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By mamawalker on Nov 21, 2012 at 6:22 PM

Hey, my Montana Cheezfriend: Happy Thanksgiving!

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By elizabuff on Nov 11, 2012 at 8:53 PM

So far he's hanging tough. We'll take him into the vet to be evaluated on Tuesday, but until he's in obvious pain/distress or unable to care for himself. we'll follow his lead - bless him. He's one tough lil guy! Thanks for your kind words.

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By mamawalker on Nov 8, 2012 at 10:59 AM

Thanks for the greets, my friend! Yeah, it's snowing but not blowing here (at least yet). I usually don't have a lot of faith in forecasts but we have 4 inches at my building so far and more to come. Very wet snow, so they will probably call it 1 inch. LOL! I go by the rail on my balcony! Congratz on the calendar LOL! I don't know how to find out without a purchase which is out of the question right now. The cats would be really ticked off if I bought a calendar and they didn't get their treats! God Forbid!! Which lol of yours made it? Be safe and I hope you have no outages! lubznbonx, linder

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By mamawalker on Oct 15, 2012 at 5:55 PM

swathimonthenoseGratz!! Montana high-five! We're both on ancap FP today!! Wahoo!!

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By mamawalker on Sep 25, 2012 at 9:48 AM

baconGratz!! Well done, my friend! Hey, are you getting all the forest fire smoke there, too!! I'm hatin' this!! The East Ridge has once again been repossessed by Ma Nature.

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By Dragonchild1 on Sep 25, 2012 at 1:05 AM

Hi, Jo'burg is ok. It has beauty in some areas, but is a place where money matters. I am originally from Cape Town, hahaha the place with the mountains and sea....Beauty everywhere. A lot of overseas visitors go back over and over, some even stay. Worth the visit and a Google.

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By Emerald63 on Sep 24, 2012 at 6:50 PM

Sci-Fi FP 'Gratsez, AB! Well, what're ya waitin' for? Give'im what's in the wall, he can't read!!

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By Emerald63 on Sep 6, 2012 at 4:06 PM

Holy Cow! That one incident was more than enough to qualify that as the Week From Hell. =:O (That's my hair standing on end, lol.) The whole time I was reading it I had the strongest feeling that I was reading an X-Files story and that any second... ??? ...AAAGH!!! But ya know... that never happened. Now, doesn't that make it seem just a teensy bit less awful? ~widens eyes and raises eyebrows in questioning, hopeful look~ PS - You are hereby *forbidden* to have another week like that one!

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By Emerald63 on Aug 25, 2012 at 5:58 PM

'Kaaay... he touched a nerve, eh? Sadly, men as vocally supportive of women as you are are few and far between. If directly asked, most men would reveal that they find rape and rapists disgusting, but they sure don't stand up for that position without being put on the spot. And the ones who make rape "jokes"? GRRRR................. >:( I was in a discussion once with a Catholic guy who was also very anti-choice, even if a woman had been raped. I finally asked him point blank (via email) how he didn't know that *I* had been raped and left pregnant. (I haven't, but that wasn't the point.) And I asked if he would tell me to my face that I was supposed to allow the actions of the rapist to continue growing inside me for almost a year? About the only concession I ever got from him was a hemming and hawing about how he'd never thought of that and, and, and, well, it was still a child.... And the pregnant rape victim is still a person, one who's been violated and traumatized beyond belief as it is. Further violating and traumatizing her is unconscionable. The only way for her to ever have a chance come back into her sense of self, of being worth something, is to allow HER to decide what happens afterward. // So, have you been unkind to your body through overuse or neglect? I'm the latter, but at least there's the potential for that to change... if I can ever commit to it. I'll get on a letter to my congressional reps to keep "ouch" legal, lol. // As a matter of fact, we've had rain, glorious rain! All the way up to KC yesterday and home again. Hubby's Chiefs lost big time, but at least the rain never quite made it to the stadium. But we had loads here - and cooler temps! :)

