SPARKleeYumi's Favorites

  • Don't leave your TV remote next to you in the same spot your cat uses to get love and attention f...
  • If, while having a romantic interlude with your husband, you accidentally fart (loudly), the corr...
  • Hear someone talking in the other room late at night? Before you panic and call police, give a li...
  • The top of the toilet tank is not the best place to put your cell while in the shower. It will ri...
  • Never, never, never flip through channels when there is a chance you could sneeze. You will and ...
  • Do not turn on the mixer when you are trying to lick off the icing. It may seem like a good idea ...
  • Use your hands, not your face, to catch the falling Pyrex dish. #LFMF


  • Favorites