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By buyerbware on Mar 21, 2012 at 10:27 PM

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By buyerbware on Mar 21, 2012 at 3:38 PM

Thank you very much for helping so quickly. : 7 )

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By buyerbware on Mar 21, 2012 at 9:41 AM

You have extras of eight collectibles that my friend needs. If any of these are not promised, would you please send them to me? Thank you. They are Drink Like a Boss, Survival Matches, Deviled Egg, NO WAI (owl), pink egg, purple egg, Yarn and Snowcats.

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By buyerbware on Mar 20, 2012 at 10:40 PM

Pretty good - coming down the home stretch with only one or two friends to help, but so far I've been able to get each friend into Club 82 with a week or less of hunting and purchasing, so I can't complain.

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By jlandis on Mar 20, 2012 at 5:27 AM

Owie -- sounds like a rotten workload. I was hoping you were all right, but I'm sorry to hear midterms didn't clear a little breathing room! Thank you so much for making the time for this. That was really kind of you, and will help 11 people. The stupid deadline is creeping up fast, so I have to admit I'll probably bug you again. Thanks so much for the invitation, lady! Take good care of you!

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By jlandis on Mar 18, 2012 at 9:05 PM

Hi, psychokat! Everything okay with you? I hope school's going well. Could I please pester you for some collectibles again? I have homes for these: Van Halensing, 3 Fight Like A Boss, Table Pong, Monorail Cat, 3 Revolting Rainbow Egg, 2 Lovely Yellow Egg, Exercising More, Dress, Invisible Trophy, 2 Karot, Candy Cane, CORM, 2 Turkey, Reflex Hammer, Stethoscope, and a Thermometer. Thanks for anything you can do to help!

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By jlandis on Mar 7, 2012 at 10:16 PM

Hi, psychokat! Hope classes are going well. That last list has changed a little bit since a few people got completed. Now that it's a little smaller, I thought I'd update it. The needs now that I'm having trouble finding elsewhere are: 3 Fight Like A Boss, a Basement Cat, 2 Survival Matches, a Table Pong, a Deviled Egg, 3 Revolting Rainbow Eggs, 2 Lovely Yellow Eggs, an Exercising More, a Dress, the Invisible set, a Cake, 2 Karots, a Yarn, a Candy Cane, a CORM, 2 Turkeys, and the Dr. Tiny Cat's Trauma Center set. Thank you so much for helping so many people have complete collections before the deadline!

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By Metalchick36 on Mar 7, 2012 at 2:09 PM

Hi Psychocat! Could I please have any extra collectibles you can spare? (Except for the collectibles in Troll Science, Springtime, and Bad Kitteh) Thanks!

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By jlandis on Mar 4, 2012 at 4:01 AM

Hi, psychokat! I hope it's all right to pester you again. This latest group of 20 needs so much! Could you please spare these: Van Halensing, You've Got Mail, 3 Fight Like A Boss, 2 Survival Matches, Table Pong, Deviled Egg, 3 Revolting Rainbow Egg, 2 Lovely Yellow Egg, Exercising More, Dress, Invisible Sandwich, Invisible Trophy, 2 Karot, Yarn, Candy Cane, CORM, 2 Turkey, Reflex Hammer, Stethoscope, , Thermometer, 3 Celeb Yaris, and a Joke Book. Bless you great big!

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By buyerbware on Feb 29, 2012 at 10:13 AM

Hi. A couple of us just sent freight trains' worth of collectibles to jlandis and she still needs five or more of several collectibles. Monorail Cat is one that I know for sure that she needs now. Would you please send her your extra? Thanks. : 7 )

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By buyerbware on Feb 24, 2012 at 10:04 PM

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By buyerbware on Feb 23, 2012 at 9:14 PM

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By buyerbware on Feb 23, 2012 at 9:13 PM

Thanks for the collectibles. I asked for them for Cratchmaster; he still needs an Invisible Bike and a Corm. Would you please send them to me? Thanks.

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By buyerbware on Feb 23, 2012 at 7:23 AM

Would you please send me your two extras in the "Haters Gonna Hate" set, then scroll down and send me a Paranoid Parrot (what a combination)?" thanks. : 7 )

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By buyerbware on Feb 22, 2012 at 8:16 AM

Thank you for the LOLcat. My good friend Kayzebo gave him a good home. Would you please send me your Haters Gonna Hate and Ceiling Cat Detective collectibles? Thank you.

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By jlandis on Feb 22, 2012 at 4:23 AM

I don't like the changes either. It doesn't feel like as fun a place. You're right about MS. I haven't been able to use my left arm or hand since Feb. 1, and the pain has been constant -- besides not being able to get sleep or stay warm. We need folks like you! I'm doing folk's collectibles as a distraction, so I doubly appreciate everything you can possibly send! Thank you! That's such a big help! Your items will be on so many pages, helping others have complete collections too. Next, I'm always running out of Sketchy Bunnies Collectibles eggs, Yaris items, and the last 10 sets, from New Year's Rezolshunz on down, because everyone needs most all of those. Have a great day!

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By buyerbware on Feb 19, 2012 at 2:17 PM

Would you please send me your extra LOLcat ("Evolution of Cats" set)? Thank you.

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By jlandis on Feb 18, 2012 at 5:16 AM

It's a wonderful profession! Yes, I know exactly what you you're going to school for -- just from the other side of the table! I've had MS for over 30 years, and people in your profession have been a lifeline for me. Don't worry about timing -- studies first! Maybe a few now and then when you take a break for LOLs. (Is that a bumber sticker yet: "I Brake for LOLs"?) The program is ending in April, and no one will be able to move collectibles after April 15, so that's why the rush for them now. I've been helping groups of people at a time. The last group needed tons and this one's hard too. That's why I'm asking for your help. To send multiples or sets more easily -- hover over an item, and instead of clicking the gift box on the left, click the magnifying glass on the right. That brings up the set's page, where you can send items without scrolling. Send all the extras of one item, then click on another item in the set and do that one. When you're done with a set, click "See all collectibles" under the last item to go back to your page. Much faster! Big thanks, and keep me posted on Those midterms. Study hard! :)

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By jlandis on Feb 13, 2012 at 11:57 PM

That's wonderful! What a great career -- what led you to it? Real patients is a big leap, but they'll be sure you're ready first -- all exciting, no scary! Being able to release pain and restore function is a tremendous gift. Thanks for your help with the collectibles. No matter how hard I scavenge, there are still items I can never find enough of. These will help a lot of people who are actively working on their own collections while helping others too. Big thanks! Jane

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By jlandis on Feb 13, 2012 at 2:04 PM

"Not horrific"? I certainly wish better for you! :D Midterms in what? I remember those days too well. I'll freak out with you if that will help. When you have a chance, I could use your help after a busy weekend. I'm doing my begging to prepare for the next few people, and these are the ones I'm going to run out of first, if not already: Squee Squirrel, Rage Trashman, LOLonardo, Jason Alone, Piggy Bank, Paddle Ball, Anti Joke Chicken, Paranoid Parrot Loops, Challenge Accepted Guy, Toilet Paper, Lenin Cat, Rainbow Derp, O RLY, NO WAI, Paranoid Parrot, LOLCat, and Chocolate Bunny. I'd appreciate any help with these when you have time. Take good care, and don't panic without me! :D Jane

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