atomicbrain's Favorites

Yup. It's atrocious.


Big Meme News! Anyone can Play! Post yr best pic for Beginning, your worst for Ending!

I'm not allowed to go to the mall anymore.

Teh itty bitti batti committi. Committed to bringing teh AWWS!

Are 60 million people really this stupid????

Animal Shelter Partners With Retired Seniors to Help Care for Their Youngest Rescue Kittens and the Results Are Wonderful

Oh Deer Me, I Can't Bear to Watch

*Never* believe anyone who says "You need me - I'm the only one who can fix this"

Stalking is not a nice word. I think of it as Unknown Lover.

Must Have Been The Post-Halloween Sugar Rush...

Alcohol can't kill you if you're already dead inside

Sorry about the holes in the garden hose I thought it was a snake

Who even uses the scientific names?

The Way This Daughter Terrorizes Her Mother Over Text Is Cruel... But So Very Funny


Hold still

A short poem

Really it's okay. I hab moar.

Street Smart Cat Knows How to Properly Use a Crosswalk


Stupie hoomans r like glow sticks. I want to snap dem in half, shake them like crazy and hope teh lite comes on.

f*ck you, Carl

I totally understand how batteries feel because I’m rarely ever included in things either.


Well, I had to make some "modifications".....

Okay, my paws are now hooves. It's time to put away the gene splicer, Phil.

No, Dad, NO! Not THAT One, The OTHER One!

You is new here? My name is Annabelle and I got a teddy and a blanky and another blanky and a books and a squeaky duck and a pink ribbon and So when do we eat?

I Didnt Mean It


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