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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 8:25 PM

Yes, I read your comment and that almost made me finally burst into laughter, but I had to control myself in order to avoid a family gathering around the computer (See, they are very curious, and once they all showed up to see what was I doing JUST when I was reading something 'tricky' about this new film, "Shame". I don't trust them anymore, they show up at the worst moments). As soon as I learn how to make gifs I'll make myself a Tumblr and I promise you will be the first one followed! Really, I love your blog and I'll keep it in my daily web-visits. Thank you for transforming a boring Saturday in a ridiculously fun one! And thanks too for accepting me as a friend, I don't usually do that, but I wanted to help people with collectibles today... I'm sorta weird, you probably didn't notice it, but when I get my Tumblr you'll find out. You, milady, are an awesome person :)

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 8:09 PM

I thought you did other writing because it was very professional wording and perfect grammar... and all sounded so well funded, trait of a writer who actually knows about the subject being referred in the story. Too bad the Doctor didn't want to give Watson a fez in order to cheer him up! Maybe in the next fanfic? :) And that new video idea is really good, it's what in media call 'replotting': you make a huge new story by changing minuscule things of an existing one... it will work out pretty well, so I'll stay tuned to your blog so I can be one of the first people to see it! (And remember, if you have any editing question or need assistance, I can help you, I kinda remember how to use MM). Talking about that, I finished reading your blog in between messages! You started it very recently, didn't you? My whole family stared at me very weirdly when I started giggling like a little girl... turns out someone didn't warned me about a certain post that featured an interview with Colin Firth about the subject of motion capture! Thanks to my massive (read, MASSIVE) Oldman crush I ended up red as a tomato and almost stopped breathing, then I started giggling. Thanks for reblogging that... no, honestly, it's now one of my favourite interview bits EVER <3

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 7:28 PM

Sorry I took so long to answer, I was having dinner! I loved your Watson/Doctor fanfic!!! I almost broke down crying at the end... it would have been so great for poor Watson to be explained about the 'suicide'. You write very well, I would love to read more fanfic from you... do you write other things beside fanfic? :) And the video is an excellent mashup, I cannot believe it was done with Movie Maker (it usually crashes when I try to use it), nice balance between the loyalty of Watson to Sherlock and the strong friendship between them. Hope you continue with the line of Sherlock videos that you mentioned on that post! I use Premiere because I do photo and video montage for birthdays and stuff, I make little money out of it but I still have fun doing it. I get your Reichenbach sadness... I remember watching an older incarnation of Holmes, and an alike situation happened. I almost collapse from happiness when Sherlock showed up in Watson's office and explained the whole ordeal (he was presumed missing, because he was hiding from the 'dead' Moriarty and didn't wanted to put John in danger)! Anyways, I love your Tumblr, I'll be checking it every two days or so, thank you so much for recommending it to me!!! <3

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 6:08 PM

Well, I definitely see you ADORE the "B. Cumb" (it's my nickname for him, please don't kill me for it). I got to a gif photoset of most of his clothes-free scenes and I had to look around to see if any of my relatives was looking at my computer monitor at that time. Nobody was, luckily... but I've been caught at worse! I can edit video, I use Adobe Premiere CS3, if you get stuck at anything or you need help, just let me know and I'll help you! What video editing software are you using?

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 6:02 PM

Well, I love your feelings towards Sherlock. You have the happy gifs you reblog and the kinda sad thoughts and expressions after Reichenbach Fall. I say 'kinda' because it's sweet to see how much of a fan can a person be, and how great the show actually is that it evokes so many different feelings in one human being. One of the best things of your blog is that you have this specific fandom (I'm a fandom jumper too, so don't worry), but you try to revert to other things, only to fall back on Sherlock all over again. I'm trying to see how can I keep the 'forest is full of angels' gif photoset you have on the first page... any idea of how can I put lots of gifs together and save it as one archive?

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 5:55 PM

Ok, I'm on page 9 now... anything you want to warn me before I continue? :D Let me see... my favourite movie is Zoolander. I love it since I'm 10, I think it's the best parody movie ever. Other films I love are The Fall, K-Pax, Galaxy Quest and most of Terry Gilliam's movies (I'm a comedy geek, mostly. Don't know why, though). My favourite writer probably is Douglas Adams, or Saki... I would spend an entire day reading Saki stories if I could. I would continue writing about me, but... I can't help going back to that young Martin Freeman photo. I think I inexplicably fell in love with it.

