aidanchase's Favorites

Not Bad

TV Land Electorate


Times to use the word 'then' when comparing two things

Where's a 1-Up When I Need One

Does Romney Care About You?

History of the Microsoft Logo

People Who Think I'm Funny

Human Sexuality Is Complicated

Oh That's Just Cruel

But It's New!

The Level of Sassiness Cannot Be Quantified

Ten Year Olds Have the Best Gaydar

Time Spent Writing My Essay on 'Persuasion'

Get ready for it...

Domo Bento

What's Not to Like?

How Much Gummy is Too Much Gummy?

"Oedipus Text"

Test Answer FAIL

Revenge of the Bag Boy

Because Clouds Aren't Money?

Common Oxymorons

The Black Family Tree...

Official Nose Size Scale

The Harry Potter Stipple Portrait Aging Timeline

Apple Inc

still not sure if he was joking

me: (aged 6) hey dad, isn't it weird how you and mom have 4 sons and uncle "derp" has 4 daughters. dad: no it's not weird at all. we planned ahead, this way none of you needs to worry about who you are going to marry me: eeeeeeeewwwwwww dad that's gross dad: just wait till they're all grown up I bet atleast one of them turns out hot. you better start getting in good with your uncle if you want first pick. me:O_O

Jennie's mom is a hater

(me eating dinner with very asian mom) Me: Why are you putting your food on my plate? Mom:I want your fish. Me:Oh I thought you were just being kind! Mom: Haters can't be kind.

Unusual Stuffing
