The latest from MissCardigan145

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 and toddthefox are now Cheezburger friends
MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for rexlepeno

We actually start school in August and go through mid-May... it's definitely a party!Lots of time to ... [more]

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for rexlepeno

Wow, my semester ended way back in December, and we're just entering the fourth quarter! Anywho, I a ... [more]

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for rexlepeno

Well hello again! Back from the sunny warm South to sleet and snow! Yikes! I was building/rebuildin ... [more]

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 and bronies4lyff are now Cheezburger friends
MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 and DaftChris are now Cheezburger friends
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Classic Sauce: BRODYQUEST

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for rexlepeno

I am going significantly south and east, but not quite coastal! Should be warm. What subject is your ... [more]

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for rexlepeno

I am going down South to do some volunteer work! I'm pretty excited, though I'll be without them use ... [more]

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for rexlepeno

Nothing much, just packing to go on spring break! What's up with yourself?

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 and rexlepeno are now Cheezburger friends
MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 and k33bl3r3lf are now Cheezburger friends
MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 and Mattmoo04 are now Cheezburger friends
MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 left a message for DarthMalc

I am doing just fine, and yourself?

MissCardigan145 MissCardigan145 favorited a lol

Señor Gif: I Can Has Love?

Señor Gif: I Can Has Love?


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7 of 7 messages
By rexlepeno on Apr 2, 2012 at 8:34 PM
“4th quarter of what? do you guys have school generally from september to ap... [more]

By rexlepeno on Mar 27, 2012 at 11:33 PM
“well welcome back! :) that sounds sweet, what you were doing down there! y... [more]

By rexlepeno on Mar 10, 2012 at 4:20 PM
“Texas? haha better get your cowboy on! :P i would love for it to be warm!!... [more]

By rexlepeno on Mar 8, 2012 at 8:47 PM
“how far down south are you going? haha. no worries about you leaving. you'... [more]

By rexlepeno on Mar 8, 2012 at 5:59 PM
“woot! spring break is the best! where are you going? or if your not going a... [more]

By rexlepeno on Mar 7, 2012 at 10:46 PM
“hello? not really sure how this works! haha. but if you can read this, what... [more]

By DarthMalc on Feb 19, 2012 at 11:31 AM
“Ohai thur. How are you doing on this fine day then?”