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By Emerald63 on Feb 16, 2016 at 9:30 PM

O Noez! O poor baby! You give Waffles a special, gentle pat for me and tell him I hope he feels better real soon. ++ We've been through something similar. One of our kittehs became an inside cat when I saw her limping for a couple days in a row. We have "porch cats," cats who hang out a lot on/near our front porch and whom we feed daily. (But of course there's no connection between those two facts...) Back in 2010 one of the very young kittens was limping. I finally took her to the vet and she had a horribly broken femur. They didn't realize just how bad it was till they got in there to fix it, though. (I couldn't bring myself to put down such a young creature simply because she'd had an unlucky accident.) The femur was broken straight across instead of at an angle, which meant healing would be more difficult because the bone halves are more likely to slip laterally. Not only that, the bone was split along its length! Between two titanium rods and lots of extra wiring to hold things in place during healing, Brit, as we eventually named her, recovered brilliantly. She's almost 6 years old now! ++ Even though Waffles is hurting right now, he'll be alright in due time. You'll just need to love him up even more than usual. But I'm sure you can handle that. ;)

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By Emerald63 on Jan 15, 2016 at 10:37 PM

HiHo, Brain! I thought of you the second I saw this. Enjoy -

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By Emerald63 on Jan 5, 2016 at 10:05 PM

Ohai, Atomicbrain! It was good to hear from you on Yule - thank you for thinking of me. :) Yeah, it totally sucks to have too little time to do justice to MY holiday because I'm so busy getting ready for THEIR holiday. If I didn't, I'd never hear the end of it. But do they ever send me a card or even acknowledge Yule? Nope. Doesn't matter that they can't claim ignorance, as I've explained it's significance. Sigh... ++ One of my favorite things about Easter is that the name is taken from a Pagan goddess! Also, bunnies and eggs are Pagan symbols. But my favorite thing is asking the supposedly devout believers if they know how the date for Easter is set. It's the last great movable feast day in the Christian calendar, but 99% of them have no clue how the date is chosen. When I tell tell them it's the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, quite a few look very confused about the Nature connections and some even look rather horrified, as though such talk sounds akin to devil worship. HA!! No clue at all that the calendar practices date from their faith's Jewish origins and the lunar calendar Judaism follows. Someone definitely wasn't considering K.I.S.S. ++ I hope you had a nice holiday(s) of your own, whichever of them you may follow. At the very least, I hope airing your Festivus grievances was therapeutic. Didja do anything for New Years? Mark and I remembered to pause whatever we were watching and check in with the Times Square ball drop. A hug, some kissing... then we went back to our show. Yup, we're officially not young anymore. So... the New Years LOL I made is a total fabrication, hehehe!! Had fun with it anyway. Happy 2016 to you and yours!!!

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By mamawalker on Dec 24, 2015 at 11:01 AM

Ohai!! Yes, it is a tough one. For you too, I imagine. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Are you on FB? For years, my son tried to get me 'connected'. When he died, I joined in his honor and to stay in touch with his hundreds of friends who offered their condolences and friendship. I hooked up with many cheezpeeps over there and have liked it so far. Let me know. I like the fact that one can private message with friends. Healthwise, I have been doing very well. I hope the same holds for you! lubznbonx!

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By Emerald63 on Oct 29, 2015 at 11:02 PM

Do keep in touch, Brain. I enjoy our conversations! And I just *have* to hear the latest on The Adventures of Waffles! :D (Luckily, Joonyer did *not* break anything while we were away for 2 weeks.)