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By Emerald63 on Aug 22, 2012 at 9:43 PM

"Human Biology for Republicans" - That's a good one! I wonder if its held in a cabbage patch? Did you know that guy is on some sort of Congressional *science* committee?! (O_o) What's even more stare inducing is the fact that when he eventually kinda-sorta apologized, he noted that his previous choice of words was... wait for it... "ill-conceived." (Insert Nicolas Cage 'You don't say?!' rage comic face here. Oh, and any image that stands for IRONY.) // Oh tell me about the weather! GAH! I suffer heat exhaustion very easily and these last two summers I've been virtually trapped inside for weeks on end, at least until after dark. At least my husband's 2nd shift job fits well with that. But not my weekly need for allergy shots and chiropractic. Darn if they aren't open at night. :P Got the new Nat Geo yesterday and it has "weird weather" as its cover story for September.

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By Emerald63 on Aug 21, 2012 at 7:53 PM

I am so glad I could make your day better! I've been bumming about the changes here, too, but it is starting to not be so bad. I know what you mean about pols - on both sides. Totally sick of it all. Last week I saw this and sent it to a bunch of people: My comment to them was "I have found my fantasy response to 99% of all politicians' rhetoric. And I'm not talking about the tattoo representation, either." // You in the Midwest, too? We *finally* had our heatwave on the plains abate, although now it's about 10' cooler than it should be. Lord only knows what winter will bring. ARGH! // You should check out the link under the meteor shot, then do both the links in the caption there. There are good explanations of how he took the shots (it's a composite, actually) and more photos from the same photographer - gorgeous stuff! // Looking forward to seeing you back in action!

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By Emerald63 on Aug 21, 2012 at 7:22 PM

And again! Yer little Jemima Pirate kitteh iz a adorablol!!!

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By Emerald63 on Aug 21, 2012 at 7:04 PM

OMG! The pic you just faved of the meteor shower! OMG!

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By Emerald63 on Aug 21, 2012 at 7:03 PM

Hey Atomic Brain! Good to see you around! How ya been? I've been bumming big time about the switch to beta, but I'm sorta getting used to it. Not a lot of choice, eh? I did discover today that if you use the "All Sites" list of links (on the upper menu bar of your dashboard or through the wobbly Cheezburger icon at the top of a beta page) you can still get to alpha land! I thought that was gone forever since the "Take Me Back" button was gone. Only problem, there are separate discussion threads on the two versions. But hey - I'll take it! // I see you faved Winnie's "A dapper - I has one" LOL. Reminds me of what I call the "Dapper Mr. Cross-paws" posture some cats do, where they're sitting loafstyle with their front paws stretched out, one crossed over the other. Too cute! Hope you've been well. :)

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By HokieGirl74 on Aug 19, 2012 at 4:21 PM

Yep we March babie have to stick together. ;) I always find lolz to be therapeutic too. And I have so much fun making them. :) Thanks for the congrats. :)

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By HokieGirl74 on Aug 13, 2012 at 7:58 AM

Hey, new Cheezfriend! Congrats on your FP. :) too funny. :)

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By elizabuff on Aug 8, 2012 at 10:44 PM

Okay. I've done my breathjing exercises and read some wonderful messages from the folks here. I'm better now. I have unfriended the people who accused me and a few who were what my mom used to call "coat holders" (people who enjoy stoking the fire of a disagreement). I'm back but will just be a bit touchier for awhile I think. Thank you for your kind words and confidence.

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By mamawalker on May 28, 2012 at 4:13 PM

LOL! Soggy Noms would be a GREAT name for a punk rock band!! Thanks for the bday greets, my friend!!

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By ToolBee on May 21, 2012 at 7:51 AM

LOL! *bzz*

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By ToolBee on May 20, 2012 at 8:21 AM

*bzz* Hello new cheezfriend! PLZ 2 meetchu! :)

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