thing that makes them stand up and fight for it in unison where the reasoning and logical are prone not to do so because they see it for what it is. And no matter how many times you SHOW them, hold it right under their noses, they just stand to loose too much.

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By rew on Jun 1, 2009 at 9:33 AM

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By rew on Jun 1, 2009 at 9:32 AM

Humans are an infection an the Earth needs a good dose of antibiotic. Have you ever heard of James Lovelock? I think you'd like him. Anyway, his Gaia theory looks at the earth as one big organism, and he maps the history of life on the planet and several major and total shifts. Says the reason we don't really see the truth is we are self-centric, believe the earth is here for humans and not that humans are just a component. He uses sound science throughout and made some very precise models that proved true. One of his predictions is that the earth will just shrug us off one day and continue without a blink. I find that a happy thought.

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By rew on May 31, 2009 at 9:38 PM

Weil, I'm with ya, don wanna start spoutin steam, but why was everybody soooo blind to the fact that boming the shit outta the middle-east would directly and immediately make them and all their Texas cronies wealthy beyond imagining. The conflict of interest turned genocide so quickly that anybody who blinked woulda missed it, an their ain't nothin 'll make ya blink like a really big flash.

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By rew on May 31, 2009 at 9:11 PM

Flowergirl image at MOTB is beautiful btw.

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By rew on May 31, 2009 at 9:09 PM

lol! weil it ain't so much that we know when its gonna go down as it is we jus don worry bout the fact that it might, an that tens ta maik us reac differint when it do. Almost freakishly calm. Its like the dentist, or bein hanged even... its the waiting that gets ya! Yew betcher ass Cheney knew that all too well, an used it.

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By olgirl on May 31, 2009 at 7:00 PM

Hey, I'm on it, Thelma and Louise style. You see, before my son was a Marine he was a fireman. So 9/11 hits REALLY close to home for our family.

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By rew on May 30, 2009 at 10:11 PM

Oh, I kin beeleev it, fur shur. It r wun big freekee worl owt dere. Dere are sum Canadians hoo belongz a dat groop, but fur da mos part, we'z da wunz sittin qwietly in da dark corner wif da "knowing" smile when da shit goez down. lol I wonse hadda fren naimd Reed who turned to me one nite when we wuz in da shit on da line uvva buzy restaront 'n saiz "You kno hao in evvry Godzilla movie, when he'z stompin ta city an evvrybuddy is runnin aroun screamin? Dey aweez cut awai to wun guy sittin alone in a bar calmly sippin hiz drink. Dats hoo I wanna be when I grow up... dat guy!" Dat is sooo Canadian!

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By rew on May 29, 2009 at 11:03 PM

Don't mean to message and run, but is bed tiem. Wun las link

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By rew on May 29, 2009 at 10:40 PM

(continued from last) well, dey taut Michael sign, an dis is da amazin part... he towd dem da storee bout whin he waz a kid, an some hoomans came an killed his mom an cut off her hed an hans an feet. Well dis is as yew kno what dey do. So AFTER language he was still able to articulate stuff from befor language, an tell em why he's mebbe quiet an removed. He (and Koko but mosly Michael) did sum amazin art. I praticularilly liek 'Apple Chase' his portrait uv his pet dog hoo he luvved an played chase wif.

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By dunno_source on May 29, 2009 at 2:31 PM

Thank you! Google image search for "Black Cat Cigarettes" to see a larger image of my avatar.

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By rew on May 29, 2009 at 11:57 AM

Youz rite! Hard to stup a prublem whin dey jus keep shuvlin elebentee times as much on top. You'd liek da SPCA heer. Dey don't euthanize, not evvr. They hav a system of foster homz dat dey rotate animals through when there'z backup, an r very active in edjamakayshun an intervenshun.

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By pootlebry on May 29, 2009 at 11:03 AM

aidonfink dat aired ober heer inna blighty. mos peeps ober heer onlee keeps dem fer huntin, but mine jus pets, aifink dats wai peeps fink is crazy. fuck em ai sai, crazy is as crazy does.....

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By andykatz on May 28, 2009 at 8:29 AM

ROFL! That is very true....Without the nicotine things could get even uglier!

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