ladonnalombardi77's Favorites

  • Mum: we're running like a well oiled... oiled?.. oiled, engine? Me: a well oiled machine. Mum: ...
  • My Grandpa (As we walk into the furniture store): "Excuse me, do you have any croutons?" Salesma...
  • Mom talking about my bossy aunt: She's learned that she's not in charge in this house. There's ...
  • *upon learning that I like country music* Dad: *makes a cross with his fingers* You are no child...
  • My dad, after killing a cockroach: "The worst kind of roach is a COMMUNIST roach."
  • Me, playing Angry Birds: Dad, have you ever played Angry Birds? Dad: No, but I've seen the movie...
  • Driving in the car Me: Remember that one time you crashed into the tree? Dad: I didn't crash in...
  • Step-dad: Don't samba with the cat! Me: Why not? Step-dad: Because she doesn't know how!


  • Favorites