Lalamommy808's Favorites

  • It's Hadron. HADRON. Large HADRON Collider. Do not confuse the order of the R and D. #LFMF
  • When your exchange programs group leader asks for the golden rule, don't answer 'It's not gay whe...
  • Always check the toilet before you sit down to relieve yourself. That great big rat that found hi...
  • If you live with a kitten nicknamed 'The Diabolical Genius' remember to close the bathroom door F...
  • When in a public health department, it may be considered bad taste to refer to hand sanitizer as ...
  • People.......Grammar is important. Capital letters can be the difference between helping your Unc...
  • Nyquil may cure all your cold symptoms and let you sleep, but it won't cure your explosive diarrh...
  • Good idea: Buy a chainsaw to cut some nasty brush out of your yard. Bad idea: Buy a chainsaw to ...
  • When searching the internet for a new sheet set for your son's room, do not search "bedding teen ...


  • Favorites