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By Emerald63 on Oct 24, 2015 at 10:38 AM

Brain! Great to hear from you!! I wish things weren't going badly for you, though. :( And hey, it's never a bore to sympathize with a friend when the chips are down. So you go ahead and share if you feel the need, OK? ++ My brother-in-law has recovered to what seems like a remarkable degree from the stroke he had on Aug 31, though he finally came home only this past Thursday. ++ Strangely, I can't recall what else may have been going on up till a couple weeks ago. My head's still crowded with the details of a two week trip we just returned from. I do recall discussing the woes of a couple of IRL friends a while back - one who had back surgery earlier in the summer and one who had a bit of a harrowing sail around Florida. Both are fine now, so no worries there. Just concern for you, my friend. ++ I'm looking forward to Halloween (aka Samhain), too, as it's the most sacred holiday of the Western European Pagan year (as well as being a heck of a lot of fun) and also to taking a gander at all those new LOLs you made. ++ It's good to see you back! Keep in mind that a few chuckles every day can help make many of life's difficult times easier to bear, 'kay?

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By mamawalker on Oct 22, 2015 at 1:42 PM

Thank you for the hugs. It is so good to hear from you. I am slowly adjusting to this new existence. The okay days are finally out numbering the dark days, at least. Sry for your trials, my friend. Stay well and stay strong. We Montanans are supposed to be tough, after all. All my best to you and your family. (PS....Thank God for cats!) Much love, mamadubya, Six and Magic

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By Emerald63 on Mar 3, 2015 at 5:07 PM

Just thought you should know, in case your kitteh ever goes missing...

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By Emerald63 on Feb 15, 2015 at 4:13 PM

Hey, good to hear from you AB. Sadly, I don't need to imagine what your wife is going through. I lost both my folks within 7 weeks of each other. But it'll be 8 years since then, starting 3/10. It's not easy, ever, but it does get easier. Please give her my condolences. ++ Good to hear about Waffle. I see my last message of any length to you was back when we had a new addition of our own. We finally settled on the name Joonyer. That's a phonetic variation of Junior meant to capture Sean Connery's brogue in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." He plays Indy's dad and keeps referring to Indy as "Junior." Eventually their Arab friend Sulla asks "What is this 'Junior'?" Dad answers, "That's his name, Henry Jones Junior!" Indy mutters, "My name is Indiana." Dad replies, "We named the *dog* Indiana." Sully explodes in mirthful disbelief, saying "The *dog*? You are named after the DOG?!" Not just funny, but funnier as dogs aren't particularly well thought of as pets in Arabic and/or Muslim culture (not sure which). So, Joonyer... He's still "playing" aggressively, has to be atop every piece of furniture he can manage, and can't leave anything alone. Sigh. He's broken one tall, handled glass drinking vessel with my college alma mater mascot on it, which went into sand-grain sized pieces when it hit the floor. He's also chewed through numerous items and helped himself to any bit of human food that isn't securely covered or locked away every second we're not holding it. He's not all bad, mind you, but OMG he's a handful. He's also HUGE, which means strong, although I've managed to successfully clip all his claws on 4-5 occasions. At least when he sleeps he sleeps *hard* - it can take quite a bit of serious nudging and calling his name to bring him around. But whatcha gonna do? The other offer we had back in the day dried up by our standards when we found out the guy is pretty much a jerk. So Joonyer's here to stay. Unless... Waffle might like to ask him over for an extended play date? We could bring him up then take a look around Montana. We could visit for a while then head out to visit Mamawalker, my other Montana cheezfriend. I'd be willing to do allllll that just so our sweet boy could have a nice loooong play date. 'Kay? :P

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By mamawalker on Dec 31, 2014 at 12:18 PM

Your friendship is a blessing to me! May 2015 be a blessing to us all!!

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By Emerald63 on Dec 21, 2014 at 4:12 PM

Mark the Night & Celebrate the Dawn, My Friend:

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By mamawalker on Dec 21, 2014 at 12:27 PM

The most JOYFUL of Holidays to you and yours! I am so glad that you are my friend!

