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By Metalchick36 on Apr 5, 2012 at 6:44 PM

Thanks for all the Rickrolls, but now could I have some more extra collectibles to gift out please? Thanks!

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By buyerbware on Apr 4, 2012 at 10:53 AM

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By jlandis on Apr 4, 2012 at 9:19 AM

Awww, fank yoo! An' dat wish had beddur kum troo, 'coz ai has no kitteh! If mai hamsturs or piggies or chinchilla maek kitteh barf, ai gonna faent!!! Big hugs and manee fanks, Anna! U hazza gud dae tu!

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By buyerbware on Apr 2, 2012 at 10:17 PM

I hope you get all A's. Did you own a Psychokat and did he or she believe himself or herself to be a tremendous liion?

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By jlandis on Apr 2, 2012 at 4:08 PM

Indeed! No one's going to ask, "Are you sure it wasn't just exhaustion?" They're going to feel they've come to a wonderful person, and their faith will be an important part of their recovery! :) Yes, you've nailed the situation with sleeping. It's been that way since I was about 12, which is when the MS symptoms started. (Of course, no one in their right mind in the early 70's tested 12-year-olds for MS, so I wasn't diagnosed until age 19.) It shouldn't necessarily be related, but the timing makes me suspicious. Sleep's been a long struggle through school and college and working, as you can imagine. My last job was just excellent about it, and let me work from home as needed throughout the late 80's and early 90's -- far more than is the norm even today. The security guards knew I'd often work overnight, and checked in with me often and took me to and from my car. It didn't even keep me off the promotion track, and I left there as a full managing editor. It was an exceptional case of a workplace accommodating what could well have been a disability, and going out of their way to help me function about 10 years longer than doctors thought I could. All in all, a very blessed life, I should think! :) And better all the time with new insights, research and the caring and devotion of folks like yourself! While I"m pestering you with my ramblings, I started on two new people today. Could I please trouble you for these: Hipster Kitty, Turtroll, Dr Tiny Cat, I IZ Cheezburger, and a Repugnant Pink Egg? Thanks for caring about two total strangers -- and me! Hugs, Jane

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By jlandis on Apr 1, 2012 at 4:43 AM

Good morning, psychokat! I can't believe i'm pestering you again so soon. Could I please beg your these items: You've Got Mail, Basement Cat, Lady Paw Paw, Tacgnol, and 2 Repugnant Pink Eggs? Thank you once again for helping two more people! Have a great week, Anna, and be sure to get some rest! Hugs, Jane

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By jlandis on Mar 31, 2012 at 3:11 AM

Oh Anna, you should definitely get an A+ for having your "patient" that relaxed! :D You're right though, I'll bet it wasn't funny at the time. But now you both have a forever-funny story to tell that will help put patients right at ease with you! Yes, sleep has been a real problem since this relapse started. I've never been able to manage 24-hour days, but that's not been an issue since retirement. I typically sleep for 12 hours and am awake for 27. But I was awake for days on end through February, so I've got to be more careful. I was about to lose my mind (not that there's much of a difference LOL!). You're right, I wouldn't recognize you on the street, but if I go to a new physical therapist one day and she tells me this great story about her classmate being so relaxed during a practical exam that she fell asleep -- well, don't be surprised if I hug the stuffin's out of you! Sleepy well, Anna! ~Jane

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By bjh on Mar 31, 2012 at 12:42 AM

Oh, hai, psychokat! Ai lubs da accurate mirror in your profile pic!! :-D Dis what you have that ai know peeps need: Pink Eggs and It's an A and Celeb Yaris. Any you send are very appreciated! Thanks and have a lovely weekend! =^..^=

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By buyerbware on Mar 31, 2012 at 12:30 AM

*ed* I said that jlandis is the only one of my friends who is still helping complete sets.

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By buyerbware on Mar 31, 2012 at 12:29 AM

Thank you, and I won't!

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By buyerbware on Mar 30, 2012 at 11:32 PM

That's for sure! I need to make some cat helmets.

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By buyerbware on Mar 30, 2012 at 11:28 PM

I don't know when you plan to clear your sets, but I have posted on my profile the usernames of some people who collect one thing and what they collect. Thanks in advance for the Bad Kitty TP - looks like you have six right now.

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By buyerbware on Mar 30, 2012 at 11:10 PM

Thank you very much for the offer. I'd only like the Bad Kitty Toilet Papers, thank you! I have a huge stash that I'm amassing as kind of a joke because I was Permafrost Latrine Orderly in the last SnobLOL Fite! jlandis is the only person on my friends' list who is still getting people into Club 82.

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By Metalchick36 on Mar 30, 2012 at 10:48 PM

Yes, You could send me the entire collection of: Trolling, Mondazze, and Naptime. As for individual collectibles, could use these: Hipster Kitteh, You've Got mail, Turtroll, Cookie, Basement Cat, Convertible, Dr. Tinycat, Swimwear Formal, Bluetooth, Basket, Repugnant Pink Egg, Losing Wieght, Laser Pointer, Toy Mouse, Crispy Tree, Santa Hat, Elf Shoes. Thanks so much for doing this!

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By jlandis on Mar 30, 2012 at 10:19 PM

I have homes for Repugnant Pink Egg and Cake right now. Thank you so big! Yes, you're right about sleep. I haven't gotten as much as usual this week, and it's kicking my butt in the pain department, which makes sleep harder. What a stupid cycle! But I'm going to work hard at it. You get caught up some before your finals too. Too much stress for too long! Thanks for everything, psychokat. You've been a lot of support to me -- and not just with kollekiblols! Hugs, Jane

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By jlandis on Mar 30, 2012 at 10:11 PM

Hi, lady! Absolutely! I'll start a list right now. Bless your heart!

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By jlandis on Mar 30, 2012 at 1:05 AM

Sorry -- I was writing the same time you were! I'm all right. The pain has changed a little, and I am getting some good sleep most every day, so that's a big help. I'm glad one of the exams isn't going to be a problem. I'll bet the other one isn't either, but I know what you're going through. I hope that means you've got a bit of a breather coming. You've had it rough! Take good care!

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By jlandis on Mar 30, 2012 at 1:02 AM

Bless your heart! Now get some good sleep! :)

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By jlandis on Mar 29, 2012 at 11:43 PM

Hi, lady! Could I please trouble you for an Anti Joke Chicken, an Invisible Sandwich, a Cardboard Box and a Happy Pie? And from the Retired Collectibles page, a Joke Book? Thanks for all your help. I hope classes are going well!

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By Metalchick36 on Mar 27, 2012 at 10:12 PM

Could use any extras you can spare, except for the bad Kitteh and Springtime collection! The time of trading is almost over.

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