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 5:47 PM

Before I even write all of the things I have planned to write... I'm in the 6th page of your Tumblr. *anglophile fangirling squee* I love it, just letting you know that, it's the first blog I see that has a platypus AND Martin Freeman!!! Back to you message... Dorian Gray the new one or the older adaptations? I loved the new one, a bit freaky in some parts, but it remained true to the story, and it had Colin Firth + Ben Barnes (that's enough happiness for me). I saw Tinker Tailor, and trust me, you'll love it. It has a great cast (I mean, Firth, Cumberbatch, Hardy, Jones, Strong... and my always number one Gary Oldman), it's awesomely directed, and it's one of the most interesting, catching films I've seen in a while. "Mr Blue Sky" is really cool, I'm sure my mom has it on vinyl! I'm going to write my favourite things on other message because otherwise this would be a loooong message, I have to think some of the options, and (most important) I'm going to advance a couple of pages of your Tumblr because I need my Sherlock daily dose. I'll write you in a second :)

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 5:26 PM

I always thought that Graham was a great man, and I got completely sure after I read his life's story... Eric Idle is surely the Python that makes me laugh the most, but Chapman will be forever the best one in the group. My mom's a huuuuuuuge fan of ELO, and be sure that once "Last Train to London" starts playing, there's no one that can sing it as loudly (or as off-pitch) as I am :) And how about movies? You have any favourite director, actor, writer... costume designer?

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 5:12 PM

I tend to forget most things, so I write a lot in order to gather all before I stop remembering the point; and that's why I had not realized you like Monty Python as well, or if I did, I forgot it! I like most rock bands. My favourite's are My Chemical Romance, R.E.M., and I don't know why but I would kill for Manic Street Preachers. I just reread your profile, and I've got to tell you that you have a great taste in music. I've always loved Green Day and Queen, and my uncle has a Rush tribute band... so you can imagine I'm very familiar with it. It's funny how many things we have in common but, again, I'm sure we're not the only people in this world with this fine taste in culture! :D PS: I loved that you put a mini-bio of Graham on your profile, it's a nice way of remembering him :)

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 5:01 PM

I'm writing your Tumblr on my list as soon as I finish writing this message. I'm a Whovian as well (Tenth Doctor FTW, sorry, I read your favourite is Smith's... I adore him as well, but not as much as David). I'm also a huge Python fan, Douglas Adams obsessed human being, "The Professionals"' best southamerican fan, and I generally adore anything british! Sounds like we could get along very well... besides being a fellow Sherlockian and Whovian (and fan of british culture), any other thing we may have in common? Allons-y!, sorry for the long message! :)

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By Luzis on Jan 21, 2012 at 4:39 PM

Hi! I'm fine, you? I don't have a Tumblr (though I check a couple of them every week), but I'm trying to make lots of friends in order to help everyone with their collectibles. Hope you don't mind. I added you because you made one of my favourite LOLs (the "Sherlock" graph)! Thanks for your message and for accepting me as a friend :) Hugs!

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By fareon on Jan 21, 2012 at 2:48 AM

I'll admit it was a bit sad, but being of the male persuasion i wouldn't admit to crying even if i did ;-) I just hope that Moriarty isn't dead it wouldn't be good for the show and if Sherlock can fake jumping of a building then Moriarty should have no trouble faking shooting himself in the head :P I checked out the Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy it seems interesting i definitely going to see it.

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By fareon on Jan 19, 2012 at 4:40 AM

I see =) so have you watched season 2 of Sherlock yet the last episode was very good perhaps the best so far, I won't say any more than that so I don't spoil it for you :P

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By challengeaccepted123 on Jan 18, 2012 at 7:08 PM


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By fareon on Jan 18, 2012 at 1:24 AM

Ok, now I'm thoroughly confused, are you saying that weeping angels turn up in Sherlock?

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By fareon on Jan 17, 2012 at 2:19 AM

Ok, but what I don't get, well ther are alot of things I don't get but let's not get in to that :P, is if they are new monsters how do you know what is accurate for them? Or am I just missing something as usual =)

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By fareon on Jan 16, 2012 at 2:52 AM

Teh angel episodes are very good, I think "The Weeping Angels" are actually new villians meaning they didn't appear in the erlier Doctor Who? That mostly why I would watch teh older episodes because there is so much back story that I'd like to know =)

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By el.carl2 on Jan 13, 2012 at 12:42 PM

Yea! i know Monty Python. Im from Argentina, here in the 90s was Benny Hill Show.!

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By challengeaccepted123 on Jan 13, 2012 at 4:47 AM


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By fareon on Jan 13, 2012 at 1:37 AM

So have you watched any of the older Doctor Who that aired form 1960 something to 1990 something? I was considering satring a few years ago but it's like 700 episodes :P

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