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By CannotCook on Jul 22, 2012 at 3:39 PM

Gah, triple-post xD Cheezburger is glitching on me...

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By CannotCook on Jul 22, 2012 at 3:37 PM

Probably 'Times New Roman', just because it is everywhere and you can use it for just about anything...fancy font wise, I basically just use whatever I can read :P You?

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By CannotCook on Jul 22, 2012 at 3:36 PM

Probably 'Times New Roman', just because it is everywhere and you can use it for just about anything...fancy font wise, I basically just use whatever I can read :P You?

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By CannotCook on Jul 22, 2012 at 3:36 PM

Probably 'Times New Roman', just because it is everywhere and you can use it for just about anything...fancy font wise, I basically just use whatever I can read :P You?

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By CannotCook on Jul 22, 2012 at 1:49 PM

xD Sometimes I look back at the things I wrote when I was younger and it can be the worst feeling. Kind of a mixture between 'how did I pass grade one English?' and 'oh god, why?'

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By CannotCook on Jul 22, 2012 at 11:50 AM

Nice to meet you too, and your welcome :P I used to use comic sans all the time when I was younger. I completely regret it. And now I have a friend who won't stop using it! She also capitalizes every word, so reading things written by her makes my brain hurt :c

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By doggylolz on Jul 21, 2012 at 10:02 AM

(Cap., *sigh* grumbling) That idiot should have just shot us, I'll just call for help and get us out of this. *dials and waits. Monk has collapsed onto the floor with his head in his hands, whining.* (Nat) Ohhh, Mr. Monk *cough* come ON. You are NOT goign to Die in here, just, just look at yourself! (Monk, lifts head up and is still whining) You're right, I need a bath. *Puts head down.* (Capt turns phone off and sighs, putting it in his pocket.) Police will be here in two minutes. Monk, do you have any idea WHERE he would have went? An airport? (Monk, grumbling, then standing up, shuffling.) No, no, no no. The airports' too far away. Captain he knows we know he is going to try to destroy any evidence we have against him. Either that, or he's running down the street trying to get as far away from those tighty whiteys as possible. (Capt) So where IS he?

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By doggylolz on Jul 19, 2012 at 2:33 PM

(Monk) You wanted us to catch you and lock you up because you knew that for such a severe crime, there would be major consequences and a special hearing, which meant a lot of reporters, and the victims were bound to be there. (Nat) Why didn't he just kill the reporters, not the other random people? (Monk) You wanted to make it look like it was a serial killer, like they were just other victims and he was after important photographs or a cellphone, or maybe just because they were witnesses. We were right, all the reporters knew you. Maybe they went to college with you, or maybe you were friends from childhood. Whatever the case, you had had some past relationship with each of them. You were talking to them on your cellphone, somehow something important slipped out, we don't know what it was but it was worth killing for. Now he's been hiding out here, in one of the reporters apartments. He knew that no one would be here; it's too shabby to sell, the occupant's gone, the police already investigated the family said their good-byes and her stuff is packed up. He was hiding right underneath our noses. (RB) How'd you know all that? (Monk) It's a gift, and a curse. (RB) Looks like it's only gonna be a curse. (He grabs Natalie, the last person, and shoves her in the closet and locks the door, grabs a chair, then puts it underneath the doorknob. (RB) Try getting out of this one!

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By doggylolz on Jul 19, 2012 at 8:58 AM

.....continued.... -I know what happened...

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By doggylolz on Jul 19, 2012 at 8:58 AM

(Ramondo Bark is pointing a gun at them and everybody has put their hands up.) (RB) Ok, everybody, into that closet...NOW! Move, move, move!! (They inch slowly towards it) (Captain, cautiously ) Hey, now don't do anything stupid. (RB) SHUT UP!! (Monk) Oh my.. god.. (Nat) What? (Monk) I

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By doggylolz on Jul 19, 2012 at 8:58 AM

(Ramondo Bark is pointing a gun at them and everybody has put their hands up.) (RB) Ok, everybody, into that closet...NOW! Move, move, move!! (They inch slowly towards it) (Captain, cautiously ) Hey, now don't do anything stupid. (RB) SHUT UP!! (Monk) Oh my.. god.. (Nat) What? (Monk) I

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By Rainbowdashlover12 on Jul 18, 2012 at 8:25 AM

ok then

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By Rainbowdashlover12 on Jul 17, 2012 at 6:44 PM

LOL okay okay i'll watch it, i'll start with the very first series in the 60's

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By Rainbowdashlover12 on Jul 17, 2012 at 6:00 PM


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By Rainbowdashlover12 on Jul 17, 2012 at 2:46 PM

no problem :)

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By doggylolz on Jul 15, 2012 at 6:17 PM

"8. Discord 9. More Twilight Sparkle friendship w/ Fluttershy 10. Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts.

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By doggylolz on Jul 15, 2012 at 5:34 PM

"Yeah, like ponies should be, but the creators are too lazy to make it that way."

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By doggylolz on Jul 15, 2012 at 2:27 PM

"How do I know you're a person?..."

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By doggylolz on Jul 15, 2012 at 9:23 AM


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By doggylolz on Jul 13, 2012 at 11:02 AM

(Monk, muttering and looking) Ok, so we know that Mr. Bark knew each one of these three reporters. We just don't know how he knew them and why he killed them...Captain, I'd like to look at each of their apartments. (Cap) Ok, where do we start? (Monk) 607 Cherry street seven blocks from the aquarium and twelve from police headquarters. (Captain, skeptical with hands on hips) And how do YOU know that? (Monk points to the open cellphone. Natalie giggles.) (Captain sighs) Alright then, lets go.

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