Carliniii's Favorites

  • (My Father, in a bar, saying that the music on a jukebox stops whenever someone says something em...
  • When going for a very spectacular ride on your local fun fair including lots of loops, highspeed ...
  • When youre visiting the Vatican, DO NOT talk about the final boss battle in assassin's creed 2. T...
  • A pedophile is NOT a nail file for your toenails. #LFMF
  • Just because you can fit it in your cleavage, doesn't mean you should. That bottle of hot pink na...
  • When your mother calls you a "son of a bitch" during an argument, don't try to be smart and point...
  • Eyeing the neighbor's bikini-wearing wife while you're jogging: awesome. Being so distracted you ...


  • Favorites