DarkSirocco's Favorites

To Sunkist whose name was Sunny You were Mom's first and then mine. You were called "Loverboy" by others but you loved me and you were the sweetest orinj nawt poison, I called you my dear friend and cuddler. You crossed the bridge 3/2/12. No more pain. I

I'm just one kitty, but . . .

Sumtiems ai feel too weak ta eets.. but Ceiling Cat is always there ta support me wit LUBS

boss cat is watching you


Mom Nom Nom!

Dreamy Pillow of Duckies

Club Peacock

MAWWWWWM! I changed my mind abowt nawt wearin dat flee kollar!!!


Ever since the family decided to get a dog, Rufus has been a train wreck waiting to happen...

I Found the Off Switch!

Rest In Peace Dear Sweet Kitten 01/27/12 If My Love Could Have Kept You Here, You Would Have Lived Forever

"Soft and low the music moans, I can't stop thinking about you, Thinking about you... I didn't know it would be so strong, Waiting and wondering about you I didn't know it would last so long, Nights are forever without you . . ."


If youz goin to San Fansisco..be shur to wares sum fuwwers in yur hares....

"Oh, yeah, that's MUCH better. Now it's like teh stoopid is coming right AT me. Thanks."

Dis is mai happy to have a new frend dance.

Glory hole...

dat iz MISTER Toots tu YUO, bub.

ebery 10 sekonz, anudder fairee godkitteh iz swatetd owta eggzistinz

badd luk... ai tawntz it.

in later years, due to an obsessive snuff habit, he was known as '3-can' Sam..

yuo dere! kabnana boie! gitz mi a peena-kloda an maeks it SNAPIE!

basement cat relay team not ready for Olympics

amazing what they can grow on a rat, nowadays..

"hoemwurd bownd, ai wish ai wuz hoemwurd bownd..."

Captin Obvius struck agin, hmm?

We're almost there!