DarlingNamine's Favorites

  • When you go on a 2 a.m. walk in a peaceful neighborhood, you will be stopped by the cops. They wi...
  • Be careful to check and double-check how you spell the word "student". Your whole class will lau...
  • Good idea: volunteering at your local nursing home. Possibly bad idea: volunteering on Hallowee...
  • Little known fact: wet cats smell just as bad (if not worse) than wet dogs. Installing a catflap ...
  • When observing a first grade teacher, be VERY careful of what you sing to yourself, or you just m...
  • You know how you've got that sinus infection? Don't mockingly shake your fist at the ceiling and ...
  • If you leave the hanging of ornaments entirely to the kids, prepare to wind up with a beautiful t...
  • Never EVER leave your cat near Christmas lights. You will come back to see her tangled and trying...
  • If you see a fairly large crack in a wall and the first thing you think is; "I need to find a bom...
  • Despite all internet evidence to the contrary, I honestly thought the "brony" phenomenon was an e...
  • Never assume that your father will be home at exactly the time he says he will be. Try not to dis...
  • Upon seeing your Christmas turkey, do not exclaim "that's a big bird!" in front of your four-year...
  • Yes, your puppy is very smart for knowing how to "High Five" and "Give Kisses". However, you shou...
  • Never wear a strapless church to dress when volunteering in the nursery, even if you wear a boler...
  • Never, ever, EVER watch the Style channel or America's Next Top Model when you're already feeling...
  • If you like cats, don't volunteer to take the latest acquisition to the vet to be neutered. A cat...
  • English-Second-Language (ESL) speakers: Nerf is not the same as nerve. For example, the following...
  • The temperature of the hot chocolate you make is MUCH cooler than that of your best friend's mot...
  • When saying something about a number, never describe it by calling it color. Your friends will lo...
  • Never tell your brony friends you dont like the show and find it childish, they will force you to...
  • That police helicopter circling your apartment complex tonight? They are looking for a serial ki...
  • When talking about the new show on TV that you like, remember it's Alcatraz, not Azkaban. LFMF


  • Favorites