bfloguy's Favorites


Before and After Kids

Aea's Crazy Mom Said

Me: What would you do if I was kidnapped? Mom: I'd wait. After an hour they'd bring you back bec...

Claire's Crazy Mom Said

Me: Mom, what would you say if I told you I was pregnant? Mom: I'd ask how you managed to get a ...

The Upright and Locked Position

What To Do On Facebook When You're Dead

That's Lacist!

14th Birthday Party: Strippers Edition

Refining Resolutions

So... Not Good?

Poster WIN

Last Name Party Time WIN

F-22 Raptor Win

I Put My Pants On One Leg At A Time







Really's Crazy Mom Said

Dad: Is a bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush? Mom: There are things I would rather have in my hand and bush.

Wooooow.'s Crazy Mom Said

Me: Merry Christmas Mom! Mom: Go away! It's not Christmas until I'm drunk.

Tricia's Crazy Parents Said

Mom: Is like you're the ugly duckling, but instead of a swan you turned out to be a condor or something like that. Dad: Well, at least condors are badass.

icarroll93's Crazy Dad Said

Sister: I want to have a girl and name her Allie. Dad: Why, cause that's where she was conceived?

Jiminy Cricket Should Read a Book.

Mom is a "Realist"

JingerKid's Crazy Mom Said

Me: Your horse is fat and annoying. Mom: You're fat and annoying. You're the one with red hair. Me: What's that supposed to mean? Mom: You have no soul.

And Absolutely no Hope for Advancement

JSB23's Crazy Dad Said

(my dad just came home with an axe) Me: "What's the axe for?" Dad: "Because the guy at the gun store said I had to wait a week, but I'm angry now!"


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