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By mamawalker on Nov 26, 2014 at 3:30 PM

Gobble, Gobble!! Much love, linder, Six & Magic

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By Emerald63 on Oct 30, 2014 at 2:18 PM

Thank you for making me laugh and for holding my hand when things get rough, Cheezfrend. (((Hug)))

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By plaidcats on Oct 18, 2014 at 4:56 AM

Lol! Dinner at the very least! Gary (this one) resides in about 35 gallons with 11 mountain minnows, none of them medics, I think! One is named Bob, btw. =^.~^= pc

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By plaidcats on Oct 17, 2014 at 4:41 AM

Omg, love the rectal therm! Poor Gary..! :D

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By Emerald63 on Sep 7, 2014 at 5:30 PM

It's settled down a tiny bit here. Meara, the one that was already an "I want to be an only cat" proponent, is still trying to "teach" him "manners" (aka Stay.The.Hell.Away.From.Me!), but there's a skoche less hissing from the others. They all still break into bouts of chasing the hell out of each other (not quite the friendly fun chases between litter mates Aurelia and Amara). We're still waiting to see if it gets any more civilized. Luckily, we do have a couple of potential good homes available and we've found the county to the north of us has a no-kill shelter. *Always* good to know one's in the area. ++ Actually, it's been my experience that girl cats are a lot calmer than boy cats. Also, they don't go around spraying (which males have done even after being neutered). The litter box never smells as bad either. ++ So far Mark is calling him Lucky. But I'd like to find another name, as saying Lucky rankles when I think how unlucky our others are thinking of themselves since his arrival. The words "pecan sandy" keep going through my head when I look at him - he's a very light yellow tabby. But Sandy is too much like a girl's name and I don't want him to get a complex about it. We'll see what we can come up with. I'll let you know. BTW, the funniest name I ever heard for a teeny-tiny baby black kitten was... **NEMESIS**!!! (Asterisks and exclamation points are in lieu of italics and bold, which I don't think we can do here.) I also say it in a teeny-tiny little voice, which cracks up Mark. But "Waffles" is good too, more cute than funny, but they're both good. :D

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By Emerald63 on Sep 4, 2014 at 3:59 PM

Ooooh! Cool!! I was almost a Beltaine (May Day) baby myself but, true to being my father's daughter, I was 12-1/2 hours late, lol. If he keeps asking about the Harz Mountains, pestering you to take him there, tell him that's where fleas come from and that's why flea powder and collars are called Harz. OK, Hartz (brand), but he's a cat - what does he know? We have a new addition, too, it seems. He wondered into my husband's work place Friday night, where big machines and coolant tanks are bad news for kittehs. He came home with Mark and he'll *probably* stay. Mark's already very attached, but our 4 girls are *not* happy about it. Stand by for updates.

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By Emerald63 on Jul 19, 2014 at 5:50 PM

At the very least they seem to get which furniture is meant for "relaxing" - a recliner and a day bed. :) You give Waffles my best and a little kitten-sized pat for me. >^..^<

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By Emerald63 on Jul 17, 2014 at 3:48 PM

So is his name actually Waffles? Awful cute if it is! I'd never had kittens before 2000, when we brought home 2 after the second of our first 2 cats died. I was horrified to find them trying to get behind our stove, which has a natural gas connection. People say child-proofing a home is tough, but I say it pales in comparison to kitten-proofing one. As you noted, the little buggers can climb and, given a few months, can jump, too. The 2 from 2000 are also now gone, but 2 other tiny strays we took in before that were too small to leave at home with the big cats over their first Thanksgiving. We took them with us to my in-laws' and had a little adventure with them there... Mom-in-law is not big on house pets, so they spent a lot of time in the laundry room. But we did bring them out occasionally, especially after she went to bed, hehe. One night we realized after a while that it was awfully quiet (emphasis on awful). We started looking around and couldn't find them *anywhere*. We'd gotten to the point of wondering if there was a loose vent cover under some piece of furniture and they'd gotten to where we couldn't get them back. While checking under furniture we *finally* found them, although thankfully they were *not* in the duct work. They'd managed to crawl under one of the recliner ends of the sofa and were curled up in a single ball just snoozing away. Would've been easier if we could've called to them, but the in-laws were asleep. At least all we had to do was put up the footrest on that end, rather than have to move the whole sofa. Of course the little sweeties woke up, slowly and cutely, and just looked at us like "Mom, Dad... we wuz sleepin', durn it!" LOL! :D

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